War Paradise

Chapter 1117

As the officially appointed BOSS, the beast known as the alien creature in the wasteland is still very spine even if it is defeated, lying on the ground with only a few teeth left, and shouting out of breath:

"Go... die."

At this time, its roar has become weak, and the body that convulses from time to time is completely unable to move. The beast that was "bombed and killed" under a single strike has completely lost its combat effectiveness, and the so-called threat is just trying to do it.

"Don't want to answer questions?"

Seeing the painful and determined appearance of the beast, Lin Chi did not question, but turned to the skull face behind him, and pointed to the cave where the monster had drilled out:

"What do you think about this as a temporary base?"

"It smells too bad." The skull face shook his head, and the dark blue head reflected dazzling light in the sunlight: "I don't think it will work."

Hearing the other's merciless insults, the beast struggled to get up, but he could only move his limbs to make a stroke-like action, which looked quite funny.

"I think the bases in the city of Light Land can no longer be used." Lin Chi said seriously.

Because of the energy constantly radiating from his body, staying in the place of light can only cause chaos. Although the sentinels and super soldiers in the city are not their own opponents at all, there may be other special soldiers under the nobles, and things may go wrong if they are too underestimated.

Lin Chi's idea was to build a new base outside the Land of Light. This cave of the Beast Life obviously met his requirements. As for the stench that permeated the cave, it was not difficult to solve it.

"Look at it, I'll go in and take a look." Lin Chi said strode towards the entrance of the cave.

The cave of Beast Life is about two hundred square meters. The cave is filled with the stench of carrion, some incomplete bones and some relics of the victims are piled up in the corners.

The relatively complete guns and other trophies are scattered in the four corners of the cave. Just by looking at the number, you will know that many people have died in the mouth of the beast. But the bones in the cave do not look like human bones, but bones from large mammals.

"Ha, this guy really likes beef, right..."

Realizing that this BOSS should be the recruitable leader written in the contract, Lin Chi laughed, spreading the two energy light wings gushing out of his back to the maximum, and the energy flame erupting from his body swept through the cave. .


The tongue of fire scorched the walls and soil in the cave, and the rotting meat and animal corpses were all burned to ashes by the two thousand-degree high temperature flames. At the same time, those who were burned were the trophies in the cave.

Under Lin Chi's "high temperature disinfection", the rancid smell in the cave was completely driven away, and it was replaced by a burnt smell. However, the smell of flames will dissipate faster than the long-lasting stench.

Thick black smoke floated from the entrance of the cave, and at the same time Lin Chi, who had completed the disinfection work, flew out. He put away the "flamethrower" behind him, returned to the beast, nodded to the skull face, and said:


"I still don't think this is great, newcomer." The skeleton face stared at the dirt under his feet with some worry. A rotten human hand that was disconnected from the wrist was exposed from the soil: "We can live here, but we can live here. The sentries attacked by this monster might come to retaliate..."

"It's okay, they don't have any threat." Lin Chi smiled: "The guy who can't even beat this beast wants to trouble me, isn't he looking for death?"

"You wait……"

The beast lying on the ground and unable to move, gritted his teeth viciously, and a half-broken fang near his mouth fell off with a click and fell into the mud next to his head.

"Okay, don't be brave." Lin Chi comfortedly stroked the back of the beast, turned to the skull face and asked, "Can you find beef in the city?"

"Radiator doesn't eat this kind of thing, you have to go to primitive people to find it." Skeleton face replied: "Radiator only needs rays."

"Well, I'll look for it later." Lin Chi turned to look at the outline of the city in the distance: "If you have anything you want to take, go back and bring it. The base in the city can't be used anymore."

The "Nuclear God Appearance Incident" happened before, and the old base of the wasteland explorers may have been blocked by the sentries. However, with the current crystallization state of the skull face, it is not difficult to get the sentry team in the city.

"Well, then I'll go back first..." The skull face looked at Lin Chi again, and then walked towards the place of light without looking back.

Although her performance was normal, Lin Chi was not worried that Skeleton Face would take the opportunity to escape. After all, she had just returned to the 700-point favorability level, which explained everything.

——Since the appearance of the nuclear god, Lin Chi's prestige has reached an astonishing 12,500 points, perhaps because his appearance is too "Sacred". Now if he returns to the city, he should attract a large number of believers to worship.

However, Lin Chi had no plans to spread new "religious beliefs" in the city. He just sat down on the muddy ground beside the beast, looked at the head of the beast lying on the ground, and stared at the other's round eyes, and asked. :"do you still remember me?"

"Crystal Man..." The beast seemed to have recovered a bit of strength, at least it was not so difficult to speak: "I want to kill you!"

"Forget it, you should save yourself a few teeth." Lin Chi laughed out loud.

Although the names are different, there are many similarities between this monster and the other leader he encountered on another map. Facing the seemingly familiar BOSS, Lin Chi did not continue to read the contract book to find clues, but planned to use his own method to recruit this "suspicious" leader:

"Have you heard of Soviet superpowers?" Lin Chi asked.

When hearing this name, the beast's body suddenly twitched a bit, and the injured monster grumbled in pain, and did not answer Lin Chi's question.

"I have a friend who is a member of the Soviet superpower force. It's a little girl...no, little boy." Lin Chi continued, "Her code name in the organization is'Zhen'. She can control the space around her. You know him. ?"


Lin Chi's words seemed to touch the beast's nerves. It made it roar in pain, and its frantic eyeballs began to engorge,

--How is this going?

Realizing that the situation was not right, Lin Chi clenched his fists and was about to use "physical means" to calm the beast, but suddenly there was a male voice with a strange tone around him:

"You will kill him like this, boy~"

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