War Paradise

Chapter 1088 Bad VR

Holding the Beretta 92F pistol with few bullets tightly, Lin slowly stepped forward, poked his head from the wall in the middle of the bathroom, and looked at the location where the poisonous smoke was being released.

Then what appeared in front of my eyes was another extremely curious picture.

A group of rotten meat that was twitching continuously, continued to emit cobalt blue poisonous smoke, and the blood vessels on the bluish-gray skin were exposed. This thing looked like a huge tumor, but there were a few sticking out from the meat. With only human hands, Lin Chi realized that things were not simple.

The people in the bathroom were probably swallowed by this monster, and rashly approaching will only end in Death. Lin Chi slipped over, came to the other side of the bathroom, and found a crumpled leaflet on the ground:

"Welcome to Mr. William's castle and experience an unprecedented adventure in this private attraction. Special summer price!"

——Those who come here to travel are really down with blood mold...

Lin Chi flipped through the leaflet and saw an arrow drawn with dried blood on the back of the paper, pointing straight to the edge of the leaflet, not knowing what it meant.


Lin Chi looked up thoughtfully at the ceiling covered by poisonous smoke, and found something strange in the corner:

The poisonous smoke in the corner of the ceiling was thinner than other places, as if it had leaked from a gap. While the poisonous smoke next to it was getting heavier, the corners remained unchanged.

The arrow on the back of the flyer implies that it is the skylight in the corner of the ceiling?

However, under the current situation, even if there is a window there, there is no way to open it.

Lin Chi raised his arms, pointed the muzzle at the corner of the ceiling where the poisonous smoke was thin, and fired without hesitation.

A gunshot sounded, followed by a crisp cracking sound. Glass shards poured down from the corner of the ceiling, and the poisonous smoke covering the roof immediately found a way out, directly pouring out from the gap.

But even if the poisonous smoke enveloped the house began to dissipate, Lin Chi was totally unhappy. Because at the same time he shot, the monster in the middle of the bathroom also noticed his presence.


Accompanied by the horrible sound of a giant worm crawling on the ground, the still smoking mass of meat crawled out between the two walls, and several hands protruding under the body grabbed the gap between the tiles and crawled towards Lin Chi .

Although the appearance of this thing is extremely horrible, Lin Chi did not panic either. He just aimed at a hand extending under the monster's body and decisively pulled the trigger.

A bullet pierced the monster's palm with precision, and the meat that was crawling suddenly stopped in place. Another hand stretched out from under the body, replacing the abolished hand.

However, Lin Chi naturally wouldn't give this thing a chance to continue crawling. He shot it accurately in the palm of his hand. Taking advantage of the moment when the monster stopped in place, he lowered his body and rushed past the monster, facing the monster sideways. The other hand on the right side of the body opened fire.

boom! boom! boom!

After a few shots, the crawling hands under the monster's body were all abolished. The horrible piece of meat directly lost its ability to move and fell on the dirty floor of the bathroom.

Then, it used another attack method:A line of cobalt blue smoke sprayed from the "vent hole" on the fleshy block and hit Lin Chi directly. Lin Chi prostrated on the ground abruptly, watching the poisonous smoke lighter than the air fly up and exit the house through the skylight.

As long as you lie on the ground, you can avoid the attack of poisonous smoke. Lin Chi rolled over and rushed behind the wall, and the monster was also helpless, and could only smoke continuously in the same place, which seemed quite happy.

After the meat piece lost his mobility, Lin Chi’s escape journey was much easier. He returned to the door when he came, checked the damaged door handle, and kicked the door again to confirm this. After the gate was restricted by the plot and could not be opened, he began to look for other ways out.

Except for this door, there are no other doors in the bathroom. However, a large mirror leaning against the west wall attracted Lin Chi's attention.

As at the time of the safe house, perhaps behind this mirror, there is also a secret passage hidden.

He stood in front of the mirror and stretched out his hand, but nothing happened. He took two steps back and fired a shot at the mirror. The fragile mirror was shattered and a door appeared behind the glass shards-unfortunately it was locked. .


Lin Chi tried to twist the door handle, but the door showed no signs of opening. Looking at the keyhole on the handle, Lin Chi turned his head and looked at the blue poisonous smoke that was still emitting.

——Where is the key to this door?

There seems to be no place to hide the keys in this bathroom, and the drain has long been blocked by hair. Lin Chi walked past the wall, checked the tiles on the wall, and found nothing like a dark room.

However, speaking of the location where the key may be hidden, I haven't checked the place just now.

He came between the two walls, stood where the monster had stayed before, and saw a drain near his feet, and a silver light was lit inside.

"Ha, are you hiding here..."

Lin Chi reached out and grabbed the "non-existent" key, pierced the keyhole to open the hidden door of the bathroom, and entered another dark passage.

Then, for the first time, he encountered what can be called a "person" in this ancient castle:

The corpse of a soldier wearing a black combat uniform and a gas mask leaned weakly against the wall, and the pool of blood under the body had already solidified. Lin Chi walked over quickly, took off the other party's gas mask and put it on his face. A line of text prompt popped up in his sight:

"You can now resist the poison gas of biological weapons."

——This kind of VR game has no other senses except sight and hearing. Compared with brain imaging games, there are many shortcomings. But for Lin Chi's "enthusiastic player" with strong brain supplement ability, only a VR headset is needed, which is enough to make the brain feel like an imaging game in the brain.

Only by getting into the play thoroughly can you experience the fun of this kind of game. In order to experience this classic VR arcade horror game, Lin Chi is also very serious at this moment.

After putting on the gas mask, he continued to search for the soldier's body, and found a map from the opponent's pocket.

Lin Chi quickly found the bathroom he had just passed by and the corridor full of agencies on the map. It seemed that he was advancing from the east side to the west side of the first floor of the castle, and the center of the map was marked with a red circle. , And the room with "TARGET" written next to it should be the location of the virus sample.

Confirming the target of the action, Lin Chi immediately stood up and walked along the corridor to the room where the samples were stored.

With the gas mask, the next battle went smoothly. With his rich gaming experience and the super physical quality provided by the exoskeleton, he entered the castle as an agent and blocked the gods and the Buddha along the way. , The horror game is directly played as "Wushuang Mowing".

As the monster was carrying bullet supplies, Lin Chi's ammunition not only did not decrease, but on the contrary, there was a trend of increasing. In addition to the pistol, he also received a saber. Although there are no other weapons, it is enough to deal with these strange prey in the castle.

But Lin Chi knew very well that his true opponent had not yet been able to encounter him.


Kicking open the wooden door by the wall, he entered the room marked with a red circle on the map. What he saw was an empty rectangular room with nothing but the wall.

——According to the style of this type of puzzle game, even if the sample is not in this room, you can definitely find important clues or hidden secret doors here.

Lin Chi, who was already close to victory, stepped into the door of the empty house, and just entered the house. The wooden door behind him repeated the same trick and broke again inexplicably.


Lin Chi looked back at the falling handle of the wooden door. He only heard a click. A certain "young girl" entered the empty house from the opposite door and looked at each other with Lin Chi.

Seeing the Terminator appearing in the room, Lin Chi raised his gun without saying a word. The Terminator immediately drew his gun and fired. The two of them prostrated on the ground almost at the same time and started shooting at the enemy on the other side of the room.

The girl who takes care of the game hall is right. The Terminator is indeed a master in the VR arcade. "Her" is very flexible and proficient in battle. It is against the unlucky ghost in "War Paradise" who gives away one blood all day long. , Produced a sharp contrast.

They had just fired a few shots, and the ceiling of the empty house suddenly exploded. Several tentacles protruded from the roof and directly dragged away the light gun in Lin Chi's hand. The Terminator also suffered the same treatment.

——Is this a hand-to-hand combat for players? But even if it’s a VR arcade machine, it’s still dangerous to play this one...

Lin Chi thought secretly, but saw that the girl in red had already taken a step forward, pulled out her saber to block her chest, and made a man's voice in her mouth:

"Even if the opponent is you, I won't give in. Realize!"

"Wait a moment……"

Lin Chi tried to stop the Terminator, but the "woman" didn't listen to him at all. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Lin Chi and slashed his throat with a knife!


Lin Chi raised his right arm to block the opponent's arm, making a crisp metal crash, and for the first time since this game started, he felt real pain. He stepped back and waved to the Terminator, but the guy seemed to be blushing, still moving forward unwillingly.

"Is this guy crazy..."

Realizing that the Terminator's entry into the play was too deep to be saved, Lin Chi could only rush forward, use the exoskeleton to drive his own body, and fought a hand-to-hand battle with the Terminator.


The Terminator hit Lin Chi's chest with a punch, and a tingling sensation spread from his chest to the entire torso. Lin Chi kicked over, but was dodged by the guy.

——His exoskeleton privately increased its power?

Realizing that the opponent is faster than himself, Lin Chi immediately understood why the Terminator would be so "powerful". The player who was repeatedly frustrated in the brain imaging game, in order to become a strong player in the arcade Realm, even risked the modification of the exoskeleton system!

In order to avoid being used for robbery and sabotage by unscrupulous criminals, civilian exoskeletons have been added to the maximum power limit when they leave the factory. The built-in monitoring system will also automatically detect the power of the exoskeleton. Once someone makes changes, the police will be notified immediately.

But even so, some people will modify the maximum power limit of the exoskeleton privately, bypass the monitoring system by hackers, and illegally enhance the exoskeleton.

Obviously, the current Terminator is in this state. Only relying on this set of exoskeleton on his body can not stop that guy.So, it's time for the "wife" to play again.

"Remove the power limit of the exoskeleton." Lin Chi used his throat microphone to give instructions to Frankenstein: "Hurry up!"


The icy voice of Frankenstein sounded in the earphones, and the exoskeleton on Lin Chi's body suddenly exerted force. The original slow speed became as fast as a super soldier in an action movie, and the speed of the Terminator was overwhelmed in an instant. Tripped the Terminator to the ground from the side.

The woman in red controlled by the Terminator fell heavily to the ground. Before he could stand up, Lin Chi had already made a strong move and rode directly on the opponent's waist, reaching out and grabbing the opponent's head, and pulling up forcefully!


Accompanied by the girl’s exclamation, the Terminator’s body disappeared from Lin Chi’s eyes, Lin Chi also directly selected the button to quit the game, took off the VR helmet and threw it aside, what caught his eye was on the stage of the VR arcade machine. , The handsome boy who was riding under him.


The Terminator panted with a horrified look. Of course his head was still there, but the VR helmet was forcibly removed by Lin Chi.

"how do I……"

Even after returning to the real world, the Terminator is still a little dazed, not knowing what happened. Looking at the innocent-looking young man, Lin Chi stood up and stepped aside, and said angrily:

"I asked you to wait, didn't you hear?"

——The two of them were fighting in a virtual battle just now. The bodies in the real world are actually fighting. If there is no exoskeleton, it will be fine. If the two wearing exoskeleton play this set, the body is very likely to happen. Accidents may even cause fatal injuries!

At the beginning of the battle, Lin Chi realized that something was wrong, but the stunned Terminator still rushed over stupidly, forcing Lin Chi to "liberate" the exoskeleton on his body, and finally overcame the Qi Deviation guy. .

After the crisis was resolved, Lin Chi turned to look at the shivering girl standing next to the stage, and asked in a low voice, "Are you trying to kill us?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just want to give you a surprise and forget the exoskeleton on your body. I'm sorry..." The girl kept apologizing, shaking her body up and down, and tears were about to fall. The sight of the city was terrified.

"The so-called'surprise' is to let two real players PK?" Lin Chi stood in front of the girl and stared down at the top of each other's head: "What is the designer's mentality?"

"Uncle told me at the time, he said it would be more interesting..." The girl didn't dare to look at Lin Chi, and took a step back with a wince: "I really didn't expect the exoskeleton to be so powerful. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"never mind……"

Seeing the girl's scared look, Lin Chi shook his head: "Fortunately, nothing serious happened. I will forgive you this time. Go back and tell your uncle, let him design well, don't make this kind of boring'real people'. 'Content.'

"Yes, yes..." the girl stammered and repeated.

The Terminator who was pushed to the ground just now finally stood up, walked slowly behind Lin Chi, and said a little apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I didn't pay attention just now..."

"Okay, I don't mean to ask the teacher." Seeing that the Terminator also looked scared, Lin Chi couldn't help but want to laugh.

Then, Lin Chi suddenly changed the subject:

"In this city, do you know a master of brain imaging games?"

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