War Paradise

Chapter 1122


A middle-aged man wearing a leather coat and jeans hummed a song in the toilet. Shake your hands up and down from time to time, looking very comfortable.

As a "primitive" soldier, even though the base he was stationed at was 30 kilometers away from the Land of Light. But he is also very sure that those radioactive people will not attack rashly.

Primitives and radiators once fought a fierce battle in the wilderness outside the Land of Light. Although he had not participated in that war, just listening to the narratives of the veterans in the base, he seemed to be able to see the tragic scene of blood and blood flying at the time.

Since that war, the two warring parties with heavy casualties signed a ostensible armistice agreement in order to avoid direct total destruction. The large-scale war between primitive man and radioactive man has not broken out again until today.

Over the years, skirmishes between the two sides have continued, but the war is basically impossible to start. Unless the nobleman on the Radiation Man suddenly loses his mind, or the commander on the primitive man goes crazy, it is possible to launch a large-scale campaign again.

Since the war has ceased long ago, the soldiers in this outpost have also changed from bloody frontline soldiers to guards.

"alright, alright……"

The soldier with a slightly vicissitudes of face closed the zipper, whistled and began to wash his hands. He has been paddling and fishing for a long time, and he has forgotten what a real war looks like.

——There is no change in the Land of Light now, and it must be a peaceful day again. As long as you mix for a few months, you can retire and go home to enjoy the good fortune.


After washing his hands, the middle-aged man looked up at himself in the mirror, only to find two blood stains on his nose.

"What happened..."

He raised his hand to wipe the blood stains off his face, but his nosebleeds flowed more and more as if he couldn't stop, and his consciousness began to blur. While the soldier was still wondering, a harsh siren sounded from the base.

"The radiation value exceeds the limit, please wear protective clothing."

The emotionless female voice kept issuing warnings. The middle-aged man staggered out of the toilet and ran to his own dormitory. The other soldiers in the base were also panicking looking for protective clothing at this time, all in a hurry and panic.

The sudden high-intensity radiation made their bodies completely unbearable. Several unlucky guys who hadn't exercised for a long time made their bodies weak. Before they got the anti-radiation clothing, they fell into the tunnel of the base. The bloody appearance of Qiqiao was extremely terrible. .

"The radiation level is too high, please wear protective clothing immediately." The female voice continued to remind.

The soldiers put on protective suits at the fastest speed, took up their weapons and looked at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

"Where is the enemy?" a soldier asked in confusion.

They thought it was an invasion by radioactive people, but they didn't see anyone at all, only the constant ascending dose of radiation reminded them of the danger.

——Could it be that the radiators have come up with new radiological weapons? But with the protective measures of this base, the radiation emitted from the Land of Light should have been absorbed long ago, and it would not pose any threat at all.

"Preparing to evacuate, they may have detonated a nuclear bomb..." The commander issued an order from the radio.

"No signs of nuclear weapons explosions have been detected." The message from the control room slapped the commander in the face mercilessly.

"Then explain to me, what's going on now?" the base commander asked dumbly.This kind of sudden radiation value ascending can only be explained by "the enemy detonated a strong radiation bomb", there should be no other explanation besides this. Since the enemy did not detonate the bomb, that is to say...

"Is it detected that the enemy is approaching?" The commander took off his hood and spit out a mouthful of old blood from his mouth.

"The radar did not detect an abnormality, but there was a short-term error." The soldier in the control room replied.

"What's wrong? You missed someone and came in..." the commander yelled, "What did you eat? Stupid!"

Even as the commander of the outpost, this big-bellied bald man was actually just a "second generation of official" who came to mess around and gilded his resume.

His father was indeed a famous general on the primitive side, but judging from his usual situation, this guy obviously failed to inherit his father's bravery and good fighting, but faithfully restored his father's old age.

"The enemy was not detected." The soldier in the control room lowered his voice and said patiently: "It's just the radar abnormal..."

——A very fast flying object was indeed detected on the radar just now, but the observation post did not see anything. The fast light spot disappeared within ten seconds.

It stands to reason that a radioactive man who builds a city on the ruins of a nuclear explosion cannot master human missile technology.

Even if the thing was a missile, judging from the sudden disappearance of the signal, it must have crashed somewhere in the wilderness.

"Everyone checks the entire base immediately, there may be an intruder coming in!" The commander's voice continued to echo in the military base that was not too big.

The soldiers wearing protective clothing began to scatter to every corner of the base, looking for the source of abnormal radiation. But they soon discovered that things seemed to be beyond their control alone:


A soldier's mouth spurted with blood and his mask was stained red. His proud muscles were as weak as noodles at this time, and he didn't even have the strength to stand.

"The radiation is too strong, we must leave!" The soldiers who began to suffer from radiation sickness shouted frantically: "It's too dangerous here!"

"What a waste of time..."

Realizing that the base can no longer stay, the commander prepared to flee the own office in embarrassment. Before leaving, he dedicatedly pressed the red button under the desk.

"Start emergency measures, please leave the danger zone immediately." The female voice on the radio warned everyone in the base: "Start the killing procedure."

"It's you, hurry up!"

Hearing the alarm sound this time, all the soldiers still alive in the base fled like a bereaved dog, drove into the military vehicle in the base, and ran away without hesitation.

Then, the circular metal door on the ground in the center of the base slowly opened with a rumble.

The silver missile launch pad slowly rose, and dozens of slender missiles gleamed in the sun. Within five seconds, these missiles will launch powerful conventional weapons at the Land of Light under the instructions of the computer.

For the radiation man, the most powerful nuclear weapons in the hands of mankind will have the opposite effect. The high-temperature fireball when the nuclear bomb exploded can indeed clear most of the radiation people, but those who survived will become stronger.

Therefore, the warheads of these missiles have not used nuclear weapons, and their lethality is greatly reduced.

The reason why the commander wanted to launch the missile was just because he planned to take final revenge against the Land of Light before he left.

It's a pity that even this last "firework" was stopped by the invaders.


A heavy fist smashed the missile launcher into smoke. Lin Chi stretched out his hand to pull out a deformed missile, threw the missile that was too late to ignite at his feet, and kicked the launcher again.

After he attacked, the female voice in the base made the last broadcast:

"An exception occurred and the launch process was terminated."

"Just this thing? I thought there would be a boss or something." Lin Chi sighed, turned around and kicked the launcher again.

—— Relying on fist attacks to prevent missile launches. If they were seen by those soldiers, I'm afraid they could go down in the annals of history...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi couldn't help laughing out, went to the control room of the base, and used the radio to contact the jeep parked a few kilometers away: "You can come here."

"So fast?" Skeleton's face made a startled voice, and his favorability was ascending by ten at the same time.

"This place is no longer suitable for human habitation." Lin Chi smiled.

The "radiation pollution" he just hid in the base has turned this base into a Death Realm that no one can enter. Now, even if the primitive soldiers still want to come back and take back their own territory, they will die directly on this land.

"I'll go over... the signal interference... is too strong." The voice of the skull face was intermittent.

After easily occupying a military base, Lin Chi looked back and looked at the still smoking missile launch pad. He rose into the air again and began to overlook the entire base.

The area of ​​this base is about 2,000 square meters, which is not too big for a military base, and there are not many weapons and equipment inside. It seems to be just an outpost for observation, not a base camp for "primitives".

According to the game style of "War Paradise", there should be at least one BOSS battle on the primitive camp. If you want to achieve a winning method "Strategic Frenzy", attacking primitive bases is definitely inevitable.

But before that, it's better to search this base first.

Lin Chi floated into the warehouse on the west side of the base, used "physical means" to open the locked metal door, and entered the base's arsenal.

Judging from the shape of the shelf, this time the storage should be some individual weapons, and now most of them have been taken away, only some assault rifles, and individual anti-tank missiles and the like, can’t be sent. Too much use.


In the corner behind Lin Chi, an automatic machine gun tower was installed on the wall, and the barrel began to spin at high speed.

But the automatic machine gun hadn't been able to shoot the intruder. The target it was aiming at had appeared on its right hand side. He stretched out his hand to remove the machine gun and twisted the gun body into a U-shape.

For Lin Chi now, these primitive protective measures are nothing more than furnishings.

He entered the building opposite the arsenal and took down the automatic machine gun inside. Seeing that there are no reliable weapons here, Lin Chi's goal of action has also changed from looking for equipment to looking for intelligence.

——In the primitive man’s base, there should be some records written from a human perspective, so that you can further understand the "story background" of this map.

Based on Lin Chi's experience, such clues would probably appear in the commander's office.

Looking at the map on the wall, Lin Chi went directly to the ground, kicked the solid metal protective door, and entered the floor where the commander's office was located.

Clothes and shoes are scattered on the ground, making this base look like a garbage dump. Where Lin Chi went, all the combustibles behind him were ignited, the automatic fire extinguishing device was triggered, and a fine mist of water was sprayed from the ceiling.He quickly found the commander’s office, but when he entered, he found that things were not as simple as he thought:

"Am I crossing?"

Looking at the dozens of mecha models placed in the wooden showcase in the house, Lin Chi lifted the crystal palm and shook it in front of him, floated to the cabinet, and checked the contents at close range:

The commander here seems to like collecting models very much, and has a special liking for "Mobile Suit Gundam". The models on the shelf range from assault freedom to unicorn destruction mode, and there are several mass-produced models. The ancients are all things Lin Chi saw on TV when he was a child.

"Can the dead house become an officer?" Lin Chi blinked.

The mecha model in the game was of no use to him. Just when Lin Chi was about to inspect other places, he found a purple light flashed in the cabinet.

——There is still epic equipment in it?

Unexpectedly, he would meet the epic Lin Chi in such a place. He immediately opened the container and grabbed the gunpla with purple light. A few lines of text introduction appeared in front of him:

GP03D Gundam is a trial model of the No. 3 unit.

Special props.

Item level: Epic.

Some NPCs may like this gift. In addition, selling this item in a specific shop can be exchanged for other epic equipment.

"Anyone who knows how to do it can see that this is definitely a treasure. Be careful not to damage it, otherwise it will be worthless."

"And this kind of epic?"

Lin Chi casually stuffed the model into his backpack, turned to look at the desk that was almost burned by the light wing, and began to search for possible clues.

The commander of this base is obviously a very casual person, even sticking a few pieces of chewing gum on the desk. An army under the command of such a cheating commander is certainly not much better.

Lin Chi opened the desk drawer and searched it. Apart from two adult magazines with explicit covers, he found nothing else.

He resisted the urge to complain and opened one of the magazines. I saw that the pictures inside were all marked with mosaics. In this respect, the harmony of "War Paradise" is quite thorough.

However, when he opened another magazine, he found a thin key card inside.

"Is there something hidden in the base?"

Staring at the translucent key card, Lin Chi reached out and grabbed the object, and the item introduction popped out again:

The commander's secret holding key.

Special props.

Item level: Excellent.

Using the key card, you can open the hidden secret door.

"Anyone has private hobbies, you know."

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