War Paradise

Chapter 1098 Mercenary Killer Hughes

Before Lin Chi started, several sentries had already rushed to the street and fired several grenades at the smoke from the explosion. After a bang, several injured passers-by who were still there were blown to the ground.

"Get out of here!" the sentries roared.

At this time, the superiority of Radiation Man is manifested. Even if the body is half smaller, these guys can still move, picking up the stump of their own with the remaining hand, and fleeing the war zone in embarrassment.

Except for the few sentries that were blown into pieces and unable to resurrect, the "corpse" was considered a complete radioactive man, and they all fled soon.

The sentries ignored Lin Chi who hadn't fired yet, bending forward cautiously, and began to encircle the direction of the explosion.

Then, a star-like bright light suddenly lit up in the smoke, making Lin Chi's eyes pale.


The sentries wearing goggles were all blinded instantly. Under the protection of the player, Lin Chi's impact was relatively minor.

When his eyesight recovered, Lin Chi immediately turned and rushed to the corner. The street behind him heard the familiar buzzing sound and the crazy screams of the sentries.

Lin Chi turned his head abruptly, and what caught his eyes was a shimmering fuzzy figure, a red light dragging along at a high speed, bringing out a slender afterimage.

——It's a lightsaber.

Lin Chi, who had just used a lightsaber to slaughter Devil in the Cruel Temple Church not long ago, recognized the melee weapon in his opponent's hands at a glance.

The Daoist Shadow was so fast that he "drifted" on the battlefield with a lightsaber in his hand, slaughtering the Sentry in the Land of Light at close range.

The crimson plasma kept cutting open the body of the sentry, as if he could not feel any resistance at all. The man's Sword Technique was exceptionally superb, his sword was deadly and not muddy, and his visual melee strength even exceeded that of the full-time melee "Knife Sovereign".

"This product is too fierce..." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Lin Chi, who was planning to fish in this game, didn't want to fight the opponent at all, but immediately turned around and planned to leave here.

At this moment, Lin Chi saw a gray skull icon marking the player's identity, and the character name displayed next to it:

"Mercenary Killer" Hughes.

—— Can players bring their own titles? Isn't special symbols not allowed in the character name?

Realizing that something was wrong with the other party, Lin Chi stopped. At this moment, the man holding the lightsaber also noticed Lin Chi standing on the sidewalk and the grenade launcher in Lin Chi's hand.

"Oh, how are you..." Hughes, whose title is "Mercenary Killer", stood there and violently swung his lightsaber to cut off the head of a sentry who had fallen on his knees.

It wasn't until this person stopped killing that Lin Chi finally saw his appearance.

This person's body was covered with a set of light leather armor, and his head was covered with a metal light helmet that covered the entire face. The glass mask on his face was opaque, and was flushed red by the light emitted by the lightsaber blade.

This person's equipment looks rudimentary, but with a subtle sense of technology, covered with knife marks and broken light leather armor, it also seems to be in line with the personality of the "Wanderer in Wasteland".

"Hello." Lin said slowly.

"Oh, I saw you on TV." Hughes put away his lightsaber, and slammed his right foot in light metal boots, stomping the head of a sentry to his brains: "You belong to Kayaland. The survivor...right?"

——Which way of speaking is this?

Lin Chi was about to complain, but suddenly realized something, and said in a deep voice, "Are you a wanderer here?"

"Yes, I'm here to find someone." Hughes nodded: "My enemy should be hiding here."

"Then how about we don't live here?" Lin Chi smiled, "I just passed by, and I don't want to be your enemy."

If a normal player heard this, it would definitely be regarded as a joke, but Hughes the "mercenary killer" immediately nodded and said: "My target is not you."

Afterwards, the "mercenary killer" with sentinel blood on his hands turned and left the bloody killing field. Before entering the smoke, he glanced back at Lin Chi:

"If you meet the'Devil', don't fight it, it is my prey."

"I understand." Lin Chi said seriously.

Lin Chi stood there without moving, but was ready to fire at any time. It was not until Hughes' figure disappeared into the smoke that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect to meet ‘RP player’, this is really an adventure..."

Role-playing player, also known as "RP player" (Role-Playing). It occasionally appears in traditional role-playing games. But in the game of War Paradise, Lin Chi encountered this kind of player for the first time except for "Star Wreckage".

——Different from ordinary players, RP players belong to the kind of "too deep into the play".

As the name suggests, "role playing" means to let the player play a real life character in the game.

Generally speaking, before starting the game for the first time, RP player will set the own character card, which includes various characteristics such as the height and weight of the character, wearing appearance, speech and behavior, personality and hobbies.

When the game starts, the RP player will automatically "enter into the play" and begin to concentrate on playing the role he created.

They will say what the character should say, do what the character should do, and show all the qualities and characters that the character should show.

This kind of player plays not himself in the game, but the own character himself.

In fact, Lin Chi had tried this gameplay in other games before, but for various reasons, he didn't hold on for long.

——Hughes, the "Mercenary Killer" just now, looks like he is playing the role of "Mercenary Killer" in the game, and his speech and behavior are very similar to the NPCs in the game. Because of this, Lin Chi tried to use the RP player's way of speaking, trying to avoid fighting with that guy.

Due to a game with a large number of maps and story backgrounds, it is difficult for the RP player to enter the play quickly. The RP player in this game is also extremely rare. It was completely beyond Lin Chi's expectation to meet such a person.

But who exactly is the "devil" in Hughes's words? Could it be that the so-called Demon King is also a member of the RP player?

"Things seem to be interesting..."

Lin Chi laughed, put the grenade launcher back into his backpack, and walked in the opposite direction where Hughes had left.


"Mercenary Killer" and "Devil" came from the first online novel I ever read. At that time, I hadn't even been exposed to online novels. I saw them through other channels.

If it is a reader who is old enough, maybe he will have an impression of these two names? This is probably my tribute to the veteran author and his works. (laugh)

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