War Paradise

Chapter 1199

"The coach is gone?"

Lin Chi, who had just gotten up, rubbed his somewhat swollen eyes and asked, "Did you let him leave?"

"I really don't want him to stay here." Frankenstein replied honestly: "But in the end he made the choice."

"Did he say where he is going?" Lin Chi sat up and started putting on clothes.

"He said he was going home." Frankenstein replied.

--go home?

Recalling the original news about the "radiation accident", Lin Chi immediately understood where the coach was going, and the smile on his face disappeared:

"I think the possibility of that guy's tragedy is very high."

"This has nothing to do with us." Frankenstein opened the bedroom door: "Didn't you also say that people need to make their own choices."

"Ha, that's true."

Looking at the welcome robot standing in front of the door, Lin Chi put on his shirt, stood up and walked to the door, and asked in a low voice, "Has he left any message?"

"I have the right to remain silent." Frankenstein said solemnly.

In this regard, I learned quickly...

Realizing that Frankenstein had learned the human rhetoric, Lin Chi sighed, "Okay."

Before leaving the bedroom, he picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. In his own mailbox, he received an email from Pulse Entertainment:

"Eye of Nightmare" is about to open!

Dear players:

We hereby announce an exciting news that the long-awaited expansion pack "Eye of Nightmare" will be officially opened next Tuesday! By then, players who purchase this expansion pack will experience an unprecedented new battlefield!

Before the map officially opened, we also prepared a special event: the second "War Paradise" player invitational tournament. The game time is set for next Monday, and we will invite high-end players with a prominent reputation in the game and amazing combat capabilities to perform the crazy war in the "Nightmare Dynasty" for everyone!

We have already released the invitation information to qualified players, and the specific entry list will be announced later. ——Pulse Entertainment Company.

"Coming again?"

After reading this email, Lin Chi turned to the next page and saw another email from Pulse Entertainment:

"You are invited to participate in the'Eye of Nightmare' exhibition match, please contact us to determine whether to participate."

"Are you going to participate." Frankenstein leaned forward from behind.

"I need to think about it." Lin Chi said.

If it were changed to a few months ago, he would definitely choose to participate without hesitation. But now the own identity is more than just a player.

But before that... maybe you can relax your mind and body?

Lin Chi stared down at the phone screen and continued to check other unread emails. Among the advertisements and spam messages that appeared every day, he found a different message:

"I look forward to seeing you in Realm. I will appear in the 13th district of Realm at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Below is my exact address..."

This email has no signature, only a meeting request and the specific location. Facing the suspicious-looking information, Lin Chi blinked:

Of course, this email may also be just a lame prank. However, when someone suddenly sends a meeting message at this moment, things should not be simple.

Could it be that the people from Cold Mountain Lab came to negotiate?

——This possibility is not high, after all, the "handle" of the Cold Mountain Laboratory is in his own hands. Instead of negotiating with that organization, it might as well send people to assassinate itself.

Perhaps it is the security bureau that Universe Howe mentioned?

——According to Universe Howe, the Security Bureau is investigating information related to War Paradise. This may also be a trap set by the Security Bureau.

In Lin Chi's view, in addition to these two possibilities, there is another possibility. If that's the case...

"I will see you, brother."

Having said this, Lin Chi's voice suddenly became low.


At 17:55, Lin Chi, who had logged in to Realm in advance, appeared in the deserted streets of District 13.

It seems that this area where all kinds of illegal websites have been gathered has just been swept by the Internet police, and the various peddling videos and "computer-playing" shops that usually appeared on the street have all disappeared at this moment.

Due to the disappearance of these websites, the number of users in the 13th district has also decreased. According to Lin Chi's experience, within a day, this area will return to its usual "prosperity".

However, today he is not here to find those things.

Turning around and walking into the darker part of the 13th district, Lin Chi soon arrived at the predetermined location-next to the wall at the junction of the 13th district and the 14th district.

The barrier used to isolate two different areas is represented in Realm as a high gray wall. No one can cross this wall unless it passes through the designated port.

The users who wandered in the 13th district had a strong spirit of resistance. They drew various patterns and slogans on this high wall to express their anger towards the regulators:

"Down with the regulators, long live PHUB!"

"Daddy is an adult and has the right to watch adult content!"

"The crowd loves to hear, you don't like it, how old are you?"

Lin Chi walked quickly to the wall, found the black skull pattern mentioned in the email, and stood down and waited for the inviter to arrive.

This time he used a suit and tie, which looked like an ordinary office worker.

Although it seems ordinary, this module is also specially prepared by Frankenstein for safety reasons. In the event of an accident, it also comes with the special function of destroying the other party's data and "to die with the other party".

Leaning against the wall and waiting for a few minutes, another Daoist shadow appeared in this sparsely populated and gloomy Realm.

To be precise, that module is not a human being, but—

"Tom?" Lin Chi whispered.

Using the character of TOM in the classic animation "Cat and Mouse", he waved his white palm to greet Lin Chi, and his blue and white cheeks bulged, looking funny.


The person who used the Tom module has a high-pitched voice that sounds funny. I don’t know if it’s taking the role: "Long time no see, friend!"

"Do you know me?" Lin Chi pointed his finger at his chest.

The other party's neurotic joyous voice indeed seemed to have been heard somewhere. But Lin Chi encountered many characters like this in the game, and he couldn't tell who the opponent was for a while.

"Of course, we have had in-depth exchanges."

Happy Tom stood in front of Lin Chi, raised his head and looked up at his face: "It's been a long time!"

Looking at the other party's broad face, Lin Chi didn't bother to continue politely, and asked the question: "You came from "War Paradise"?"

"Well, the answer is correct." Tom sneered and laughed: "Come on, let's find a secret place to have a good chat."

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