War Paradise

Chapter 113 Weapon Test

After half an hour, Lin Chi's new arm was finally finished.

He stood up and moved the fingers of his right hand. Except for the lack of touch and pain, his right arm seemed to be no different from the flesh and blood before. Of course, the strength and flexibility of the right arm are much stronger than before.

Raising his right arm in front of him, Lin Chi nodded with satisfaction after looking at the finely crafted wooden shell.

——Shen Wenchong’s unique Secret Technique “telescopic mechanism doll” is indeed well-deserved, and now own right arm is not only more powerful, but also comes with a telescopic function that uses mind-driven. Although one time can't last too long, it's still enough for your own use.

"not bad……"

Lin Chi moved his muscles and bones and looked down at his mummy's chest wrapped in a bandage by the doll girl-in the process of jumping out of the window to escape, a few pieces of broken glass were inserted through the unprotected shoulders of the puppet master's armor Go in, but compared to the injury on the right arm, it's just a small injury that can be resolved with a bandage.

Then, the player who had just acquired a new arm rested his gaze on the flashing red dot on the minimap:

"I'm going to practice hands." He said.

With the blessing of the newly installed "Qilin Arm", Lin Chi did not continue to carry these NPCs this time, but left the doll girl who was still worried and the artist who was playing with the cat in the studio.

When he was about to leave, Shen Wen chased him out and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you a barbarian?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Chi looked up at him.

"There are often some weird people in this city, that is, what we call'barbarians'. They behave very strangely, and often speak some languages ​​and vocabulary that everyone does not understand. They are neither Chinese nor Chinese. Greek." At this point, Shen Wenchong added another sentence: "Of course, I won't have any opinion on you just because you are a barbarian..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi asked with interest: "Why do you think I am a barbarian?"

"Your kid is weird enough..." Shen Wenchong stretched out his callused right hand and scratched his head: "And the slogan you yelled when you drove the harvester into the Shangcheng District, well, it seemed to be'Gou '?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Chi recalled that when he drove down the mountain tiger, he had indeed yelled "GOGOGO". It seemed that for the residents of the office city, English was an unknown language that was completely incomprehensible.

"What if I am a barbarian?" Lin Chi said, clenching his fists, and trying to control the newly installed arm to punch the air in front of him: "Is there any effect?"

"No, but the old man heard that many barbarians have achieved a lot of career..." Shen Wenchong said with a smile on his face.

Although the other party's words sounded like flattering himself, Lin Chi knew that these words were not just plain flattery, but some "hidden information" in the organ city:

The barbarians in Shen Wen's mouth were obviously the same as the "outsiders" in Blackbeard's mouth in the City of Chaos, referring to the players who entered the game map.

In this way, it is very obvious what the sentence behind the old man means:

——Before the start of this game, there are already many players who have entered this map and left a deep impression in the memory of the NPCs on this map.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi turned his head and stared at the pulsating flames in the furnace, and a trace of confusion appeared in his heart:

Are the "barbarians" mentioned by Shen Wenchong the designers of the test map? However, even the map is likely to be designed by AI in the game. Will there really be testers?

It seems that after this battle, it is necessary to investigate the information about the barbarians...

Seeing that Shen Wenchong had gone back to study the head of the Greek Minotaur sculpture, Lin Chi closed the metal door of the workshop, strode up the steps, and ran to the chaotic battlefield where fighting was still erupting.

As a plot event triggered regularly in the game, the war that broke out in the organ city, after more than an hour, is about to come to an end.

Almost all the soldiers "airdropped" to each other's territory were slaughtered by the players and guards. The Pangu artillery and Archimedes' Mirror, after completing their mission of deterring the enemy, did not continue to fire and bomb the enemy's territory.

As the white-hot battlefield gradually cools down, this war is about to end. But what Lin Chi was looking for now was not the sculpture soldier who was about to be killed, but the player still displayed on the map.

By this time, his war horn effect has long since disappeared, but with the newly installed "Qilin Arm" bonus, the base strength value has been Ascensioned again by 3 points, reaching 16 points, and his agility reached 17.

With this attribute bonus, even without the horn of war, Lin Chi’s combat effectiveness is far superior to ordinary people. Even if he encounters a violent player like "Overlord" who adds all his attributes to his physical stamina, he has The power of World War I.

——Time to test the new weapon.

Standing on a sparsely populated street because of the outbreak of war, Lin Chi took a deep breath, then suddenly started, rushing towards the red dot closest to him!

Rushing through the bluestone street at a speed of one hundred meters, nine seconds and eighth, Lin Chi just turned the corner of the street, only to hear a few soft sounds, and a few crossbow arrows shot at him.

Although the enemy was just waiting for a sudden attack, when he saw that the red dot on the map did not move, Lin was ready to deal with a long-range attack sooner or later. Relying on his terrifying reaction speed and the agility to reach 17 points, he just turned a little sideways and avoided the opponent's shooting.

Seeing a miss, the long-haired man in black light armor standing on the other side of the street also decisively pulled out the long sword behind him, blocking the sharp blade in front of him.

"Come on!" the handsome man shouted, in a posture that he wanted to confront Lin Chi head-on.

But even so, Lin Chi did not draw his sword, but before rushing to the man's melee range, he slammed the brakes to stop his steps and raised his right arm in front of him!

Do it!

The Feng Shui engine installed on the shoulder received the signal from Lin Chi and instantly drove the thousands of silver wires inside the wooden arm, opening the second form of the arm, and the black technology gunpowder engine built into the arm was also there. Suddenly activated for a moment, igniting the gunpowder inside.


With a loud noise and smoke, Lin Chi's right arm turned into a big twisted snake, and he suddenly bounced out, strangling the player's throat three meters away with his cold and hard fingers!


The player who was caught by the throat cursed hard, and then he was twisted off his neck, his head leaned on his shoulders, his body turned into data fragments and disappeared.

——The player "Night Killing" was killed by the player "Countercurrent"!

As the kill prompt popped up, Lin Chi retracted his right arm, flicked his fingers, and nodded in satisfaction.

Since this telescopic function relies on the built-in black powder engine, it needs to be filled with gunpowder after each use. Now even if I want to continue the trial, I can only go back and fill the "fuel" first.

"not bad……"

Lin Chi, who successfully completed a kill, turned around and walked back in the direction of the studio, leaving only a decadent back.

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