War Paradise

Chapter 1065 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Summary at the end of the year! (Long-lost single chapter)

Well, the long-lost chapter has appeared again, and I rarely write such things except for various fancy leave. But since another year has passed, let's talk about the next plan, right?

After a long time on the street, although I was still unwilling to do so, but I started to get used to it. After all, there are always people in this world who are on the streets...No, there are always people walking on the road of niche people. Do whatever you want and write what you want. Isn't this just the romance of the author? Regardless of your previous results, as long as you are happy to write, I think so.

When I put my testimonials on the shelves, I mentioned that this will be my last work. But after seeing the lovely readers who have been supporting this sluggish novel and accompanying this book to the present, I changed my mind again.

If nothing else, the story of "War Paradise" will end in 2019. After the book is over, the author will not directly seal the pen, but intends to write some content dictated by his own interests. For example, short stories-I also originally wrote short stories, which is why I can't control the novels! (Breaking sound)

Write a complete story in 10,000 words, and then start a new journey. If there is a next book, it might be such a subject. Of course, if I find a subject that I particularly want to write, it is possible to expand it into a long book again.

However, before starting the next book, let's talk about this book:

Now that you have all participated in the blasting event, you should also understand what I want to say: I need a monthly pass! Even the salted fish will turn over from time to time. For the sake of my efforts to update, let me vote for a monthly pass. What a new year in the new year, in case of a successful turnaround, I will continue to work hard to update and thank you all!

I wish you all good health in the new year, goodbye~

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