War Paradise

Chapter 1080 The Duke's Decision

——Where is the guy who is talking to himself hiding?

Moria's eyes moved constantly in the reception room, looking for the trace of Methuselah. The guests present were all paying attention to the two statues in the secret room. No one seemed to care what Moria was doing.

But in Moria's view, everyone here is suspicious.

She was about to continue talking to the mysterious guy, and Methuselah's voice had appeared in her consciousness again:

"Don't waste time, my body is not here. But I think you should see that Duke Feigner has been caught in the trap."

"Why do you say that?" Moria had a "spiritual relationship" with the other side in her consciousness.

"This'Belllock' deliberately provided ancient books, allowing Duke Feigner to find the so-called corpse of an angel. He is actually a dark magician, who just used Duke Feigner for his own goal."

Speaking of this, Methuselah's tone rose slightly, with a hint of sarcasm: "Humans are always like this. They are too easy to believe in the lies of'friends'. Only when they suffer a loss can they wake up. But Feigner is afraid not. This opportunity."

Seeing that Duke Feigner had not yet uncovered the red cloth on the statue, Moria kept her gaze on the back of the alchemist Berlock. The thin bald man had clearly visible blue veins on his skin. Like a good person.

However, Moria, who had finally suppressed the urge to suck blood, naturally wouldn't believe what Methuselah said, and just asked, "How do you know this kind of thing?"

"Because I gave the book to Belllock." Methuselah hissed like a snake, not knowing whether he was laughing or expressing some other emotions.

"You scumbag." Mo Liya frowned slightly.

She wanted to stand up and interrupt Duke Feigner's introduction, but Moria also knew very well that even if she did this, few people would believe her, but she was more likely to be kicked out.

Although it is possible to use the charm of the blood clan to make most of the people present lose their minds, Bell Rock does not eat this set at all. The worst case is that there will be a battle with Bell Rock here, and the reception room will definitely be bloody by then. Wind, everyone including Duke Feigner promised to die.

Moria sat on a wooden chair thinking about ways to save Duke Feigner, Methuselah's voice appeared in her ears again, and she laughed mockingly:

"Please, aren't you blood? Do you want to save him?"

"He is my friend." Moriya replied.

"I didn't expect you to be so naive, much naive than I thought." Methuselah sighed lowly: "Forget it, I thought you could understand me..."

"What exactly is that statue?" Moria interrupted Methuselah's words.

Hearing this, Methuselah replied honestly: "Fegner is right. It is indeed the corpse of the'angel', and it can indeed bring eternal life to them. At this point, I have not Deceive them."

"What is your purpose?" Moria asked straightforwardly.

"Ha, my purpose... Of course, it is for them to experience this eternal'curse'." Methuselah's laughter seemed to carry the violent wind, making Moria chill all over her body: "Someday you will I will understand, see you next time."After leaving this sentence, Methuselah was finally silent forever, as if he had never appeared before, leaving no trace.

At this time, Duke Feigner finally uncovered the two red cloths on the "statue":

"Look, friends, this is the incarnation of an angel!"

Like the others present, Moria also stood up, leaned forward and stared at the two real "statues". What appeared in her sight were two unusually vivid bodies, from their skin color. It doesn't look like a corpse at all.

The big man standing on the left is an extremely muscular man with white hair and a long beard. His armor is extremely simple, that is, the iron plate is tied to the body with a chain and exposed to the outside. There are countless scars on his strong body.

The statue on the right is a young woman wearing a purple Magical Robe. The black-haired and black-eyed look should be from an Eastern country. She holds a small staff in her hand and keeps her eyes open, as if there is The stars are flickering.

"This is not an angel at all?" A guest made a confused voice.

"They are indeed not pure angels, but they have the blood of angels." The crouched alchemist Bellock took a step forward and answered this question for Duke Feigner: "These two people come from the ancient times. The blood of angels bleeds all over his body, and even today, the blood is still pure."

"You said they were ancient warriors, but I would still believe it. But no matter how you say it, they are not descendants of angels?" The lady who spoke with Moriya just now continued to raise his own question: "They are fundamentally There is no angelic Sacred breath, if it is an angel, it shouldn't be more...that..."

The lady who couldn't think of an adjective was speechless for a while, and a gentleman next to her answered: "It should be more holy."

"Yes, that's what I want to say." The lady nodded hurriedly: "They don't look holy at all, especially this man, it's too rough..."

The guests began to talk a lot, seeing that everyone present did not trust them, Duke Feigner was about to speak, and Bellrock had already patiently explained it again:

"This male's corpse comes from an ancient barbarian race. They used to live in the holy mountain, Arret, and left their original home after the destruction of the World Stone. As for the woman next to him, she came from an ancient country. The magician of "Xiansai"..."

"Who understands this?" a young man complained: "Never heard of these names!"

"Well, sorry." Belllock grinned, and a purple mist suddenly floated from the top of the skeleton staff in his hand.

Almost everyone in the reception room, including Duke Feigner, fell into a coma. Seeing own magic in effect, Bellrock nodded in satisfaction, but saw a pale figure emerge in the mist.


The short knife slit Bellrock's throat, and the dark yellow weird blood spurted out of the wound. Mooliya took a step back to avoid the spewing blood, and the scimitar in her right hand flashed with a cold light:

"Don't think you can succeed," she whispered.

Strangely, after the throat of the initiator was cut, the magical effect that made the guests unconscious still did not disappear. Berlock, who was fatally wounded, suddenly flickered and disappeared in the dark purple smoke:

——Is it phantom magic?

Realizing that the situation was not good, Mooriya backed away abruptly, but she bumped into something cold and hard. Her chest suddenly became hot, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

The translucent magic blade pierced Moria's chest, tearing flesh and skin, and ruining her white dress.

It's a pity that such an attack alone has no effect on the blood race.

Moriya's body turned into a group of bats and scattered, and condensed and formed at the other end of the reception room. The cloth fragments on her body fell down, replaced by dark red light armor that covered her whole body.

For the blood race, the "armor" forged with blood can be regarded as the ultimate defense method. Mooriya kicked the door of the meeting room, and was about to take Duke Fagna to leave here, but saw that Belllock had already grabbed Duke Fagna by the collar and lifted the unconscious old man.

"Are you looking for him?" Belllock smiled slightly.

"Let go of him." Mo Liya frowned.

"It's really unexpected that vampires would be so'kind'." Belllock sneered and laughed: "You make me so ashamed of you, little girl."

"I'm asking you to let her go." Moriya repeated again, and a long knife made of blood condensed slowly emerged in her right hand.

"Do you think--"

Belllock triumphantly wanted to say something. The swift blade had already chopped off his head. At the moment when the illusion disappeared, Moria grabbed the collar of Duke Feigner and dragged the old man out of the reception room. Got out.

Bang bang bang!

A few fireballs chased out from behind the door, dragging a long flame and flying towards Moria, but was easily avoided by the agile blood race. Moria took Duke Feigner and flew directly out of the temple and entered The streets shrouded by night hide in dark alleys.

The cunning black mage didn't chase it out, and Massara, who had communicated with him, also disappeared. Moria put Duke Feigner in the corner, pushed his shoulders hard, and tried to wake up the old friend.


Duke Feigner's wrinkled face twitched, slowly opened his eyes, and asked, "Where is this? I can't see anything..."

"Your friend lied to you." Moriya said softly.

Even in the dark night where she can't see her fingers, her vision is still clear, but as a human Duke Feigner, she still can't see anything. She can only identify the other party's identity through voice:

"Ms. Maria? Is that you?"


"What happened? Where am I? This doesn't seem to be a temple." Duke Feigner, who just woke up, was somewhat unconscious.

Seeing Duke Feigner's look blank, Moria explained what had just happened, and Duke Feigner's expression became more solemn:

"So... Did Bell Rock lie to me..." Feigner lowered his head and blinked, as if he didn't want to believe the facts he had just heard.

"He used magic to make you faint." Molliya nodded and added: "Please trust me."

"Well, I know." Duke Feigner leaned against the wall frustratedly: "Actually, I had vaguely noticed something was wrong. I saw the two'statues' at the time and thought they were the corpses of angels. It's like being hypnotized by something.""You should pay attention." Moriya said seriously.

"Yes, it would be nice if I realized that Belllock was lying to me sooner." Duke Feigner stood up slowly while holding on to the wall, turning his head to look at the light of the street lamp at the exit of the alley:

"I must go back."

"Belllock will kill you." Moria stood in front of Duke Fagna.

"Thank you, Maria." Feigner smiled gratefully on his old face, but didn't mean to back down: "I know you are trying to save me, but I must go back, otherwise the others in the temple too Will suffer."

"You don't have to pay so much for them." Moriya couldn't understand the old man's thoughts.

——The "eternal life is a curse" that Methuselah said just now is a bit incomprehensible, and the current Duke Feigner also puzzled Moria.

Why would humans sacrifice themselves for others? For Moria, this kind of thing is totally unreasonable. However, even knowing that he is not Bell Rock’s opponent, Duke Feigner’s attitude is still very firm:

"Thank you for saving me, just like you saved me. All the people in the temple are my friends. I must protect them. Otherwise, even if I survive by luck, I will always be condemned by my heart."

Facing the unanswerable words, Moriya was silent again.

——Moriya, who often deals with humans...to be more precise, "food", has already seen the ugly human nature: in order to attract her own attention, the mother left the baby in her arms and ran away by herself. Big sis killed Little Sister, leaving the corpse and throwing it in the house, delivering food that would not resist. Such things can be said to be countless, and she has long been numb.

However, Duke Feigner's actions made Moria's deep-rooted conclusions a little shaken:

Are humans such selfless creatures? Then what are the ugly "humans" that I have seen before?

"I want to go together too." Moriya whispered.

"You are still young, you don't have to take risks with me." Duke Feigner shook his head.

"I'm older than you." Moria said solemnly.

When the two returned to the gate of the temple, they saw that the guards in front of the gate were all in a pool of blood, and a khaki shadow was floating around. After spotting the visitor, they immediately returned to the two of them:

"My old friend, you finally came back, and I knew you would not abandon your companions!" Belllock's hoarse voice contained unabashed sarcasm, which sounded more disgusting than usual.

"Please let them go." Duke Feigner bowed to the afterimage of Bellrock, begging: "I can give you all of own property, please keep their lives."

"You're such a good old man, Feigner..." Belllock raised his eyebrows contemptuously: "You seemed to be a general when you were young. Why have you become so cowardly now? It really opened my eyes."

"I'm old and don't want to make Death anymore." Duke Feigner lowered his head and clenched his still powerful fists: "Please don't hurt them."

Mooriya stood silently, staring at the old appearance of Duke Feigner. For some reason, that rickety figure seemed to her to be even more stalwart than a barbarian two meters tall.

Something in the depths of her heart was touched, and Mooriya, who had always been relatively indifferent, seemed to experience some new emotions.

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