War Paradise

Chapter 1103 Orion Super Soldier

"Nuclear God, please bless me to get that pot of enriched uranium..."

The ragged man knelt before the nuclear bomb, praying silently in his heart, with a weird smile on his scaly face.

As night fell, fewer and fewer people lined up in front of the Nuclear Bomb Idol, and the opening hours here were about to end. The guards who guarded a daytime sentinels were also a little relieved.

——Those guys from the Guards, whose fighting power is so terrifying, when they arrive here, they can finally rest.

These "monsters" that have been upgraded under the influence of radioactive materials have the same thinking mode as humans. When it comes to handing over, it is the moment when their guards are most relaxed.

Hunters lurking in the shadows will naturally not miss this opportunity.

On the second floor of the metal building a hundred meters west of the Nuclear Bomb Statue, a sentry was holding an M2 heavy machine gun and yawning with his eyes closed, completely unaware of the other Daoist shadow emerging behind him.

It wasn't until the opponent raised his right arm that the sentry noticed the change in the shadow, and suddenly turned his head to greet him with Qilin's arm.

The crisp sound of broken bones rang in the building, and was overwhelmed by the sound of car engines on the street. The sentry near the nuclear bomb didn't know it. Just when they were resting, one of their companions had been headshot.


Fragments of bones and brains slid down between his fingers, Lin Chi released his right hand, and the body of the sentry slid softly against the wall, leaving an ethereal bloodstain on the wall that seemed to be written with a brush.

"This will be emptied..." Lin Chi used the sentry's clothes as a rag, wiped off the blood stains on his hands, stood next to the heavy machine gun, grabbed the grip of the machine gun with one hand, and aimed at the nuclear bomb statue a hundred meters away. .

His superb sneaking skills, naturally, needless to say, it only took less than ten minutes to empty the building occupied by the sentries.

However, Lin Chi knew very well that the exercise just now was a warm-up exercise at best, and the next thing to start is the highlight:

Lin Chi, who clenched the grip of the machine gun in his left hand, focused his gaze on the side of the nuclear bomb idol.

Under the light from behind the cordon, a black off-road vehicle was parked on the clearing, and the old man in a suit and leather walking stick walked out of the back seat.

The nobleman just got out of the car, and was immediately guarded by the surrounding sentries. At this time, the two "robotics" behind the car also entered Lin Chi's line of sight:

"Is that... the Guards."

——The two humanoid monsters are three meters tall, and a red light glows in the center of the silver helmet. There were heavy armor plates draped all over the body, which looked like something removed from a tank.

What caught Lin Chi’s attention was a “water pipe” inserted into the shoulders of the two super soldiers. At this distance, it was not clear whether the pipe was a wire or something, but the pipe around the shoulder armor should be It's not an ornament.

At this moment, a red text popped up beside the two:

"Orion" super soldier, hero-level NPC (not recruitable).

Looking down at his upgraded right hand, and then at the armor on the super soldier, Lin Chi sighed.

——Only relying on own "Qilin arm", there is no way to smash the armor of the super soldiers of the Guards, even with heavy machine guns, it is impossible to cause any damage to those monsters. All we can do now is wait.

It is more appropriate to wait until the damned nobleman has left the two super fighters under his command before starting the robbery. It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Under Lin Chi's gaze, one of the super soldiers began to walk towards the building where he was.

——They found something strange here?

Lin Chi, who was ready to escape, stood motionless and watched the next development of the situation.

The heavy footsteps of the super soldier drew closer and stopped in the open space below the building. The extremely strong monster did not seem to find that all the sentries in the building had been killed. It was just carrying out routine patrols here.


Even though the opponent's movements seemed to be a little slow, Lin Chi did not take it lightly. He stood silently in the shadows, the heavy breathing of the Super Soldier stimulated Lin Chi's eardrums:


The monster looked a little irritable and shook his own fists. At this distance, Lin Chi finally saw the two tubes on the opponent's shoulder:

There is a light red liquid flowing slowly in the tube. It doesn't look like blood. I don't know what it is for.

Even though he wanted to bomb the tube directly with a heavy machine gun, Lin Chi suppressed his own impulse:

Elite Guards soldiers should not expose own weaknesses. If they can kill the super soldiers in this way, these guys will not be worthy of the title of "Guards".

There was a hoarse inhalation sound in the super soldier's throat, and he suddenly waved his fists into the air and started a "square dance" in the clearing.


Seeing the strange movement of the super soldier, Lin Chi did not continue to pay attention to the weird man, and turned his gaze back to the nuclear bomb, only to see that the nobleman was already standing next to the nuclear bomb.

Lin Chi couldn't see what the nobleman was doing because he was tightly guarded by the close-fitting "meat shield" around him, but even if he couldn't see anything, the changes that took place in him were real:

All his own physical attributes have been improved by ten points, which is obviously only possible under strong radiation. The sentries in the open space below are all satisfied.

—— Are those guys to protect the nobles, or to absorb more radiation, so that they will stand by the nobles?

Feeling his own power Ascension, Lin Chi not only didn't feel happy, but his expression became solemn:

I can Ascension ten-point attribute value from a hundred meters away. The sentries below must have more Ascension. In this way, the battle plan of clearing the field with machine guns directly after the guards leaves can be directly invalidated.

Even if he opened fire, he could only defeat a few sentries at most, and he might be torn to pieces by the remaining people. As the saying goes, "The leaks of the house happen to be rainy nights," another bad news appeared in front of Lin Chi:

"Because primitive people are constantly mixing into this city, the sentries in the Land of Lights are beginning to clean up suspicious wanderers. After 20 minutes, the scan will begin."

"When the scan starts, the locations of all players will appear on the map, and they will automatically enter the wanted state for twenty minutes."

"Don't come at this time..." Lin Chi frowned slightly.

Once the scan started, the sentinels would immediately discover the self who was hiding here, and it became an extravagant hope to continue to wait for the opportunity here.

——However, maybe you can use this opportunity to bring other players over to relieve your own pressure?

Thinking of this, Lin slowly retreated back to the shadows inside the building, opened his backpack and started preparations.

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