War Paradise

Chapter 1023 Massacre in the Underground Warehouse

After the episode just now, Lin Chi's next actions were exceptionally smooth.

All the members of the Lion Gang nearby seemed to have been killed by the mysterious person just now. Lin Chi met almost no enemies along the way, so he completed his search on the west side of the shopping center.

Except for the corpses of the Lions gang members that have been disposed of, there is nothing else worthy of attention here. The poor worms that have been killed are just ordinary guards, and there are no high-level cadres or the like.

At the same time, the other three basically searched the entire first floor of the shopping mall, but they were also unable to find anything.

So, what to do next is obvious:

"Upstairs or downstairs?" The jackal's voice was a little dull, and it was kept low in order to avoid being heard by the guards of the Lion Gang.

"It's more likely to be underground." Lin Chi immediately made a judgment: "Let's go and take a look below."

The abandoned shopping mall has only two floors on the ground, and the possibility of building a secret warehouse on the second floor is very low. How to drive the truck to the second floor is a problem. Since the secret base is not on the first floor of the shopping mall, it should be hidden underground.

——However, the weird man who fought with him just now seems to have also ran towards the ground.

"Do you want to come to the second round..." Lin Chi laughed and walked towards the stairs leading to the underground area.

As usual, there are still some infrared alarms and the like, blocking his way. Of course, for Lin Chi, who has already seen various organs in the game, these alarms are nothing more than "Little Brother", and it is completely easy to bypass these things and dive underground.

Bend down to avoid the infrared rays sweeping from the top of the head, jump over the pressure sensor, and enter the blind spot directly below before the surveillance camera turns back. Lin Chi's series of actions can be described as smooth and flowing, subtly avoiding any alarms.


Lin Chi let out a long sigh.

He had kept his full concentration until he passed the most dangerous passage and successfully entered the underground area before finally relaxing. However, just after entering the passage leading to the front, a dark metal door blocked the way.

Although many alarms were installed, there was no copper wall and iron wall similar to a military base in the secret warehouse of the Lion Gang. Lin Chi soon noticed that there was a small door on the metal gate for people to enter and exit, and, that Dao Xiaomen was still in a state of concealment at this time.

——Did the mysterious person just go in?

Lin Chi drew his saber again and stood beside the small empty door. The light from the crack in the door brightened the gloomy underground space.

Before opening the door, I used a mirror to take a peek from the side. What I saw was a wide cargo aisle. Relying on the light from the ceiling, I could see the thick tire marks on the ground, which were obviously left by trucks.

Perhaps the "garbage truck" that transported goods just now entered the underground warehouse from this passage. Lin Chi knew that he should be very close to the goal. but……

"Arrive at the entrance." Mason sent a message.

"I don't think the situation is right." Lin Chi frowned and shrank his body in the corner next to the gate: "Someone else sneaked in before us, and there may be an ambush inside."

"Man, you think too much, Daddy won't be caught." Jackal's voice was contemptuous, as if he was very confident.

"I'm not talking about the ambush of the Lions gang, but the ‘agent’ who fought with me just now." Lin Chi whispered, "The purpose of that guy is not clear yet. Maybe he will be hiding us inside."

"I'm all there, just give up like this?" The jackal seemed a little depressed: "You don't want to just leave, are you my friend?"

——Do you want to go in and have a look?

The others on the radio waited silently for the commander's judgment. After thinking for a moment, Lin Chi slowly spoke again:

"Sneak in, and once the alarm is triggered or an accident occurs, immediately gather with Jane."

The strongest existence in the four-man group is the youngest "super-powered boy". Even if there is real fraud in the warehouse, as long as you can be with Zhen, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Understood." Mason cut off the call after one sentence.

After confirming the next action plan, Lin Chi also tiptoed back to the small door. After reconfirming that there were no booby traps installed on the door, he slowly opened the door and slipped in. The underground warehouse of the Lion Gang.

This warehouse seems to be rebuilt from the underground warehouse of the shopping mall. There is no guard at the entrance, maybe it was killed by the mysterious person just now.

Lin Chi held a pistol and a saber in both hands, posed in a close combat (CQC) posture, and entered the cargo aisle vigilantly, only to see the gray and white walls on both sides covered with black stains, as if dragging something. Stayed at the time.

The cold light of the fluorescent lamp brightened the underground warehouse. Lin Chi noticed that some sandbags were piled up in the right front of the passage. A heavy machine gun was placed on the sandbags, creating a simple "underground machine gun bunker." However, the Lions gang members who were supposed to guard the bunker have disappeared at this time.

"Isn't there a boss fight in this ghost place..."

Looking at the open space with complex topography in front of him, Lin Chi had an ominous premonition in his heart. According to his experience, this underground warehouse looks a lot like a standard boss battlefield. Even if the text prompt "BOSS battle has started" popped up in front of him, Lin Chi would not be surprised.

He walked slowly to the bunker where the sandbags were piled up and looked inside. He saw the body of a member of the lion gang, curled up in a small space surrounded by sandbags. The sticky blood flowing from the bottom of the body covered his side. Floor tiles.

Judging from the bleeding wound of the corpse, he should have been killed a few minutes ago. In this way, the mysterious person just walked this way, and also helped Lin Chi deal with the guards along the way.

However, even if he saved a lot of effort, Lin Chi was totally unhappy. He just speeded up his steps dignifiedly and ran towards the depths of the warehouse.

——The purpose of the mysterious person is not clear yet, maybe he came to destroy this warehouse. If you continue to procrastinate, the upper-level cadres and contacts you want to find may be killed directly by the mysterious person!

Lin Chi rushed across the corner and entered the side passage. Three corpses of Lion Gang members appeared in front of him. Three HK-417 rifles fell beside the corpses, but there was not even a single cartridge case nearby.

Obviously, these three poor bugs didn't even have a chance to shoot, they were killed by the mysterious person. Just as Lin Chi walked forward quickly and searched the warehouse area, Mason suddenly contacted:

"Commander, I found the vulture you said."

"How is he?" Lin Chi asked immediately.

"he died."

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