War Paradise

Chapter 1035 Dangerous Reunion

——The power supply here has been cut off. Why does the elevator operate normally?

Confused Jane cast her gaze on the cloud of smoke, and saw the fog spreading from the elevator drifting towards where she was.

Seeing the weird scene, the young man suddenly retreated a few steps, and clenched his weak fists.

Jane has used her perception ability to try to detect the situation inside the smoke, but she has found nothing. The smoke seems to have special effects that cannot be detected, and even isolates the teenager's superpowers.

——There are also superpowers among the enemies?

Although she has not seen the situation in the smoke clearly, Jane still feels a dangerous breath. When she was still a member of the Soviet superpowers, she had encountered tricky enemies. The tension at that time was exactly the same as she feels now. .

The young man took a silent step forward, creating an absolute defensive barrier around his body that could not be breakthrough, isolating himself from the surrounding space.

"Come out..." he whispered.

Two seconds later, a weird sound that could not be described in words sounded in the smoke, as if it was a call from the abyss, and the built-in "magic sound filled ears" effect made Jane frowned.



As the enemy pouring in from the front door began to rout, Lin Chi and the three men who fought bloody on the first floor finally got a little respite, but as soon as they put on a new magazine, they heard a rushing sound in the east corridor. Footsteps.

"Mason, kill them." Lin Chi nodded to the soldiers beside him.

"Received." Mason said as he took out a grenade and threw it into the tunnel.

Even if the enemy rushing in from the front gate was temporarily suppressed, the number of the enemy still occupies an overwhelming advantage. After all, Lin Chi and the others directly attacked the enemy's base camp and were fighting on someone else's territory.

Seeing that the number of enemies had decreased, Lin Chi and the Jackal took advantage of the victory and pursued them. The surviving Silver Shield soldiers exited the hall in embarrassment, and then began to support Mason who was suppressing the enemy in the corridor.

The strange thing is that the infantry fighting vehicles parked on the square did not fire at them, as if they had disappeared, and did not join the battle at all.

"Commander, do you want to split up?" One shot shot and killed the Silver Shield soldier who had just stuck his head out. Mason leaned against the wall to avoid the fire range, waiting for Lin Chi's next order.

——Splitting the troops in the enemy's base camp seems to be a complete death option. However, no matter whether it was equipment or combat experience, the three people present had a crushing level advantage compared with the soldiers of the Silver Shield. In addition, there is a more terrifying "monster" on the second floor. The efficiency of separate operations may now be higher.

"What do you think?" Lin Chi glanced at the jackal who was changing bullets next to him.

"Yes, these chores are not Daddy's opponents at all." The Jackal nodded contemptuously.

"Well, you stay here to deal with the remnants coming in from the main entrance. Mason goes to the west passage, I go to the east, don't forget to look for clues related to No. 21 along the way." Lin Chi was also unambiguous, and ran directly to the hall holding the ACR. The corridor on the east side.

The walls of the corridor are full of bullet holes and traces of bullets. The part of the wall covered by flesh and blood makes people wonder whether they have entered the slaughterhouse. The corpses of many Silver Shield soldiers were lying down in the corridor, and the bullet holes on their bodies were still gurgling blood, converging on the ground into a dark red "river of blood."

The battle here is extremely tragic, but for Lin Chi, who is used to seeing such scenes, it is not a big deal. He drew out the Dark Vulture pistol, shot and killed several wounded who were still struggling, and walked slowly and steadily towards the stairwell in front, observing the offices on both sides of the corridor along the way, looking for the location of the drug lord.

The east side of the first floor is like a civilian office. There is no clue about No. 21. Lin Chi came to the front of the stairs. When he was about to go upstairs, he heard a burst of guns fire again in the lobby behind him. Voice.

"Need help?" he asked the jackal who stayed in the hall on the radio.

"Get out of here, I won't be killed by this kind of trash fish." The jackal scolded swear words roughly.

"Good luck." Lin Chi said as he took a step, and when he was about to walk up the stairs, he found that the elevator not far away was not quite right:

The power supply in the building should have been completely cut off by Jane, and even the backup power supply could not be supplied. However, on an indicator screen next to an elevator, the text on the floor was displayed-2.

This kind of thing will happen, obviously not in line with common sense, it seems impossible to power an elevator alone. In other words...maybe some very difficult guys took the elevator to the second floor of the Silver Shield headquarters.

So now, is Jane fighting that guy?

Lin Chi looked up at the corner of the dark corridor, only to hear a loud noise erupting from the top of his head, like a wooden stake hitting a huge ancient bell, and the lingering sound lasted for a long time.


For some reason, the sound made Lin Chi's hair horrified, as if it had the effect of a halo of horror, and he was about to step on the stairs, but suddenly stopped again.


Holding the grip of the right hand palm tightly, a few beads of sweat began to pour out, Lin Chi put away the pistol and replaced it with the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex shotgun in his hand. Aim the muzzle at the inside of the stairwell and take a step carefully.

If the enemy is also a superpower like Jane, he may not be able to cope with it by own power alone.

Although in a map like the City of Chaos, it stands to reason that there will be no bosses such as superpowers. But in this game that does not play cards according to common sense, any situation can happen.

Lin slowly walked up the stairs and entered the corner of the stairwell. He raised his head and looked at the stairs above, only to find a cloud of gray smoke blocking the door above.

——Is it poison gas? Or something else?

Faced with the unknown situation, Lin Chi also became vigilant again, contacted Mason by radio, and said, "Don't go upstairs for the time being, the second floor is in danger."

"Yes." Mason's answer was still concise.

——No matter what is hidden upstairs, it seems that it cannot be dealt with by the power of "humans". With my flesh and blood in this game, it is too difficult to deal with superpowers.

Realizing this, Lin Chi did not choose to provoke the mist, but slowly walked down the stairs.

As soon as he returned to the first floor, he heard the roar of the jackal in the hall, the pitch was much higher than usual, and the tone was full of consternation:

"You... why are you... here?"

"I'm here to kill you, bastard."

Along with the low female voice, the gun battle that had just stopped in the hall broke out again.


Today there are things that can only be changed three times first, and will continue to be updated tomorrow~

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