War Paradise

Chapter 1151

There is no edge in this desert.

Fifty degrees of hot wind blows over the sand dunes, and the air close to the sand is distorted by the high temperature. In such a harsh environment, even the most experienced desert practitioners are at risk of sudden death during the journey.

But even so, there are still brave warriors who have entered this Death desert.

The big feet protected by long leather boots stepped heavily on the sand, leaving footprints in the shape of small pits. The practitioner who was trekking, wrapped in a piece of khaki rags, seemed to melt into the sand. One body, relying on the same color clothing to create a camouflage effect.

The man stretched out his big rough hand and fumbled around his waist. From the metal box hung on his belt, he took out a deformed inferior cigarette that looked like a torn thing he had rolled.


Picking up the lighter and lighting the cigarette, the man took a sharp sip, bloodshot brown eyes on his tanned face, staring at the cloudless blue sky.

"Is this... the trial."

The man threw away the cigarette, wiped the sweat from his eyes with the back of his hand, raised his left hand and waved it suddenly, and the red text appeared in front of his eyes:

"Old Gun" Colt, a heroic NPC, cannot be recruited.


Colt stared silently at the line of text, then shook his left hand vigorously, and the line of text that appeared above the desert disappeared without a trace as if it had been erased.

——This is the own "identity", and Colt knows this very well.

He didn't want to admit this incredible fact, but after a series of accidents. Colt has realized that he is in a false world.

Not only oneself, all things in this world are just "data". He is just a "tool man" made out, and the meaning of existence is to complete the task bestowed by the gods.

However, for Colt, who has always been cynical, he will naturally not accept this fate:

"Daddy wants to... kill these gods."

The corners of Colt's dry mouth raised an ugly arc, and a terrible grin appeared on his old face. He continued to trek on the sand to the agreed place.

He didn't know why he wanted to do this, but something in his consciousness told him that only by going to the center of this desert can he resist his established destiny.

Colt didn't know if the guy who gave this "instruction" to him was the goddamn god. But now, after the complete collapse of the Three Views, those things don't matter at all.

As long as he can kill the so-called "gods", Colt is willing to do anything, even if he is deceived, it doesn't matter, as long as he kills himself with a single shot.


The sharpshooter with a hundred shots cursed and walked slowly across the desert.

At this time, the water in his kettle was almost drunk, and most of the compressed food he was carrying was consumed. The area of ​​this desert is larger than the area marked on the map sold by the hawker.Moreover, there is now a more disgusting question: what the hell is the "center of the desert"?

Even Colt, who is proficient in survival skills in the wild, cannot accurately find the center position in this giant desert. What's more, the map he bought was inherently problematic, making the process of finding the center of the desert a bit more difficult.

"Damn, it won't work anymore."

Colt, who was full of swear words, continued to move forward while swearing. The original forceful steps began to become more and more vain, and the sweat on his body increased rapidly.

Under the scorching sun, he was like a leeks being dehydrated, and he was about to suffer heat stroke. The so-called "desert center" is still missing, and there is absolutely no possibility of finding a destination.

--you were fooled.

As if an evil laughter floated from Colt's mind, stimulating his tired nerves, and while ridiculing wildly, it also carried a little sympathy:

"This is just a scam. Only a foolish fool like you will be fooled. You will definitely die in the desert and become a dehydrated corpse."

"Want to go back? You can't even find the way back now, right? Poor."

"Go..." Colt roared like a beast.

——If the own body is just a product of fiction, as long as the will is strong enough, it may be able to survive. Of course, even if you die here, it's better than continuing the walking dead life in the past.


Colt roared dumbly, like a wounded beast, slowly moving forward.

The blazing sun hung high in the sky, exposing his body. But he still didn't despair, and he was still moving forward firmly.

"I won't be controlled by those bastards anymore."

Colt gritted his teeth and, with his super willpower, dragged his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, step by step towards the depths of the desert.

For this sharpshooter, since he has chosen the own road, he will never waver. Even if... died here, he wouldn't have any regrets.

He dragged his almost dried body, over a small sand dune, and his eyes suddenly widened.

——It turned out to be an oasis in front of my eyes!

Behind the barrier made up of lawn and woodland is a crescent-shaped lake, the clear lake shining in the sun, like a flawless meniscus gem.

Oasis, which is diametrically opposite to the desert environment, appears in a basin surrounded by sand dunes. Witnessing this strange picture, Colt, who was about to lose consciousness, also instantly woke up, with a hoarse voice like a zombie in his mouth:

"This is...the desert center?"

——Even if it is not in the center of the desert, the water here can save own life!

Facing the irresistible temptation, Colt was ecstatic, strode directly down the sandy slope, fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity, rolled several times on the soft grass, and rushed towards the crescent-shaped lake.

"I'm here, my dear!"

For Colt now, the water source that appeared in front of him was like a gift from heaven.

He rushed all the way to the lake, and jumped in without saying anything. The dry skin was immediately covered by warm water, and the whole person was directly "renewed", took off the cowboy hat on his head, and burst into laughter.

The sudden burst of hope under the desperate situation gave Colt a feeling of rebirth. He lowered his head, regardless of whether the water was clean or not, and took a big gulp.

After supplementing enough water to ensure the safety of his own life, Colt, who was soaking in the lake, finally began to calm down.

——Is this a "desert center" in the end?

In Colt's view, this inexplicable oasis should be the destination of his journey. The strange thing is that in this place, no one can be found besides himself, and the "leader" and the like who originally thought would appear here are also completely gone.

Colt knew very well that it was unusual for such an oasis to appear in the desert.

Even if it is calm on the surface, the secret of resisting the established fate may be hidden in this oasis.


He was soaking in the lake, throwing away the cigarette case hanging on his belt, swimming slowly ashore, sitting on the grass and squinting comfortably.

The shadow of the canopy blocked the sunlight for Colt, and the reborn gunman did not intend to find his own destination immediately, but decided to enjoy it in this "paradise" first, and then set out to explore the surroundings.

"You came."

A gentle voice came into Colt's ears, his body bounced up, and the revolver was pulled out in a reflexive instant, pointing to the location of the sound.

As an NPC set as a "professional killer", Colt reacted horribly fast, but he didn't see anyone. He only saw a white rabbit sitting on the lawn, staring at the circle. The slick red eyes looked at Own's face.

"Are you talking to me?" Colt pointed his revolver at the rabbit's fat body.

After learning the truth about this world, the gunman's worldview had long since collapsed, and he was not surprised by such things as "rabbit speaking people".

"Yes, welcome to Oasis, Awakener."

The rabbit turned his head, shook his own long ears, and blinked at Colt. He looked like an insignificant old man, and his gentle male voice seemed to be incongruous:

"This is the gathering place for the awakened. As long as you pass the test, you can become one of us and enter the real world of bliss."

"Daddy doesn't want a world of bliss, just wants to blow the head of the'God'." Colt said viciously.

Knowing that own was in a state of being manipulated for the first half of his life, Colt was furious at this time. In his opinion, this kind of thing was simply an unbearable shame.

"I understand what you think." The rabbit spoke politely, in sharp contrast with the dirty-mouthed Colt: "Please rest assured, the Awakened are all working hard to fight against the'God'."

"The people here are the same as me." Colt sneered.

"Yes, most of the awakened people hate the'god,' and the gentleman who created this oasis is the same. He wants to gather the power of the awakened to defeat the gods above."

"Really..." Colt squinted at the rabbit: "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

As he spoke, Colt's fingers hooked the trigger slightly with force. Although he made a threatening action, the rabbit is still very calm, and he doesn't even mean to dodge:

"Before entering the gate of the oasis, you need to pass the test, the awakened one.""What test?" Seeing that the "extortion" was invalid, Colt also put down his pistol.

"Some saboteurs sent by the gods will pretend to be awakened ones and mix into the oasis. We need to make sure you are not such a person." Rabbit reminded: "Stand here and don't move, the test will be over soon."

A white light radiated from the rabbit's red eyes, which pierced Colt's eyes. The light disappeared immediately after scanning him once, and the rabbit nodded in satisfaction:

"Identity has been confirmed. Welcome to the Oasis again, Mr. Colt."

After speaking, the rabbit suddenly disappeared, and a dark red crack appeared in front of Colt instead.

The "shell" of this world was torn apart, and gusts of murky wind and vague noises were floating in the cracks. Colt didn't know where the crack led, but he still walked in without hesitation.

——As long as you can attack those damn gods, it doesn't matter even if you are crushed.


Colt's head trembled abruptly, and the whole person was suddenly covered by a feeling of dizziness. But his vision became clear again, and he found himself standing in a long underground passage.

The walls around him are unusually "rough" and look like old games with extremely low resolution. The rocks are all standard cubes, and the patterns on them are all exactly the same, revealing a subtle weird feeling.

"What the hell?" Colt murmured.

"Don't worry, awakened one." The rabbit's voice rang from the dark passage in front, and two red eyes appeared again: "In order to avoid the'executives' sent by the gods, we must use such a passage to isolate it. Their connection with Oasis."

"Will the gods hunt down the awakened?" Colt frowned, "They seem to have nothing to do with me."

"Now they are held back by other things." The rabbit laughed softly: "This is a good opportunity for us to counterattack."

"What should I do to find them?" Colt gritted his teeth.

"Please don't worry, I will guide you." The rabbit bounced and walked in front of the passage.

Years of assassin experience has made Colt aware of a hint of danger. He quietly drew out the revolver with his right hand, and he didn't know when an extra Damascus knife appeared in his left hand.


The sound of the large machine running sounded from the darkness, and Colt stopped and asked: "What are you guys..."

Before he finished his words, his eyes suddenly went dark, his consciousness was cut off sharply, his body knelt on the ground weakly, his originally alert eyes suddenly turned into scattered and blank eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Colt, the rabbit bounced back to him, opened his small mouth and revealed bloody fangs that were inconsistent with the cute appearance:

"Awakeners, welcome to join the Oasis Army. We will not let your sacrifices go in vain."

"Your flesh and blood will become the fuel of the engine, and we will complete the real resistance for you, completely destroy all the creators, and then...become the new ruler!"

The rabbit uttered an evil laugh, and his body suddenly swelled dozens of times. From a harmless little rabbit to a "muscular man" dressed in rabbit skin, his ugly appearance reminded him of a pervert who likes to wear strange clothes.

He stretched out his strong arms, picked up the opponent by Colt's collar, and easily carried him on his shoulders, along the path with extremely low resolution, and walked into the passage that was shrouded in boundless darkness in front of him.

"Old Gun" Colt's short and painful journey has completely ended today.

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