War Paradise

Chapter 1108 Wasteland Explorer PART.1

"He's in the building, kill him!"

The sentries near the statue of the nuclear bomb once again separated a group of people and ran towards the building where Lin Chi was hiding. At the same time, the super soldier also entered the building again.

The situation on the battlefield has become extremely complicated, but this is exactly what Lin Chi needs. With the "assistance" of the miscellaneous soldiers, fishing in troubled waters in this building is easier than confronting the monster head-on.

Putting the exhausted multi-barrel grenade launcher back into his backpack, Lin Chi pulled out two short knives and stepped back to the wall, hiding his figure in the shadow that the sun could not reach.

At this time, the duration of the rage skill still had seventeen minutes left.


A dull loud noise erupted from the top of the head, awakening the "beauty" who had just fallen asleep.

Skeleton's face slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of dust fell from the top of her head, just to spill on her face mask.


She made a vague sound with a leaky mouth, and her body leaning on the chair suddenly stood up, looked up at the black marks on the roof, and sighed for a long time.

Judging from the sound just now, there should be a grenade hitting the roof. The roof converted from the shell of the infantry fighting vehicle will naturally not be damaged by this kind of impact. but……

Is the battle already so fierce? Maybe we can take this opportunity to get the nuclear bomb?

Besides, that rookie has already succeeded, right?

——I didn't care much about that rookie's skull face, but after thinking about it, I grabbed the brown coat on the chair, put it on myself, and started looking for weapons in the base.

She didn't know whether it was the innocence of that guy that moved her, or she just wanted to see how that guy died. But in any case, she could feel that the rookie she recruited this time was not the same kind of people as the idiots who just wanted to make a fortune and then died in the first mission.

Then, let's check the status of that rookie. After all, the guy also injected the medicine he provided, and at any rate he accepted the investment, so it doesn't hurt to check it out.

The skull face, who kept making excuses in his mind, shook his head vigorously, left the base and returned to the street, and walked towards the location of the nuclear bomb idol.


Several grenades landed on the street, exploding a piece of scorched earth. The sentries in the city didn't know who they were fighting with, and they kept attacking.

"It seems that the city has been in chaos recently." Skull's face thought to himself.

Despite the threats posed by upgraded monsters and "primitives", the Land of Light is still peaceful on weekdays. The battle mainly takes place in the wilderness outside the city. It is safer in the city where sentries are stationed.

However, it seems that from a month ago, the tranquility of the city was broken, and large-scale firefights occurred almost every day. Even if the enemy could be successfully suppressed, the sentries still suffered heavy casualties.

——Is this city being targeted by someone?

As an aboriginal, the skeleton face has also tried to investigate who caused the war in the city, but he has found nothing.

Those weird people seemed to exist without a trace. The sentinels could not even find a corpse. They could only infer from the blood stains on the ground and some of the weapons they dropped, that the enemy was injured and ran away. I don't know where they went.

Avoiding the battle area on the street, the skeleton face quickly reached the vicinity of the nuclear bomb idol with the help of night cover, and saw the sentry guarding the nuclear bomb, with fewer than ten people left.

In the clearing around the nuclear bomb, there were several charred sentinel bodies lying down, and in the building on the other side of the clearing, almost every window was smoking.

Seeing this scene, the battle-tested skull face immediately understood what had happened just now. She blinked vigorously and focused her gaze on the building that was on fire.

That rookie led the sentries into the building? But relying on his strength alone should not be able to solve so many people...

The strength of that "slip skin" is not strong, and it can barely reach the level of a radiation warrior by injecting drugs. Logically speaking, with his weak body, there shouldn't be much combat experience.

Can such an inexperienced novice really defeat dozens of sentinels?

The skeleton face, who was pessimistic about this question, decided to go and take a look. She avoided the sentinel near the nuclear bomb from the shadows and sneaked into the building sneakily.

Then what appeared in the line of sight was an incredible picture:

The bodies of more than a dozen sentries fell on the first floor. Some of them were still burning, while others were extremely well preserved. It seemed that they had been killed by a single blow.

Could it be that……

The skeleton face rushed along the stairs to the second floor, where she saw the bodies of several sentries and a thick dragging blood mark on the ground, extending into the corner.

The skull face followed the bloodstain in silence, and then froze in place again with surprise.

The corpse lying in the corner turned out to be the "Orion" super soldier of the Noble Guard!

The body, which was three meters high, was blown off nearly half. The head, shoulders and arms of the super soldier disappeared. The mixture of blood and meat sauce covered the walls within a radius of ten meters, and it looked like it was blown to pieces. .

What kind of attack is needed to make the super soldier's "steel body" capable of resisting the frontal bombardment of tank guns become what it is now?

The skeleton face stared at the super soldier's corpse blankly, and a more frightening scene appeared: the bombed corpse suddenly moved.

Then, a male voice rang from the position of the corpse, sounding familiar:

"This guy is so difficult."

Under the gaze of the Skull Face's startled gaze, the super soldier's corpse was pushed away, and the blood-covered "rookie" slowly sat up.

"You are here." Lin Chi, who had just sat up, waved to his own "employer".

Seeing that Rookie, who was supposed to be mortal, was still alive, Skeleton's face pointed his finger at the body of the super soldier and asked, "This...you did it?"

"He has an engine and other things installed in his body, so the power is so great. Every time he moves, he needs to use the exhaust pipe to exhaust. As long as the pipe is disposed of, he will'explode the cylinder' himself."

After experiencing a fierce battle, Lin Chi leaned against the wall to rest, and by the way did not forget to explain the principle to the skull face. Immediately afterwards, he noticed the favorability of the skull face, and suddenly there was a leap of Ascension.

The favorability level, which was originally only single digits, instantly increased to 54 points. At the same time, another prompt popped up:

The mission "Wasteland Explorer PART.1" has been completed.

You have earned fifty points of favorability. Unlock a new mission: Wasteland Explorer PART.2.

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