War Paradise

Chapter 1110 Extreme Evolution

When Lin Chi, who was asleep on the shelf, woke up, it was already the next morning.

The base of the wasteland explorer was shining with soft lights, and an iron pot was gurgling non-stop, as if something was being cooked.

An indescribable smell drifted into the nasal cavity, Lin Chi moved his own body, and found that the effect of the muscle relaxant had disappeared.

He stood up and walked out of the dark corner. He saw the skull face leaning on the chair and closing his eyes to rest. The iron pot on the table had been blackened by the flames, and a scorched yellow smoke slowly rose under the steel ceiling. Hovering.

"What is this?" Lin Chi asked, clutching his nose.

"Rookie, you're awake." Skullface glanced back at him and explained: "I'm making medicine."

——This guy is still a pharmacist?

Realizing this, Lin Chi touched his own backpack. One of the props in it may be handed over to Skull Face to play. However, it is not yet time to "open up" to her.

Since there is no reference to this value, Lin Chi doesn't know the current degree of favorability. Want to further improve his favorability, his choice is to continue to do the task.

After scanning last night, one-third of the players withdrew from the "stage of history", and now there are still sixty players left. Seeing the Wasteland Explorer PART.2 hanging in the own taskbar, Lin Chi stood by the table and asked, "What's the next task?"

"Oh by the way, I forgot about this." Skull Face reached out and patted his dry cheek, approvingly said: "It's quite proactive, newcomer."

"I have always been very dedicated." Lin Chi lied without changing his face.

"Okay, I'll tell you what to do this time, listen up..." The skeleton face spread out the map of the Land of Light on the table, reaching out to the southeast corner:

"This place is the ‘underground world’ of the Land of Light, and it’s also a place I often explore. This time I will act with you. Keep your eyes open and look forward to it, the real wasteland explorer..."

Speaking of this, Skeleton's face suddenly coughed violently, a mouthful of black blood spurted out of his uncovered mouth, and said with difficulty: "Wait...wait a moment."

"Are you okay?" Lin Chi looked at his "superior" who was vomiting blood with some concern.

Although his entourage has everything from men, women, and children, it seems that there is no such thing as suspected of being seriously ill. Even Shen Wenchong, who has lived for so many years, looks much healthier than a skeleton face.

"I'm okay... the old problem is sick." Skeleton's face was gasping, as if he finally recovered: "Newcomer, where did I just say?"

"A real wasteland explorer." Lin Chi smiled.

"Oh yes, the underground world is right, the real wasteland exploration...Forget it, you will know when you go." Skeleton's face reached out and wiped the trace of black blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Is it exploring underground caves?" Lin Chi recalled how he was fighting underground on Mars.

"This is not an ordinary underground cave, newcomer..." The skeleton face slowed down his speech utterly, and sold it seriously: "That place is one of the energy sources of the Land of Light, but most of the radiant people I didn't dare to come close, but occasionally explorers went in, and most of them couldn't come back."

"I'm used to taking risks." Lin Chi told the truth."But you have never seen such a place." Skull Face laughed softly, and began to sell it again.

She waited for a while. Seeing that Lin Chi didn’t mean to continue, she could only cough awkwardly, and explained, “Well, it’s actually a hollow created by a hydrogen bomb exploding underground. Many buildings in the Land of Light are actually They are all built on top of this cavity."

"It's a miracle that it hasn't collapsed yet." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Needless to say, the most powerful species of nuclear weapons is naturally a terrifying hydrogen bomb. As a second-generation nuclear weapon, the power of this "big killer" is much more brutal than their old senior, the first-generation atomic bomb. The largest nuclear weapon detonated in human history is also the 50 million-ton-class nuclear weapon of the Soviet Union. A hydrogen bomb equivalent to TNT-the "Czar bomb".

The place of light built above the hydrogen bomb blast hole can undoubtedly be called an "architectural miracle." However, Lin Chi now pays more attention to the situation inside the hollow:

"You mean, it's dangerous in there?" Lin Chi whispered.

The radiators here kneel down and worship the nuclear bomb as a god. It stands to reason that the hole exploded by the hydrogen bomb should be called Sacred Land to them. There will be situations where no one dares to approach it, obviously because of the danger inside.

"Yes, I only searched outside at the beginning, but couldn't get inside." The skeleton nodded, and sat up and reached out to open the lid. A pungent smell hit his face, making Lin Chi again and again. Back.

"The radiant people who went to the'pilgrimage' in the past have all disappeared there, and the few explorers who came back alive will not say anything." Skeleton Face explained.

Avoiding the strong-smelling area, Lin Chi looked at the woman's back covered in smoke, "Are you sure we are not dying?"

"Rookie, I think you still have hope." Skullface said earnestly: "To be honest, it's beyond my expectation that you can eliminate the Guardsmen."

——This task is the rhythm of life...

Realizing that the next task is really going to kill him, Lin Chi shook his head: It seemed that his "vacation" was almost over.

"So here are the two of us?" Lin Chi asked angrily.

"There is another guy who is on vacation. I will take you to see him later." Skullface said, holding up the iron pan, turned and walked to Lin Chi, and put the iron pan full of bubbling green slime. Raised it to Lin Chi's mouth.

"Drink, newcomer, this is the fate of the wasteland explorer."

"Can you tell me what it is?" Seeing the seemingly dangerous drug, Lin Chi couldn't help but retreated one step further.

"Your current slippery body is still a bit weak, and it doesn't reach the level of a normal radiation fighter. As long as you drink the medicine I boil, you can greatly increase the radiation level in your body." The words of the skull face sounded very attractive: "You don't think that you can survive in the underground world just by relying on that arm?"

——This thing is a medicine to increase the radiation value?

Lin Chi was still hesitating, the skull face had already splashed the green water in the iron pan.


Half an hour later, Lin Chi, who was transformed into a "Hulk", tore a thin film from his steel-like skin.

"Did you work in a beauty salon before?" He sighed.

Although the voice is the same as before, Lin Chi's appearance at this time is completely different from the previous "Sliding Skin".

After experiencing the "secret medicine" baptism of the skull face, Lin Chi's whole body skin turned dark green, his body swelled two times compared to before, and his height reached two meters directly. The upper and lower muscle contours of his whole body look like those of a bodybuilder. statue.

Although the evolution process was a little uncomfortable, the effect was immediate. After completing the magnificent transformation, Lin Chi's strength, agility and endurance attributes all reached 110 points. Not only the appearance, but also the attributes are completely out of the human category.

"Rookie, my craftsmanship is not bad, right?" Looking at own masterpiece, the skull face smiled triumphantly, and a little blood spurted out of his leaky mouth.

"It's okay, but I probably haven't reached the limit yet." Lin Chi smiled.

Unlike the previous "Radiation Arm" and "Radiation Body", this time I did not get the effect in the status bar, but a new skill:

Upgraded species (level 1):

Your body has been upgraded under the action of strong radiation, and your body attribute value has been increased by forty points, gaining the effect of steel and iron bones.

This skill can only be triggered when you are a "radiator" species and receive a large enough dose of radiation.

"Cheers, we are finally free from the bondage of the species ‘human’!"

——For other players, even if this passive skill appears in the status bar, there seems to be no difference. But for Lin Chi, this skill is undoubtedly an out-and-out magical skill. Because……

"Rookie, are you still evolving?" Hearing Lin Chi's words, Skeleton's face widened his eyes in amazement: "Impossible, I can't get too good materials, the medicine should not have such a high concentration..."

"That's right, the'God of Evolution' I believe in will give me the power to further evolve." Lin Chi said nonsense seriously, and took out an inconspicuous little item from his backpack by the way, and held it in his hand:

The badge of the gods.

Special props.

Item level: Epic.

The player carrying this badge can select any level 1 skill in the skill column and Ascension the skill to level 3. Skill level Ascension effect will last until the end of each game. Please note that in each game, you can only select once, once you have selected it, you cannot change it.

"The ancient god-descending ritual has long been lost. The most complete ritual in existence is the ‘god-tier jumping’. The strange thing is that for most of the time, the god-tier jumping seems to be unable to summon any gods."

The skull face went around by Lin Chi's side, looking at his face curiously, and his tone was full of questioning: "Where is there any god here? Don't make me laugh, I'm not one of those stupid radiation...people."

Before she could finish her words, she was forcibly chopped in her throat, because at this time Lin Chi had already begun to evolve further under her gaze:

Lin Chi used the special effect of the badge of the gods to ascension the skills he had just acquired directly to level 3.

As the skill level changed, his body was upgraded again.


The body that had just swelled for a short time, once again "successfully lost weight." The hard green skin on Lin Chi's body began to fall off, but what was exposed was not muscle or bone, but pure white crystals.

His vision began to become very clear, as if suddenly evolved from 720P to 4K resolution, and the field of vision of his eyes was also much wider. Originally, he could only look at a small area, and all other places with their own "blur effect" disappeared. Instead, every corner has an extremely clear picture.

Lin Chi didn’t need to lower his head at all, he had already seen the abnormal changes on his body: after the green skin was completely peeled off, the texture of his body turned into white crystals. The body material has been completely changed!

"This is impossible……"Witnessing the incomprehensible picture, the skeleton face lost the ability to organize language in a short time, but kept repeating the word "impossible".

"What am I like now?" Lin Chi looked at the own skill column while asking questions:

Upgraded species (level 3):

Your body has been upgraded under the effect of strong radiation, your body attribute value has been increased by 120 points, and the effect of "immortality" has been obtained, and it is immune to all physical attacks.

This skill can only be triggered when you are a "radiator" species and receive a large dose of radiation.

"Cheers, we are finally free from the bondage of the species ‘human’!"

"I'm going, isn't this too invincible?" Lin Chi vomited.

He knows very well that this "upgraded species" skill should usually be fixed at level 1, and the player can break through to level 2, which is probably the limit.

Relying on Mephistophet's upgraded badge, he has upgraded this skill to level 3, which is basically impossible to achieve. There is no doubt that the current self is completely out of the category of human beings!

However, this experience is not bad.

"It seems that we can continue'leisure'." Lin Chi smiled.

——With such a powerful force, I am already invincible in this game. Let alone a player, even a leader-level super soldier is not an own opponent at all!

"Let's go?" This time it was changed to Lin Chi's order.

"Impossible... No." Until then, the skull face finally woke up like a dream, and stammered: "I have to find that person..."

"No need, I can handle it," Lin Chi said.

At this time, his strength, agility and endurance have reached 190 at the same time, plus the "immortality" BUFF in the state, there is no need to waste time looking for other helpers!

"Oh, yes, okay..."

The Skeleton Face, who was still in a half-hearted state, had already lost his original calmness, and his favorability kept rising and falling between 50-90. It seemed that he was still not sure whether he would trust the current Lin Chi.

The skeleton face at this time seemed to have changed from the leader of the wasteland explorer to the younger brother who had just joined the meeting, while Lin Chi became the commander and automatically obtained the command.

"The underground world is here, you have the final say..." The skull face stared blankly at Lin Chi's "crystal clear" face and crystal clear eyes.

Standing in front of her was like a movable stone sculpture. Even after staying in the Land of Light for many years and seeing the skull faces of various radiant people, I have never seen a monster that has evolved into this kind of appearance!

Lin Chi grabbed an earth-yellow robe from the shelf and draped it over his overly conspicuous body. After putting on his clothes and shoes, he put on a wide-brimmed hat and mask by the way, and did not forget to put on a pair of leather gloves. , Cover yourself tightly.

"Are you ready?" Lin Chi asked the skull face.

"All right."

Skeleton's face recovered, shook his head vigorously, and said in a flustered manner: "You can go now."

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