War Paradise

Chapter 1230

"I am-a member of the Royal Guard!"

The voice of the judge suddenly rose a few scales, and the unusually sharp noise made Lin Chi's heart tense.

The constantly twisting Blood Qi rose from the silver armor, and after a creaking sound, the armor was stretched.

"Mel, what are you doing?" Moria shouted, "Are you controlled by them? Wake up!"

The shouts erupting from the small body of the bat could not stop the Judge from being upgraded. Under the gaze of Lin Chi and Moriya, the Judge's helmet cracked open, revealing a face covered with dark red stripes and an ugly head swollen into a pumpkin.

"Mel, have you become like this..." Mo Liya sighed long.

I just recalled part of the old memories, and reunited with my past companions. It should have been a double happiness, but it has fallen into such a situation. At this time, Mooriya also felt a strong stomachache.

However, holding back her inner grief, she still provided information to Lin Chi:

"Master, please stay away from her."

"Is she controlled by the Royal Guard?"

Looking at the long red hair floating behind the judge's head, Lin Chi squeezed the two weapons in his hands and slightly bent over to assume a defensive posture.

The duration of the "Rage" skill now has a full 30 minutes left. Enough to deal with the judge. Just figure out how this guy fights--


The judge's body bounced over like a cannonball, and his right arm was swung twice to make a powerful punch.

The big head fist hadn't approached yet, Lin Chi had already felt the howling gale, swept from the front direction himself!

Lin Chi dodged to the right abruptly, but the speed of the judge was faster than him. His body rotated 360 degrees in the air, and he kicked it with another sweeping leg!

"Newton has to jump out of the grave when he sees you, man."

While Lin Chi secretly complained, he suddenly raised the Dark Sword and took the opponent's leg.


The extremely sturdy leg armor collided with the pitch-black blade, and the huge impact force drove Lin Chi to fly. He thought that he could take this opportunity to regain his strength, but Lin Chi, who was going backwards, soon discovered that the opponent was still attacking:

The controlled judge has completely lost his mind, and the attack seems to be disorderly but fast and fierce, and every blow is enough to take the life of the enemy!


The heavy blow on the armor produced a long echo, Lin Chi's breastplate fell apart under this strike, and the fist marks on his chest sank deeply.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out of Lin Chi's mouth.

Had it not been for the attribute value bonus of "Rage", he would have been killed at this moment. But even with the furious bodyguard, Lin Chi's injury was still serious.

As the so-called "one force drops ten meetings", in the face of overwhelming power, even Lin Chi couldn't use it.

Facing the judge who had fallen into the rampage, Lin Chi tried hard to stand up, but a holy silver light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

"Master, all this is because of me, please leave it to me to solve it."

Mo Liya's voice passed directly into his consciousness, and a misty phantom appeared in front of Lin Chi's body.

Although it was not real, the shadow was indeed Moriya's human form. Holy Maiden, the vampire who was hit hard during the battle with August, exhausted his last strength and barely recovered his human form.

The translucent Moria stepped forward, facing the insane judge, making a calm voice:

"Mel, don't you recognize me?"

The judge who had only heard the voice, finally saw the "idol" that once protected his own after hundreds of years. She knelt to the ground in pain, opened her mouth wide and let out a screaming cry:

"Uh... ah ah ah..."

Seeing the look of the judge's distress, Moria was still calm, as if recounting the past with her old friend, and asked softly: "How is Akado? How are the people after I left?"

"I have no idea!"

The sharp teeth of the judge clenched and rattled, dark red plasma leaked between the teeth, and there was no expression on the distorted face:

"I don't know! I will always be loyal to... the Royal Guard!"

At this time, the judge's body seemed to have two people fighting, and the whole body was convulsing violently. On one side is my own compatriot and idol, on the other is the creed of the Royal Guard, constantly vying for control of her body.

"I said earlier, don't think too much, or you will be miserable. Mel."

Witnessing the painful struggle of the judges "struggling left and right", Moria shook her head: "Our lives are longer than most creatures in this world. You are always anxious like you, always looking forward and backward. It’s easy for children to completely collapse and lose themselves."

——Recalling the very energetic short-haired girl she had discussed with herself, Molliya closed her eyes and lowered her head, silently clenching her fists.

Then, she heard the judge's desperate cry:

"Help, help, I... Master Moria..."


Molliya's eyebrows trembled lightly, she opened her eyes and walked forward, and came to Mel, stretched out the right hand of nothingness, and stroked the "girl"'s distorted scarlet cheek.

"I will save you, you won't be in pain anymore."

Before she finished her words, she opened her mouth and bit down on the judge's neck.

A slender blood stream gushed from the judge's body and turned into a blooming scarlet flower. Molliya's figure began to become clear, but the judge's movements stopped.

The monster did not resist, just lowered his head weakly and said, "Thank you..."

"It's okay, this is the last time."

Molliya stroked the opponent's face with her right hand, her voice as gentle as ever, but with a hint of vibrato.

As if purified, the body of the judge began to turn into shining dust. Dissipated in the dirty air of the dungeon, only the silver armor fell on the ground, making a crisp clang.

——The BOSS battle "Judge Hailinqi" has ended, and it took eight minutes and thirty-six seconds.

You got the achievement "Trial of Innocence"!

Seeing the text reminder that the battle was over appeared in front of him, Lin Chiru let out a sigh of relief, clutched his chest and stood up, focusing on Molliya's back.

"Sorrow and change," Lin Chi said.

"Master, I'm fine. I just want... to be quiet."

The woman in white did not look back, her long silver hair scattered behind her back.

She bent down slowly, picked up the silver armor that the judge had dropped, and asked in a low voice, "Master, can I keep this?"


In front of Lin Chi's eyes, Moriya put the silver armor on her body with trembling hands. He stood there in silence for a long time, and finally turned around and pretended to say relaxedly: "Let's go, Master."

"Good." Lin Chi nodded.

Although he didn't say anything, he did see the tears dripping from the corners of Molliya's eyes.

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