War Paradise

Chapter 1055 Shadow of the Plague

After dinner, Lin Chi logged into the game again, ready to start own's fourth cruel tour of the Temple Church.

Now that the routine of this map has been figured out, the next thing to do is to find a way to the "temple" through a lot of attempts.

Before going online, Lin Chi had made sufficient preparations and determined that his body could last until noon the next day. However, there was a vague feeling in his heart that the cruel journey of the Temple Church should not last that long.

"let's start……"

Lin Chi opened the menu, clicked the button to enter the game, and the scene in front of him became blurred again.

The dark medieval street ushered in a new visitor.


"Uh ah ah ah!"

The harsh howl shook Lin Chi's eardrums and awakened him from a coma.

Just after waking up, Lin Chi immediately noticed that his right hand was not conscious, and when he looked down, he saw that only the bones of his right arm and his left arm were also decayed.

"Is it the plague again..."

Lin Chi opened the attribute bar and looked at it. This time his attribute is still four or seven. There are no skills in the skill bar, and what appears in the status bar is not a fatal plague, but another negative effect:

Rotting Plague (level 5).

Your body is decomposing, and this effect cannot be cured with medicine. When your organs begin to decompose, you will immediately die.

"What's the difference between this and the deadly plague..." Lin Chi muttered.

He looked around and found that this time Own's birthplace was also a dark alley. A few ragged corpses just fell not far away, and the bloody appearance of Qiqiao looked terrifying.

So, the man who grabbed his ankle in the last game was infected with this rotten plague?

Quickly summarizing the information currently available from the game, Lin Chi tried to stand up on the wall with his swollen left hand. Fortunately, only his right arm was completely decomposed, and his legs were relatively intact.

Perhaps it is to prevent the players from suffering too much. The pain in this map does not seem to be so obvious. Perhaps it has been further weakened on the basis of one-third of the original. Of course, it may also be because these suffering dying people have long been accustomed to pain.


Lin Chi used his left hand to break the rotten bones in his right arm, and found a section of a fairly hard bone to hold in his hand as a temporary weapon.

He knows very well that with his character's physical condition, even if he has a weapon, it doesn't make much sense, but since it's his own bones, it's okay to use it...

Lin walked slowly to the entrance of the alley, poked his head out before going out, and peeped to the sides alertly.

This narrow street doesn't seem to be the road from the previous round, but the buildings on both sides of the road are the same as last time, all doors are also locked. There were many refugee bodies lying down on the street, and no living people could be seen.

Seeing that the deadly ballista did not appear this time, Lin slowly walked onto the street. Just as he was about to leave, the howling sound just sounded again:


The voice seemed to endure endless pain, and it was numb to the scalp. I noticed that the voice came from a two-story apartment on the side of the street. Lin Chi stood in front of the brown wooden door sealed by the planks, listening to the sound inside the house.


Something broke, and a man's scream sounded again in the room, and there was also a woman's sharp voice, as if she was reading something, but she couldn't hear the content.

Looking up at the black-walled building in front of him, Lin Chi knocked on the wall with his bones and asked, "How are you?"

As if frightened by him, the sound in the room stopped abruptly, and there was no movement at all. Lin Chi came to the window, but his sight was blocked by the heavy curtains and the fenced window frame, so he couldn't see anything.

——What happened here?

Lin Chi put down the "bone dagger" in his hand, passed his left hand through the gap between the iron fences, and reached out to stroke the cold glass. He was about to knock on the window to see if he could break the glass, only to hear a grumpy female roar from the room:

"Go away, humble wild species! Don't bother me!"

"I'm just here to ask for directions." Lin Chi said dumbly.

"Don't think I don't know. The people outside are all patients. You must not live long!" The curtain opened a small slit, revealing a bloodshot brown eye: "Don't try to trick me into opening the window. I will never get sick. The plague!"

"Can't we talk?" Lin Chi also tried to communicate with this guy. But the other party was obviously not interested in chatting, he drew the curtains hard, and shouted angrily:

"Quickly cut off your arm, do you want to catch the plague?"

"My hand..." a man wailed feebly.

"You can't take your hand, hurry up!"

Along with the woman's shout, a sound similar to the chopping of meat with a kitchen knife sounded, and the man began to scream again. By now, Lin Chi had already understood what was going on in the house.

"This is really a human tragedy." He laughed, leaving the window and continuing to the east side of the street.

It seems that these sealed buildings are still inhabited, and the residents should use the houses as refuges, trying to survive the terrible wave of plague. However, judging from the severity of this plague, even if they hide in the house, their chances of survival are not much higher.

People in this era have no common sense about infectious diseases. As for how to treat the plague, it has been clearly stated in the map introduction and tips:

"When the whole world becomes The Underworld, and when the relatives and friends around you turn into enemies, the final salvation is hidden in the "temple."

——Can you survive as long as you enter the temple? The more important question is, where is this so-called "temple"?

Lin Chi looked left and right, trying to find a road sign on the street, but found nothing. There was nothing but cold stone bricks and the bodies of refugees. The breath of Death spread and turned into gray smoke shrouded in the sky.

I have to say that this is the most "desperate" map he has ever ranked. Even when he avoided the butcher in the Doomsday Hotel, it was not as full of powerlessness as it is now.

"Let's take a look first..." Lin Chi sighed and hobbled forward.

The obscure apartment on the side of the street blocked the view. From here, there was no temple at all. He searched on the sidewalk for a while, and finally found a broken wooden signpost in the corner of the wall. The two lines of text on it were still clear:


"The wisdom of the temple guides us, and believers will go to eternity."

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