War Paradise

Chapter 146

Do it!

There was no need for any communication at all. At the beginning of the battle, two madmen who had experienced battles took the initiative to attack without hesitation, and launched a stormy attack against the fierce beast that roared up to the sky.

Lin Chi, holding two weapons, rushed to the front of the tiger. The dark sword and bone crushers in his hand swept across and turned into a dark whirlwind, slashing towards the White Tiger's chest!


Even with the 22-point strength bonus, Lin Chi's attack was still blocked by White Tiger's chest. Although the modified right arm was not a major problem, his left hand was still slightly numb.

——What material is this body made of?

Seeing that the Dark Sword could not cut through the White Tiger's shell, Lin Chi stepped back as fast as he could, and just withdrew two steps, the fierce beast's sharp claws swung over and scratched the chest of the scarlet armor. past.

After the harsh rubbing sound, the armor passed down by General Qin, which had gone through countless battlefields, was still indestructible, with three deep scars on the chest, revealing the puppet master's armor hidden under the breastplate.

Lin Chi just stepped back and saw the silver figure suddenly appeared to the right rear of the White Tiger. General Wei Qing let out a violent shout, and the halberd in his hand suddenly swung down, so fast that it produced a huge explosion and shock wave. It even reached Lin Chi's side.

"Fuck, is this a sonic boom effect..." Lin Chi was startled.

Wei Qing's full blow was not only amazing in speed, but also incredibly powerful. When the halberd slashed on the White Tiger's hind legs, it actually smashed the ground under the White Tiger's body, instantly creating a small size of ten meters in diameter. "Meteor Crater"!


The deafening roar and violent air waves hit together. Under Lin Chi's gaze, Wei Qing's full blow hit the White Tiger's right leg firmly, and then—

The silver halberd in the general's hand... was broken.

The outer skin of the White Tiger is made of unbelievably hard material. Even General Wei Qing, who is also a "mechanical beast", can't hurt its hair!

"Is the shell of this thing made of titanium alloy?" Lin Chi asked inwardly.

Although he was full of doubts, his body movements were unambiguous, and while White Tiger turned his head, he rushed forward again and waved two weapons to attack White Tiger's fluffy neck.

——As long as it is a BOSS, there will be weaknesses. And once you find that weakness, you can take a fatal blow to this ferocious behemoth!

With more than 20 points of strength and agility, Lin Chi jumped straight to the height of three meters, and turned around 180 degrees in the air. The blade of the Dark Sword slashed heavily on the White Tiger's neck.

The full attack this time still had no effect, but Lin Chi's purpose was not simply to slash at the opponent's neck. But--

Under the gaze of many puppet cavalry and General Wei Qing, the "General Qin" in a scarlet armor ride on the White Tiger's neck. Clamp the back of the White Tiger's neck with bone crushers and forcefully fix his own body.

"How are you?" Lin Chi raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

After being forcibly mounted, the ferocious mount under Lin Chi raised his hair and roared in anger, which shook him again for a short time with tinnitus.

White Tiger twisted his body frantically, rushed into the cavalry unit on the side, and hit several cavalrymen who could not escape, trying to get rid of the horseman on his back, but he couldn't do it for a while.

With the powerful physical attribute bonus, Lin Chi's current strength is amazing, and his endurance is also extraordinary. He tried his best to fix his body, and it felt like he was riding a roller coaster about to derail.

As White Tiger struggled, the scene in front of Lin Chi turned into a blur of light and shadow. Then, he heard the voice of General Wei Qing, which sounded from not far away:

"What is the solution?"

"No way, I can't go down!" Lin Chi roared.

At this time, Lin Chi had already entered a state of "riding a tiger with difficulty". He knew very well that at the current White Tiger's struggling speed, as long as he fell off this fierce beast, he would inevitably be smashed. Even if he was not maimed, before he stood up, this angry tiger would definitely tear off his head!

——The key to victory in this battle is whether I can find the Feng Shui engine in the White Tiger.

He knew that there must be more than one Feng Shui engine running in this level of mechanical beast, and when installing these engines, the queen should also take into account the situation when parts need to be replaced.

In other words: The outer shell of this fierce beast cannot be completely enclosed, and there must be a part that can be opened.

So the question is, where is the openable part?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi put away the Dark Sword, opened his eyes with difficulty in the howling wind, and firmly grasped the handle of the bone crusher with his right hand, while his left hand stretched out and put his hands on the tiger under him. , Trying to find the position on the back of this tiger that can be opened.

Lin Chi, who has played the famous brain imaging game "NEKOPARA", is very familiar with the body structure of cats. Following the movement of his left hand, the tiger howled again, but with other meanings in his voice, he rushed towards the gray wall of the fortress, extended his two front paws, and began to scratch the wall in front of his body.


Seeing this scene, General Wei Qing and the puppet cavalry beside him fell into a brief silence.

The painter who had just walked out of the fortress widened his eyes in surprise, and a trace of crimson slowly appeared on his sunken cheeks:

"Chief, I didn't expect you to have the same hobbies as me..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm doing business!" Lin Chi barked and interrupted the painter's lines.

After an exciting "roller coaster ride", his head has begun to dizzy, and the scenery in front of him has become increasingly blurred. At the last moment before passing out, Lin Chi's left hand finally touched a cold depression under the fluff on the right side of the White Tiger's back neck...

--This is it!

With a jerky tug, he opened the unremarkable circular hatch, reached out to hold the cylindrical object inserted in it, and pulled it out!

A Feng Shui engine with a silver shell, roughly the size of an adult's forearm, was pulled out of the White Tiger directly by him. The hundreds of silver wires connected below flashed with crystal light.

Before White Tiger could react, Lin Chi immediately threw away the Feng Shui engine, drew out the Dark Sword with his left hand, and swung it at the silver wire connecting the Feng Shui engine and White Tiger's body!

With a click, hundreds of threads were neatly cut, and the Feng Shui engine slid off the White Tiger's back and fell to the ground below.

As the Feng Shui engine in the body was taken out, the fierce tiger, which was originally frantic, suddenly lost its strength like a dead toy, collapsed in the courtyard in front of the fortress, and the white light in his eyes dimmed.


Seeing the White Tiger finally stopped, Lin Chi finally slid off the giant beast, staggered forward a few steps, finally stabilized the center of gravity, supported his forehead with his right hand, and the picture in front of him was also Ghosts began to appear.

Realizing that he had been "motion sick" a long time ago, Lin Chi leaned on the White Tiger's fur and sat down, panting, and smiling: "The queen's mechanical beast, it doesn't seem to be very good."

"The Queen did not expect that someone would ride on the White Tiger's neck desperately." Wei Qing shook his head.

Looking back at the fierce beast that had just been subdued by him, Lin Chi suddenly thought of something. He took out the ancient Feng Shui engine he got from the Black Iron Giant from his backpack and compared it with the Feng Shui engine that had fallen next to him.

It seems that the two Feng Shui engines have exactly the same specifications. Although I don't know how to modify the "program" content in Feng Shui engine. but……

The painter quickly noticed Lin Chi's strangeness, and stepped forward and asked, "Boss, what do you think?"

Hearing the questions from his subordinates, Lin Chi stood up laboriously and said an amazing proposal:

"I'm thinking, can I turn this tiger into my mount?"

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