War Paradise

Chapter 1125

"Is the level not enough."

Lin Chi stood in front of the metal workbench and picked up the design drawing on the table. It was painted with intricate patterns comparable to ghost symbols. The densely packed small characters were like a heavenly book, and he couldn't understand a single word now.

The way these engineers draw drawings in military bases seems to be different from ordinary engineers, full of strong personal style. What's more, Lin Chi was originally not a mechanical professional, and it was really difficult to understand this kind of thing.

Fortunately, in the item introduction, this drawing can bring out the map:

Design drawing: Chariot of Flame (T5).

This drawing requires mechanical modification expert skills to reach level 5. A player or follower with this skill can take the map to leave the game.

"Be careful, this is the'super weapon' of primitive people!"

After reading the introduction of the drawing, Lin Chi put the drawing in his backpack and searched the warehouse again. Only some spare parts were found, but no traces of other drawings were found.

After searching the warehouse, Lin Chi returned to the wreckage of the "Chariot of Flames". Perhaps because the bombing was too thorough, this leader-level chariot did not drop any epic items.

——Such a large base, there must be good things hidden in it.

Lin Chi raised his head and looked at the barracks building in the base. When he was about to check in, he saw a dazzling "comet" in the distant sky, dragging its slender tail, and pounced.


Seeing the enemy fired a missile, Lin Chi immediately withdrew to the rear. Just after flying out of the base, the two Tomahawk cruise missiles accurately hit the base's garage and arsenal, detonating the ammunition in the arsenal.

A mushroom-shaped fireball rose up, and the shock wave pushed Lin Chi's body backwards, and the military base was instantly destroyed in half. The original location of the arsenal turned into a burning "meteor crater."

It seems that this army has also upheld the principle of "destruction all that cannot be taken away by soldiers" in the real world, and has begun to bomb its own base without mercy.

However, Lin Chi knew very well that this bombing was only the beginning, and the primitive army would definitely continue to retaliate. And the target of the next revenge should be the Radiant in the Land of Light.

——Do you want to kill the "primitives" over there too?

Lin Chi was considering whether he should continue to attack the primitive man’s military base, but saw a somewhat familiar figure in the desert below.

With the super strong eyesight under the bonus of the body attribute value, Lin Chi immediately recognized the identity of the other party-the "mercenary killer" who had met him in the Land of Light, was wading through the wasteland.

"What is this guy doing here?"

Seeing a player appearing near the military base, Lin Chi, who was a little curious about the identity of the RP player, did not immediately go down and kill the opponent in seconds, but continued to condescendingly overlook the figure on the wasteland.

Although the logo behind the opponent's name does indeed symbolize the player's identity. But at this moment, Lin Chi has doubts about your identity as a mercenary killer:

——Is this guy really a player?

Rather than being an RP player, this guy's actions are more like NPCs in the game. Perhaps he, like the Star Wreckage, also belongs to the kind of "deep RP player" who completely forgets himself.

At this time, the mercenary killer also noticed Lin Chi floating in the sky and waved to Lin Chi.

Seeing that the other party was saying hello, Lin Chi immediately flew down, stood in front of the mercenary killer, and said, "Meet again."

"You are... Ah, I remember this voice."

The mercenary killer reached out and touched his own helmet, nodded and said: "I didn't expect you to have evolved to this level."

"What are you doing here?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

"I'm here to find the Demon King. She may be hiding in the primitive man's base." The mercenary killer whispered: "I have a few questions here, and I want to hear her answers."

"Aren't you going to kill her?" Lin Chi smiled.

"Now I don't want to kill her anymore." The mercenary killer shook his head and said seriously: "Can you...Don't kill me? My business is not finished yet."

"Are you really a RP player?" Lin Chi asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, I don't understand you." The mercenary killer looked at him in confusion.

"It's okay, you can go." Lin Chi said as he flew in the direction of the forward base: "I wish you a good journey."

Now he can basically be sure that Hughes the Mercenary Killer is not a RP player, but a genuine NPC. So the question is, why is this guy judged as a player by the game?

"What are those ‘creators’ doing?"

Lin Chi laughed, the energy gushing from behind pushed the crystalized body to fly forward.

Then he heard a low roar.

In the wasteland below, there seemed to be a small-scale earthquake, which trembled slightly. Several slender cracks appeared on the ground, which began to expand into unfathomable rift valleys.

--what's the situation?

Lin Chi, who was "cruising" in the sky, was observing the situation below, took out the portable radio equipment that had been raided from the outpost from his backpack, and began to contact the skeleton face left in the outpost.

"How is your situation there?" he asked.

"It's an earthquake..." Under the influence of the strong signal interference from Lin Chi himself, the voice of the skull face was a bit intermittent: "I... saw... that..."

"What did you say?" Lin Chi asked loudly.


The signal on the skull face was getting weaker and weaker, and it was interrupted after two seconds.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Chi also speeded up the flight immediately.


There was another loud noise directly below the wasteland, and a large rock formation arched up and turned directly from the plain into a hill. This picture is like a huge monster, hiding in the ground and stretching its muscles and bones.

"This...is it the ultimate boss of the Light Land?"

Thinking of this, Lin Chi, who had never fought to the death with the final boss on the map in "War Paradise", also began to get excited:

If the monster that caused the earthquake is really a monster, judging from the monster's size, it should be that the boss didn't run away in the end!

The roar that erupted across the rock formations showed no sign of stopping. Lin Chi flew all the way back to the outpost that he had occupied, and saw that the ground in the base had also cracked.

Strangely, the skull face has disappeared. Lin Chi looked around in the base, but did not find the woman who had evolved into a crystal man.

He tried to contact Skull Face again on the radio, but received no response.

"It seems to be getting complicated..." Lin Chi stood in the empty base control room, staring at the black screen that stopped working.

The Skeleton Face's favorability is more than 1,000 points, and he shouldn't abandon himself and run away.

So, where did she go?

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