War Paradise

Chapter 1220

Accompanied by a terrible roar, the wooden house collapsed, arousing a large amount of dust.

Leaning in the corner of Mooriya, the wooden board that had been smashed from her body was slammed in firmly, blood gushing out from the cracks in the wall, like a scarlet fountain.

"Are you still alive?"

Lin Chi turned around and cut open the rhino's head with a sword, and the injured beast howled and backed away.

After the wooden house collapsed, the battlefield became larger, and Lin Chi, who was not troubled by the sun, became much more flexible after gaining more space for activities.

The third-level "touching" turned his body into a vague afterimage, easily avoiding the fangs and claws of wild beasts.

Two beasts were quickly beheaded, and Moria's voice finally floated from the cracks in the wall:

"I'm fine..."

"That's good." Lin Chi looked at the sunlight falling above his head.

The tall tree canopy blocked part of the light that was extremely lethal to vampires. At this time, the sun was leaning to the west, and the light was just blocked by the wooden board that was stuck in Moria.

However, even if there is no need to worry about being "sunken to death" for the time being, Moria is still locked in a small cage. As long as someone removes the wooden board or the remaining wall collapses again, it will immediately be a dead end!

To make matters worse, the blood sprayed from the wall has attracted brutal beasts.

A violent roar overwhelmed the neighing of other monsters, and Lin Chi was shocked and dizzy, and a short period of tinnitus appeared.

Amid the reverberating buzzing sound, the woods in front began to sway. A giant black-skinned beast broke two trees and rushed out and stopped right in front of the wooden house.

It was a giant lizard. Although it was still crawling on the ground, it was a full five meters high. The muscles under the black fur trembled and it was frightening to look at.

The smell of stinky tofu covered the entire woodland in an instant. The monster opened a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and the rancid heat from his mouth almost fainted Lin Chi.

At the same time, bright red text popped up around the lizard.

Komodo the Devourer, a heroic NPC, cannot be recruited.

——Who would want to recruit this stuff?

Lin Chi murmured secretly, and with the super high speed provided by "Touch", he instantly appeared behind the lizard, and swung a sword towards the lizard's long tail.

According to the experience gained from hunting games, this monster’s “tail flick” skill will generally cause a lot of trouble, as long as the first is strong and the tail is cut off——


As Lin Chi cut off the tail of the lizard, his body suddenly lost his balance and fell into a beautiful flat ground.

The blade of the Dark Sword immediately reversed, cutting off the two "venomous snakes" that wrapped around his ankle, but there were more tentacles, controlling his body!

Before Lin Chi could stand up, he saw the lizard's smelly big head, already in front of him.

"Is there still such a function..."

Seeing the large number of tentacles suddenly pouring out of the lizard's body, Lin Chi felt uncomfortable.

Even though he thought that this monster might make insidious tricks, even he couldn't handle this kind of magical skill that was close to "kill in melee range".

Not surprisingly, the expected Death will come within a second. That being the case, I'm still preparing for the next game——


The roar of the fierce beast shook Lin Chi temporarily lost his hearing, a white shadow suddenly broke into his sight, the lizard suddenly turned his head, and his head was firmly touched, and black blood spurted from the wound.

The lizard opened his mouth angrily, and the two giant shadows, one white and one black, fought together. Because of the speed, Lin Chi was kicked into the air by the white beast before he could even see what the white one was. On the grass in the distance.


The temporarily disappeared hearing began to slowly recover, but the eardrum was still aching. Lin Chi clutched his aching chest after being kicked, and was about to try to stand up, only to see a small white figure appearing beside him.

There was a moist touch on the back of his hand, Lin Chi lowered his head and saw that the little wolf who had been saved his life was gently licking his hand, and then put his furry body into Lin Chi's arms directly. Curled up into a ball.

"Is this ‘kindness’..."

Realizing that the BUFF he obtained had taken effect, Lin Chi immediately understood who saved him:

He focused his gaze on the battlefield and saw a giant white wolf fighting a bloody battle with the foul lizard. The lizard with its tail cut off quickly fell into the wind and twisted his body to shake off the nail on his back. Dewclaws quickly crawled into the deep forest and ran away.

After repelling the lizard, the white wolf turned his head and glared at Lin Chi with clear blue eyes, walked slowly and opened his mouth to Lin Chi, picked up the little wolf who was still rolling on the ground, and disappeared into the dense forest without looking back. middle.

"Ha, thanks."

As Lin Chi opened the status bar while talking, only the BUFF named "Grace" had disappeared.


Seeing that no other beasts continued to show up, Lin Chi was finally relieved.

He noticed that the Death prompts of other players had disappeared. This damn "feeding time" must have ended. However, the collapsed wooden house could not be rebuilt.

"Let's bear it again." Lin Chi stood beside the two wooden boards where Molliya was "hidden": "It will be dark in a while."

"Um..." Moulia's voice was dull: "Thank you, Messenger-sir."

"When it gets dark, let's find a new hiding place."

Lin Chi was talking, but heard Mooliya coughing violently, so she asked, "What's the matter?"

"Maybe because of the food I just ate, I seem to...remember something." Molliya said slowly, as if she was still a little uncertain: "In this forest, there was a companion of mine."

"Also blood?"

"Yes." Moria replied: "He is a stern man. Unlike me, he follows the human'chivalry spirit'. Even if he is facing a hunter of the blood race, he will send a fair duel invitation to the opponent. "

"There is still this kind of blood?" Lin Chi smiled: "It sounds very interesting, do you remember his name and appearance?"

"Usually he likes to act like a middle-aged man. In the name of..." Molliya tried hard to recall, but it was in vain: "I can't remember."

Although Molliya couldn't remember the opponent's name, Lin Chi knew very well that this target might be a member of the Royal Guard.

According to the situation I observed before, there are not only humans in the Royal Guard, and it is not surprising that there will be blood races.

"I just found a torture ground, there may be clues over there." Lin Chi leaned against the wooden wall, reaching out to caress his still aching belly:

"When it's late at night, we will sneak in."

"Okay." Mooriya said.

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