War Paradise

Chapter 1201 Nightmare Soldier

With what happened when he helped the coach, Lin Chi naturally understood: the identity of the opponent is not necessarily true, and the content of the narration may also be a lie.

In this case, you need to listen carefully to every sentence the other party utters, and analyze the subtext in it, and judge whether the other party is lying as much as possible.

"Don't worry, I know you want to know about this game."

As Tom’s war observer, he is still indifferent as usual: "I said, this game was proposed by the designer. As for his purpose...it can be said to be ‘eliminating aliens’, right?"

"Appreciate further details."

"Unlike me, he is a kind of completely lawful. It is normal to be angry when the world he created becomes what it is now, right?"

Tom bent his eyes with a funny expression on his face: "As you know, more and more people are'awakened' on our side. No matter how dull people are, there are 100 people in the city every day. Lawless lunatics are killing people and setting fires, they all find it weird, right?"

"The designer intends to get rid of these people?" Lin Chi asked.

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Tom danced his hands and danced, faithfully restoring the animation decades ago: "The old man has captured many people who are more likely to be awakened, or who are already awakened, from various worlds. Use the module. After brainwashing them, they were thrown into the'Eye of Nightmare'."

"So this is a public execution?" Lin Chi said his own question: "But since they have been brainwashed, is it necessary to do this?"

"No, you don't understand." Tom folded his arms, as if an elder was preaching to his younger generations: "Some people are born to be awakened easily. This is something written in the soul, just like human beings in the real world. It’s the same gene, no matter how brainwashing them is, it will only temporarily restore them to'normal'. One day..."

"They will discover the anomaly in the world again, and then learn the truth." Lin Chi took the conversation.

"Yes! Exactly." Tom shook his head: "If you use China's old saying, these people are naturally rebellious. Only by completely destroying them can they be safe from the designer's point of view."

"Then I have another question: Why should this ‘game’ be broadcast live? Wouldn’t it be better to solve it secretly?" Lin Chi asked again.

——As a "world" regarded by most people as a game, if a designer wants to maintain stability, it is completely unreasonable to make such a statement, even if it is executed with the help of a player, there is no need to make it an invitational tournament. This kind of live broadcast should solve the problem as long as a few passerby stations are created.

If the designer is really a ruthless order maintainer, as Tom said, it would be unreasonable to choose the dangerous form of the invitational tournament that may be exposed. so……

"Are you doubting me?" Tom blinked at Lin Chi.

"I never said that." Lin Chi said vaguely.

The atmosphere in the wooden house began to be weird, and after a while, Tom finally spoke again:

"The old man may choose this kind of public punishment because he intends to deter the currently active resistance forces..."

Having said this, his voice suddenly became low, and in a tone close to that of an ancient god, he expressed his own purpose:

"Of course, I won't make him happy with Ruyi Scepter."

"Are you on the side of the Resistance Army?" Lin Chi raised his head in surprise.

"Do not."

Tom immediately shook his head: "I am on my side."



Yesterday, the thirteenth district of Realm, which had just been "mopped up", once again experienced an astonishing "explosion".

Several businessmen who were planning to sell adult videos were just made up on the street, along with their signs and the street under their feet.

The explosion in the data space is actually a large-scale damage to the data. Even the original color in the air has disappeared from the streets that have been leveled just now, turning into a completely grayish white, which looks extremely strange.

——Is there no way to get rid of him.

He made the "culprit" who exploded just now, ran across the streets that lost his color, and kept looking for the way out, only to find that he didn't even have the chance to exit.

Soldiers in black have been chasing them all the time. I don't know what method they have used, and even cut off all exit methods, making Frankenstein trapped here and unable to get out of it!

"This method... the Security Agency."

The Frankenstein who was running wildly at this time also finally understood the other side's origin, and the dangerous signal was immediately transmitted to the consciousness, making it even more tense.

——When he was a virus, Frankenstein once witnessed the merciless killing of his companions by members of the Security Bureau. Naturally, the abilities of these guys couldn't be more clear.

Being spotted by the special commissioner of the Security Bureau, it is difficult even for himself to get out.

The guy's authority in Realm is too high, and he can completely lock the exit route of any other user. Now he is trapped in Realm. Unless you can find a way to get rid of him, otherwise...

Perhaps, there is another way.

While continuing to move quickly, Frankenstein tried to send a message:

"Are you going to communicate with me."

"Suspect, don't resist." The soldier immediately responded: "Otherwise I might use lethal methods."

"Second-generation brain imaging equipment cannot be lethal." Frankenstein replied: "Your threat is useless."

According to the information investigated by Frankenstein, the first-generation equipment used by the pioneers may cause damage to the user's consciousness. However, the improved second-generation device not only has weakened its sensitivity, but also gained a lot of safety in terms of Ascension——


The venomous snake's whistling noise suddenly overwhelmed all the other sounds heard by Frankenstein, and its vision became pale, followed by violent pain, as if its head was torn apart.

——In Realm... there is still... pain?

Although he has experienced human pain in the game, it was the first time that Frankenstein suffered such a terrifying pain. Under the strong impact, its operation stopped for a moment.

"what is this."

Frankenstein struggled to send out a message.

After experiencing the impact just now, its computing power and concentration have been greatly reduced. The "evolution" towards humanity has turned into a fatal stumbling block at this time.

It seems that the commissioner of the Security Bureau has mastered a special interface in Realm, which can inflict super pain on users. No one would have thought that there should be such a thing in Realm, which, logically speaking, should not have the concept of pain at all!

Frankenstein is still struggling, and the soldiers have stood in front of it, completely blocking all retreats:

"Suspect, you have been arrested."

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