War Paradise

1061 The Angel in the Tomb

The monster with stitch marks all over his body walked up the spiral staircase. After passing a stairway, the stairway leading to the top was blocked by a rusty fence door, blocking his way.

Seeing that there was only one way to go, Lin Chi peered through the stairs, and what came into his sight was dark blue glass.

This time, what appeared was not a straight corridor, but a maze made up of suspected glass walls. Lin Chi stood in front of the glass wall and reached out to touch the cold "crystal". A faint white light could be seen in the glass. The flow passed by.

The touch of this thing is extremely smooth. Although it looks like a lifeless material, it seems to be trembling with a small amplitude, and it doesn't feel like a creation made by humans.

——Could it be Devil from the temple? But what is going on with this inexplicable Sacred breath?

Lin Chi stared at the opaque glass, saw the projection of his face on it, and finally saw the appearance of "Tim Long Knife".

What appeared in front of him was a middle-aged man. After the transformation, his complexion had turned to the same cyan color as the jailer. Whether it was drooping corners of the eyes, sparse hair, or a trace of saliva from the corners of the sewn mouth, it made his own wretched. The breath is stronger.

Is this character too ugly?

Lin Chi secretly complained in his heart, but he immediately accepted this fact. After all, this is a game, not a beauty contest, and in the advent mode, any character can be random, and it is normal for this to happen.

The laceration wound on the shoulder was still bleeding slowly, which made Lin Chi's activities somewhat inconvenient. The only good news now is that the rotting plague on his body has been cleared.

He walked slowly in front of the glass wall, opened the map to determine his current location, but found that the place did not display a map at all.

There are exactly the same glass walls nearby, and there are no road signs or indicators. Needless to say, now I can only "follow the feeling". Facing the situation that needed to be guessed, Lin Chi was also unambiguous and walked directly to the passage on the left hand side and entered the intricate labyrinth.

There are fine particles floating in the air, which are like swarms of insects flying all over the sky under the reflection of the gloomy light refracted by the glass.

Walking slowly through the winding passage, Lin Chi looked around when he passed an intersection, and immediately noticed that the passage on his right was somewhat different.

A soft yellow light similar to the light in the illusion was cast from the passage over there. Lin Chi walked towards the place where the light was emitting. After turning a corner, he found himself entering a "study".

The passage in front was sealed, leaving only a square space of about ten square meters. There was a bookshelf on each wall, but there was nothing on the bookshelf. A brown-wood desk inlaid with metal lace is sandwiched in the middle, and a comfortable-looking recliner sits in front of it. Against the black floor, it looks very antique, like the decoration style of a nobleman's home in the Middle Ages.

Looking at the lantern emitting soft yellow light on the table, Lin Chi walked over vigilantly and cast his eyes on the scroll next to the lantern.

——Does anyone live here? Could it be that "jailer" just now?

Suspicious Lin slowly walked to the table, put down the shoulder armor and helmet that he had been holding in his hand, stretched out the stitched right hand to pick up the paper roll, opened the slightly yellowed letter paper, and read it. Text on paper.

The text above looks like an ancient language. Under the action of the translation system, it becomes a text that Lin Chi can understand. Judging from the condition that the paper has begun to dehydrate, this piece of paper should have existed for a long time. The text is also a little faded:

"Angel's Room".

Under the very bluffing headline, there were neatly arranged several lines of small print. Just after reading the first paragraph, Lin Chi immediately realized that this old document recorded a mysterious story:

"Do angels really exist? Many people think that'angels' are nothing more than legends in myths, but I don't think so."

"I have traveled around the country to understand the local myths and legends, and found that in myths everywhere, there are coincidentally recorded gods living in the sky. If it is just a coincidence, it would be too coincidental."

"Even if it is no longer possible to witness miracles in this age, do those people who lived in the old days actually saw something before writing the same account?"

"In order to find evidence of the existence of the inhabitants of the sky, I traveled many places and finally read something like this in an ancient book:'Angelo's room displays two angels'."

"'Angelo's room' is actually a cemetery in that city. The local manager did not allow me to dig. I had to hire some thieves and sneaked into the secret tunnel under the cemetery under the cover of night. ."

"In the deepest part of the cave in the cemetery, we really found a secret room with two'sculptures' on display, all covered with red cloth and wrapped tightly."

"We found the angel!"

"These divine messengers really exist! This discovery made me very excited. We carried the two angels out of the cemetery. I boarded a small boat and avoided the navy's inspection. Transported back to this church."

"Now, the angel has descended!"

"Hope angels can regain the glory of the Temple Church and this decaying city, because we have gods!"


The content of the old documents is over here. But even with these descriptions, the amount of information is already large enough.

It seems that the owner of the Temple Church seems to have found the real "angels" and carried the two angels to the temple. However, there are no details about the contents recorded in the documents. Lin Chi could not infer what the owner here found was based on these words alone.

——Is it really possible to find angels in the catacombs? According to the description in the literature, the angel this person found did not cause any trouble during the transport, and did not appear to be alive.

In other words...he found the bodies of two angels?

Perhaps the weird situation in the temple is also related to these two "angels"?

Lin Chi picked up the paper roll and put it in his own tattered clothes, and then searched for it on the empty bookshelf. He didn't find any mechanism before finally turning around and leaving.

Now, the situation inside the Cruel Temple Church seems to have become more complicated. However, Lin Chi didn't hate this kind of "puzzle-solving game" with hidden secrets.

As long as you can figure out what happened in the temple, even if this life is explained here, the next game progress will be much smoother.

Moreover, Lin Chi always feels that the "angel" in the record has something to do with the mysterious Methuselah.

Perhaps, he started to approach the information he wanted.

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