War Paradise

Chapter 1188: Weird plan-2

Twenty minutes later, Lin Chi returned to the secret room of the Bloody Bar and waved to the waiting coach.

"Okay, let's go," he said.

The coach, who was in a sluggish state, recovered after a while, raised his hand to open a "black hole" in the secret room, and his translucent body floated to the entrance of the hole and said:

"follow me."

Following the coach into the data channel, even if he had been here more than once, Lin Chi was still a little dizzy.

This channel was obviously "improved" by the hackers mentioned by the coach, and there is no huge data stream that can instantly destroy human consciousness.

Of course, Lin Chi also prepared a protection program provided by Frankenstein in order to enter the data channel. However, it is not that simple to enter the Cold Mountain Laboratory.

"Please throw away the protective cover." The coach suddenly sent a message to Lin Chi.

"What's wrong?"

"The cold mountain laboratory will scan regularly, and once an unknown program appears, the alarm will be triggered immediately." The coach gave a reason that sounds credible: "If you bring that program in, our plan will immediately fail. ."

"All right."

Lin Chi said that he lifted the protection program attached to him, and threw the program into the unfathomable data channel around him. The program disappeared immediately.

His consciousness was slightly dizzy, and then immediately returned to normal, and at this time, the coach had opened the exit on the other end of the data channel.

——Is this the Cold Mountain Laboratory...

Realizing that he was about to enter the legendary brain imaging technology research organization, Lin Chi was also a little excited.

"be prepared."

Following the message from the coach, Lin Chi's eyes suddenly brightened.

When his vision recovered again, what appeared in front of him was a pure white room and a black metal box in the middle of the room.

This room looks like a sterile room. The surrounding walls are all white. As for the box in the middle of the room, it must be the place where the coach’s brain is stored.

"This is where you have always lived?"

While asking questions, Lin Chi began to try to look away, and then immediately found that own's line of sight was moving at a smooth speed.

Now own "eyes" are cameras installed in the corners of the house. While Lin Chi was observing around, the coach also answered his questions through the way of idea exchange:

"Yes, it's here."

"Then you are really miserable." Lin Chi said.

With several previous experiences, Lin Chi is already very familiar with the current state of nothingness without a body. He skillfully operated the camera to observe the surroundings, and then focused his gaze on the "black box" in the center of the room.

"Is your body inside?" Lin Chi asked the coach.


The coach who entered the stuck state again did not answer the question immediately. After about five seconds, he finally said slowly: "Yes."

Lin Chi's obvious lag was naturally noticed by Lin Chi, but he didn't say anything, just staring at the "water pipes" protruding from under the black box with interest.

——It is the first time that Lin Chi has encountered a brain that has survived in this place for more than ten years and can continue to maintain consciousness.

Moving his gaze to the various complicated devices next to the black box, staring at the LCD screen next to it showing the heart rate and blood pressure for a while, Lin Chi asked, "I want me to—"

Only halfway through the conversation, the scene in front of me suddenly darkened.

What followed one after another began to impact consciousness, was a strong sense of comfort.

The feeling that had originally disappeared suddenly appeared, like lying on a big soft bed, the strange fragrance that could not be described in words, and Lin Chi's consciousness began to blur.

The man floating in the internal network of the Cold Mountain Laboratory seemed to have entered heaven at this time, and a soft and sweet voice rang in his ears:

"Go to sleep... Go to sleep..."

-Is it hypnosis?

Perceiving what the other party wanted to do, Lin Chi immediately prepared to cut off the own connection, but he was confused and immediately realized that the exit button of the system had disappeared!

The effect of modifying the nerve signal of the brain imaging equipment applied to Hypnosis Realm can be said to be immediate, and the speed Ascension is many times. Hypnosis, which originally took a while to complete in reality, can now be done in an instant.

"who are you?"

Lin Chi, whose consciousness quickly became hazy, shouted weakly to the coach. At this time, as if it was determined that the opponent was completely powerless to resist, the "coach" finally revealed his own true colors:

"I said these nerds who play games are easy to be fooled. Right?"

"In this way, you can get a new test subject..." Another old voice sounded, which sounded somewhat similar to the ancient god in the game: "Prepare to clean up the contents of the box. That thing is useless. ."

Following the old man's voice, Lin Chi, who was connected to the Cold Mountain Laboratory's network, suddenly seemed to be punched hard and his consciousness suddenly became sober.

——The real "coach" is dead?

He didn't know if the coach he had contacted before was a real person, but Lin Chi remembered clearly that when the coach first came to the Bleeding Bar to meet him, there was a short-term stuttering phenomenon.

At that time Lin Chi thought there was a problem with the coach's network, but now it seems that the situation is not that simple. but……

After waking up for less than 0.5 seconds, the next wave of hypnosis arrived again, Lin Chi's spirit became trance again, and the reasoning was still floating in his mind:

If-the coach-is dead. Now-Cold Mountain Lab-needs-new experimental products.

They may-do not need a body, but need-human consciousness. If they have mastered the special technology-even if they are still lying at home, they may be-

"Increase the power and don't let him run." "The coach" said loudly.

"According to the information we have, this person may be a pioneer in using the first-generation equipment. The first-generation equipment is more effective and easier to achieve the goal..."

Lin Chi, who was being hypnotized, suddenly "laughed" as he listened to the sounds of the researchers in Lengshan Laboratory.

"The subject's consciousness is awake again, hurry up!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi conveyed his own question to the laboratory staff through his own consciousness:

"You lied to me and acted as an experimental subject, right?"

No one answered his question, and researchers are still trying to tie the consciousness of this "player" in the laboratory. It seems that Cold Mountain Lab does not intend to let go of the new experimental subject, but...

But now, the once confused "soul" can no longer be hypnotized.

"Sure enough, I found something wrong before..."

Lin Chi has always been skeptical of the coach's invitation, and the unusually smooth penetration just now confirmed his judgment.

In the face of scientific researchers who are "working hard", the pioneers whose consciousness is trapped in this network, not only do not have any fear, but start to mock:

"You found the wrong person."

At the moment this message was sent, a new uninvited guest suddenly appeared in the closed network of the Cold Mountain Laboratory.

At that moment, a red light was lit in the white sterile room, and the calm male voice of the "coach" brought a little panic for the first time:

"what have you done?"

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