War Paradise

Chapter 1063

In the dark Realm, some weird beings have awakened.


After the heavy breathing, a viper breathed in, followed by the noise of some rough thing rubbing on the ground, which sounded like a knife blade across the glass, which made people feel intensely uncomfortable.

Lin Chi stood still on the spot and did not make a sound. Hearing the source of the noise moving to the front right of own, a vaguely murmured voice floated out, as if it were some kind of heretical prayer:

"The temple gives us life..."

"The temple gives us strength..."


——Did these guys get the existence of "eternal life" in the temple?

Lin Chi paused in silence until the sound disappeared, and finally started to walk towards the direction where the sound was just made.

After bypassing a bony wall, a ghostly purple light lit up in front of my eyes. What appeared in my sight were a few wooden beds covered with brown sheets and a few sacks piled up beside the bed.

The paint on the headboard of the bed had already peeled off, exposing the bare wooden boards, and the bedsheets were also torn. But Lin Chi could still tell that these beds were of that kind of luxurious style before they were destroyed.

He walked forward slowly, guarding against enemies that might be killed at any time, and stood in front of one of the beds, looking at the bed board full of "claw marks" and the sack leaning against the bed.

The bag was bulging, and I simply tied a knot with a rope at the mouth of the bag. Lin Chi untied the rope. Before he could see what was inside, a gray "ball" had already rolled out of it and fell. There was a crisp sound on the ground.

It was a human skull, and the hollow eye sockets revealed a little nothingness. As the skull fell out, the bulging things in the bag began to move around, and the fragile structure that was randomly piled up was about to collapse.

Before the bones fell out, Lin Chi tied the mouth of the bag. Sitting on the bedside looking at this claustrophobic "bedroom".

The guys living here seem to live by cannibalism, and they don’t have any ethics to deal with garbage. The bones left over after their meal are left directly by the bed, looking very sloppy, and their life habits are extremely bad.

However, no one should dare to criticize the residents here. After all, judging by the situation here and the voice just now, the guys who left here just now cannot be humans at all.

——Is the temple raising cannibal monsters?

In the bedroom full of rancid smell, Lin Chi continued to search for available props, and finally found a usable weapon on the headboard of one of the beds.

He picked up the humble short-handled dagger, a faint arc flashed on the gray blade, and the item introduction also appeared in his sight:

Opponents dagger.

Melee weapons.

Item level: Epic.

The weapon can be used without attribute values.

"Those opponents who were in the temple but questioned the temple's practices have all ‘disappeared’ after giving their opinions."

After reading the article introduction, Lin Chi glanced at the sack beside his feet. It seems that there is no need to say where those opponents have gone.After finally getting the weapon, Lin Chi put the dagger into the pocket of his worn-out coat, grabbed a relatively small sack next to it, dumped the human bones inside, put the own helmet and shoulder armor in it, and obtained a simple " Backpack".

In any case, now I am not as helpless as before, and the attribute value of this transformed body is still ascending:

Character name: "Long Knife" Tim.

Domination points: None.

Prestige: None.

Kills: 0.

Strength: 15.

Agility: 15.

Stamina: 15.

Lucky: 15.

The feeling of weakness has long since disappeared, and the body that has reached a normal level is gushing out a little sense of strength. The wound on the shoulder that was still bleeding, I don't know when it returned to an intact state, as if it had never been injured.

——This is "eternal life"?

Lin Chi squinted his eyes, reached out and touched his mouth stitched with thin threads, pulled out the opponent's short knife and raised it in front of him, roughly inserted the blade into the gap between his lips, and then made a strong stroke from left to right.


Fountain-like blood gushed from his open mouth, and the wretched man named Tim was finally able to speak. Of course, he, who was originally dumb, still didn't have the ability to speak.

After vomiting the blood that had accumulated in his mouth for a long time, Lin Chi left this dangerous bedroom, followed the footsteps of the "residents" who had just left, and walked in the same direction.

The blood traces dragged on the ground were clearly visible, extending into the darkness outside the bedroom. This time, Lin Chi did not go far, but reached the edge of this area. After groping on the bony wall, he found A particularly smooth and flat metal plate.

It seems that this should be the door to the outside world.

Lin Chi fumbled on the door, finally found the thick handle, grabbed the handle and pulled hard, finally breathing the long-lost fresh air.

The cool night breeze hit the face, and moonlight poured down on the black and white square floor tiles, casting a gloomy silhouette. Lin Chi appeared in a corridor, facing the rock guardrail and the circular column used to support the ceiling.

He stood by the guardrail and looked out. He didn't see the miserable picture of the city. He only saw darkness. Even the moonlight just disappeared.

Strangely, when Lin Chi stepped back and returned to the center of the corridor, moonlight appeared in his sight again.

--How is this going?

Noting that there seemed to be some words engraved on the pillars, Lin Chi came to the pillars and finally saw the contents of the words clearly:

"The unbelievers are only worthy of enduring darkness, and believers can have light."

"Are you too straightforward?" Lin Chi murmured secretly in his heart.

He didn't know whether this sentence was a mystery or really implied something, but the time in the game should be midnight now, and it's no surprise that you can't see things outside.

The problem now is that we must leave here as soon as possible.

There is endless darkness on the outside of this corridor, and jumping directly over the guardrail must be an act of death. And in the corridor that leads to the end in a straight line, there is no bunkers or the like.

Once a patrolman appeared in the corridor, Lin Chi would be spotted immediately. By then, it must be another bloody storm.

Looking back at the enclosed wall, Lin Chi immediately determined the course of action and began to walk to the north side of the corridor. When he passed the wall decorated with various lace patterns, he stopped again.

A portrait of Duke Feigner hung on the wall on his right. Lin Chi stood on tiptoe and stretched out his hand to take off the painting. After turning the painting over, he found the text that was suspected to be an opponent:

"This old man once vowed to bring eternity to everyone in the temple, but he failed."

"So, he can only fall into The Underworld and suffer eternal torment. And his successor is the brutal ‘Belllock’. That bastard has gotten worse and turned the temple into his own palace."

"Now that the temple has fallen, who can raise the banner of resistance and destroy the evil rule of the baron?"

——Duke Feigner failed?

From the text at the back of this portrait, Lin Chi, who had received new information, stared thoughtfully at the small, pitch-black characters.

According to the previous information, the old man in the portrait, Duke Feigner, had found two angels, and then transported the angels to this temple in an attempt to regain the old glory of the temple.

According to opponents, Duke Feigner's attempt failed. After his death, another cruel fellow named Belllock ruled the temple. As for whether these records are true or not, as long as you continue to investigate in the temple, you should be able to know.

Lin Chi, who had obtained the new information, hung the portrait back to its original position thoughtfully, and continued to walk along the corridor.

Except for his footsteps and breathing, there was no sound in the corridor, and the air in this area seemed to freeze. When he walked to the L-shaped corner, Lin Chi probed out and saw that the corridor on the other side was also empty.


Unable to speak, he exhaled a suffocating breath. The "beggar" in ragged clothes and carrying a sack turned and went on, and found another painting on the wall.

What appears on the screen is a silver-haired woman dressed in white gauze with snow-white wings growing behind her, and many people in long robes bowing down under the woman's skirt. Because the woman on the screen is at the far end, the artist did not paint specific facial details. , Only highlights the characteristics of "holiness".

However, Lin Chi still felt a subtle sense of familiarity when he saw the woman in the portrait. This outfit and long silver hair, plus the image that looked like Sacred's "light on the body". It seems that...


This name seemed to emerge before Lin Chi's eyes.

The information about this church was indeed provided by Holy Maiden, her sect. She said that she had been to this church a long time ago. If the woman in the portrait is really Moria, then the woman may not only have "be here", but must have performed behaviors that impress the believers in the temple, and that's why it will be painted on the portrait.


Staring at the religious oil painting for a while, Lin Chi stretched out his hand to grasp the frame and planned to take it off in order to determine whether there was any text at the back of the portrait.

Then he heard dull footsteps in the far end of the corridor.


At the moment when he heard the sound, Lin Chi's hands that were about to exert force retracted like an electric shock, turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw an iron-gray "armor warrior" standing in the wide corridor. , The armor on his body reflected a dazzling silver light in the moonlight.

The whole body of the guy was covered by armor, without revealing a trace of skin. The heavy helmet on his forehead was hung with horn-shaped decorations, which added a bit of violence to his domineering appearance.Noting the existence of Lin Chi, the action of the armor stopped for a moment, and then suddenly pulled out the long sword hung around his waist, and strode towards Lin Chi's location.

——He is going to kill someone.

Seeing that the armor was coming towards him, Lin Chi also turned around without saying a word. With Ascension's strength and agility to 17 o'clock, he drove his injured body back towards the monster bedroom.

It is impossible to circle with patrolmen in this corridor. Only when you return to the bedroom will you have a chance to live!

Boom, boom, boom!

The heavy-armored warrior’s steel boots stepped on the ground, and every step he took was like a heavy hammer hitting, a red light floated under the helmet, and in an extremely low voice, he read the concise result of the trial:

"Intruder, death penalty."

——Can you give an appeal?

Lin Chi whispered secretly, rushed back to the door where he came, opened the door as quickly as possible and rushed in, then turned around and slammed the door shut, shutting himself in the darkness.

Unfortunately, the darkness lasted less than ten seconds before being broken by the soldiers' attack.


A big hole was blown out of the door, and the cold moonlight plunged into the dark Realm from the entrance of the hole. The figure of the heavy armor warrior left a huge shadow. He paused for a moment in front of the door and strode directly into it.

At this time, Lin Chi, who was transformed into "Long Knife Tim," was hiding in a corner and shrank into a ball, suppressing his own existence to the lowest level. With years of experience in sneaking into games, he waited for the moment when the other party got out.

"This stuff is really violent," he secretly said in his heart.

This brutal pursuit method reminds Lin Chi of the biological weapons "Tyrant" and "Vengeance" in the old game "Resident Evil" series that pursued the protagonist. For him, the experience of being chased is quite exciting, but it's not the time to play hide and seek...

The heavy armor warriors walked around in the dark, and the irregular footsteps were far and near, making Lin Chi unable to judge the opponent's location for a while, only a strong sense of oppression lingered.

——Where is this stuff?

——Is it safe to leave now?

Lin Chi, who was hiding in the corner, thought very fast, looking for the moment he needed.

As long as he returned to the corridor, he couldn't continue to "hide and seek" with this guard until he reached the next room. If you don't want to be stuck in a corner with a sword and stabbed into a hedgehog, you need an accurate time to enter the corridor without the goods paying attention.


The sound of footsteps sounded from close at hand, and Lin Chi entered into a state of suspended animation motionlessly, but his thoughts were still moving fast. The footsteps of the patrolman came to his side, and then began to drift away slowly, and his voice became quieter.

The opportunity is here.

When the footsteps sounded from the other side of the dark area, Lin Chi, who had been motionless, finally acted again. He carried the sack on his shoulders and walked quickly towards the hole that was knocked out in the wall, looking sneaky. A thief who has stolen something and is about to run away.

The sound of footsteps began to turn here, Lin Chi also quickened his pace again, and the whole figure slipped out like a mouse. After entering the corridor, he suddenly threw his legs and ran towards the corner.

——Thirty-six counting is the best way to go. If you don't run at this time, when will you wait?


As said yesterday, normal updates have resumed this month. The Spring Festival should also be updated, but there is no guarantee at this time...

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