War Paradise

Chapter 1101 Skeleton Face and Qilin Arm

As a "worker" who just entered the city, when Lin Chi successfully boarded the thief ship, a task prompt popped up in his sight:

Start mission: "Wasteland Explorer PART.1"

You have joined the camp of wasteland explorers and start an adventure with the only member of this organization.

Task reward: Favorability.


Seeing this setting that seemed to have not appeared in a long time, Lin Chi didn't react for a while. At this time, he found that in the own status bar, he could already see the favorability of the wasteland explorers.

Since he is a newcomer, the opponent's favorability is still 0. The half-faced woman glanced at Lin Chi and stretched out her right hand to him: "Slip skin, isn't she in good shape, she's pretty strong?"

——Where did you hear this line?

"What are you doing?" Lin Chi asked.

"Let me see if your development is not normal?" The words from the woman's mouth were very awkward, and it sounded like an old hooligan.

Lin Chi stretched out his hand and shook the opponent. A dull pain flowed from the deformed palm all over the body. The woman's strength was amazing. Even if Lin Chi's strength reached 40 points, her right hand and arm were still twisted into twists. , The black and red blood spurted out.

"It's really slippery, your strength is not good..." The woman loosened Lin Chi's comminuted fractured right hand, and her bloody right arm immediately dropped. The disabled DEBUFF is also hung up in the status bar.

"Is that why you mutilated the newcomer?" Lin Chi said angrily.

If it weren't for the radiation man to be more resistant to pain than the normal man, he is now afraid that he would directly trigger the sudden death system and quit the game. But the skeleton-faced woman who had just scrapped one arm of Lin Chi didn't mean to apologize at all. She just pointed to a metal table behind her.

"Sit down," she said.

Lin Chi dragged his bloody arm and sat down on the iron chair by the table. With his left hand, he lifted the collapsed right arm and placed it on the cold tabletop.

——It seems that I have to break my arm in every game, is it an illusion?

Lin Chi shook his head, staring straight at the woman, only to see that the other party took a dilapidated wooden box from the shelf, rummaged in it, and took out a syringe.

"You are too weak now." She looked at the dark green liquid in the syringe, walked to Lin Chi's side, and injected the unknown medicine into Lin Chi's arm.

Then, Lin Chi's brain suddenly shook.

The consciousness that was originally a little vague due to the pain suddenly returned to consciousness, the pain of the broken arm suddenly disappeared, and what followed was an incredible...comfort.

Under Lin Chi's gaze, his comminuted fractured right arm began to regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye. The original smooth skin was transformed into dark brown "scales", and the restored muscles were as strong as steel.

He opened the attribute bar and looked at it, and saw that his own power value soared to 70 points. The disabling effect in the status bar is gone, replaced by a new status:

Radiation arm:

Your right arm has been injected with high-purity radioactive materials, with a strength value of 30 Ascension, and your right arm has the steel-reinforced iron skill, which can resist some damage.

"If someone rushes to make trouble, let them see how powerful Qilin arm is!"

"What Qilin arm..." Lin Chi, who had finished reading the status introduction, couldn't help but vomit. Looking at his new hard arm, he tried to move his right hand.

With a seventy-point strength bonus, he made a dangerous click when he clenched his fist, and slammed it down slightly, leaving a shocking pit on the solid metal tabletop.

"Don't destroy my furniture, okay?" The woman sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't expect the power to be so great." Lin Chi casually said nonsense.

"Well, depending on how you look now, you can act with me." The woman said with satisfaction, and patted Lin Chi's shoulder with her seemingly weak hand.

"What should I call you?" Lin Chi looked at the three question marks in the name column of the other party.

"The name doesn't matter. You can call me ‘skeleton face’. Other members call me that way.",

The woman looked down at the men's watch on her wrist, and said absently: "Rookie, get used to your new arm, ready to go."

"I always have a question, where are the other members?" Lin Chi asked.

"Oh, they..." Hearing Lin Chi's words, the skull face grinned with leaky teeth: "They are all dead, only the two of us are left."


Before departure, other preparations are also necessary.

Lin Chi, who was originally unclothed, put on a set of thick khaki clothes under the guidance of his skull face to cover the "slip skin" on his body, and put on a pair of goggles on his forehead, using black cloth by the way. The mask covers half of own's face.

"Well, that's a member of Wasteland Explorer." Looking at Lin Chi's outfit at this time, the skull face grunted in satisfaction, and his favorability increased from 0 to 5.

"Can I understand the job content?" Lin Chi, who had just arrived, directly played the role of rookie.

Skeleton's face raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, then put on the mask again to cover his "blatant" face: "You'll know soon, rookie."

After changing their clothes and completing the preparations, Lin Chi and Skeleton Face left the wasteland explorer's base, and under the leadership of the woman, they walked towards the city center.

Perhaps to pass the boring time on the road, the skeleton face walking in front chatted with Lin Chi without looking back:

"Slider, where are you from?"

"Very far away." Lin Chi's answer was ambiguous.

"Then we seem to be the same. I also walked for a long time to get here." Skeleton said in a low voice, "Since you have used my medicine, you can no longer look back. I won't use expensive medicine on deserters... …"

"I won't run away." Lin Chi said seriously.

Before she finished her words, the Skull Face’s favorability increased by 1 point. She chuckled, "If you can survive, I can make you stronger, but the previous rookies died in the first mission. ."

"So can you tell me the job content now?" Lin Chi asked again.

"There are several unexploded nuclear bombs hidden in the Land of Light. They are all controlled by the nobles. I plan to snatch the nuclear bombs from them. This is your first mission. Isn't it simple?"

"How did the explorer who said he was a robbery?" Lin Chi frowned slightly.

"Robbery is also part of exploration. If you don't get strong power, there is only a dead end to explore." Skeleton Face and Lin Chi looked at each other: "Do you think that with our current strength, we can survive in'Exploration'?"

——The "exploration" in her mouth seems very difficult.

While thinking about it, Lin Chi followed the skull face through the corner of the street. Although it looked similar to other streets in the Land of Lights, he soon discovered that there were more sentinels on the street than in other places.

"It's almost here." Skeleton Face reminded in a low voice: "Follow me and tell you the battle plan right away."

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