War Paradise

Chapter 154 Crossing the River of Death

The legendary equipment in "War Paradise" is indeed as legendary as the name. To this day, almost no player has seen such equipment, let alone obtained it.

There is no doubt that Lin Chi is the first person to obtain legendary equipment since the game began to test!

However, even so, he was not overjoyed at this time, instead, looking at the "Ark Reactor" in his hand that was emitting a faint blue light, it seemed that several question marks were slowly rising above his head.

——How can such trophies appear on the map of Institution City?

Although the queen has already explained, Lin Chi is still in a speechless state at this time. After all, after defeating the BOSS to get this kind of reward, it is like defeating the savage BOSS in a game with a primitive social background, and the result is an electric meal. The pot is as contrary to...

At this moment, the degree of unreliability of "War Paradise", which was originally very wrong in his opinion, seems to have increased a bit. Lin Chi was silent for a long while before finally speaking slowly: "You don't play cards according to your routine..."

As soon as the voice fell, a prompt to kill the BOSS popped up again in his vision. This time, it was the Greek side who killed the BOSS on the other side of the river:

The BOSS "The Spokesperson of Zeus" has been defeated.

Congratulations to the player "Blood Blade" for taking the first kill of this BOSS and refreshing the record for the fastest kill of this BOSS!

Seeing that the bloodblade seemed to be almost hit, Lin Chi did not stop much. Before leaving the palace, he informed Shen Wenchong to send a puppet to search for the spoils, and he strode out of the palace and returned to the streets of Shangcheng District. superior.

At this time, the guards of the organ puppets that were still fighting stubbornly were almost completely destroyed. This city, which has always been controlled by a handful of people, has finally been completely liberated.

The army composed of the rebellious regular army and the rebel army has already attacked the deserted palace under the leadership of Mu. Commander Mu strode forward and stood beside the flagpole with the green flag of the Institution City. He cut the rope on the flagpole with one knife, and the flag with the gear pattern quickly fell down.

Then, the little officer put the flag in his hand heavily into the cracks in the floor tiles under his feet, painted red flags of hammer and sickle, hunting and fluttering in the strong wind.

"Victory belongs to the people!" he roared.

The warriors who lined the streets densely filled the streets with cheers straight into the sky, and the sunlight cast in the sky seemed to have become more brilliant.

Seeing the "Celebration Ceremony" being held on the square in front, Lin Chi was about to make a detour, but was seen by the brotherhood members in the front row. With a burst of cheers, the surviving Daqin people and rebels poured into the palace. The square in front of him lifted him up and threw him into the sky forcefully.

"Long live General Qin!" Furious cheers erupted from the crowd.

"I rely on..." Lin Chi whispered, his voice ignored by the noisy crowd below without any suspense.

Looking at the fanatical appearance of these warriors, Lin Chi knew very well that even if he took off his helmet to show his true colors, he would be elected as the ruler of the Institution City!

——A moment of desperation facing the massacre in Xiacheng. It was the people of the Brotherhood who stood up and reversed the defeated battle.

When the battle situation reversed, it was also the members of the Brotherhood who led the resistance army into the city, completely destroying the decadent rule in the organ city.

There is no doubt that he has now met the ruler conditions of the organ city. But Lin Chi knew that in order to achieve the conditions of victory for the "ruler" on this map, obviously it was not only necessary to occupy this area.

As long as you can conquer the Greek-controlled area on the other side of the river, you will become the ruler of the organ city in the true sense!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also struggled to rush out of the excited crowd, and stood beside the flagpole in the square. After thinking about it for less than two seconds, his speech ability was not very good, so he decisively chose to "borrow" what he had seen before. TV series lines:

"Comrades, the revolution has not yet succeeded. The Greek-controlled area on the other side of the river is still in dire straits! In order to rescue the oppressed people there, we must overcome all difficulties, cross the Death River, and liberate the rotten Greek city!"

The red flag around him fluttered with the wind, and the crimson armor on "General Qin" was still dripping blood. Following his impassioned speech, the soldiers' enthusiasm increased dozens of times, and they followed Lin Chi and rushed to the banks of the Death River.

——After the blood blade destroyed the Greek rule, it should have seized the large weapons on the Greek side, and was trying to cross the Death River and rush to the river bank.

So now is the time for the decisive battle!

Of course, Lin Chi did not rashly let all the combat power behind him rush out, but took Commander Mu and the remaining 30 or so Daqin soldiers, first walked onto the street by the river bank, leaving the remaining troops behind. In the rear block, they were ordered to watch the signal.

He had just arrived at the only way to cross the Death River: beside the dam named Jieqiao, he saw the top of the wide dam. The seven giant walls standing on it were all shattered, a bloody one. The legion has already set foot on the land on the river bank.


Seeing Lin Chi's appearance, the man in black robes standing in the front waved his hand to stop the hundreds of mercenaries behind him from rushing up with knives. Under the dark hood, an unusually hoarse voice came out:

"Are you'reverse'?"

"You should be the blood blade." Lin Chi squinted his eyes and looked at the other's scarred hands that were exposed outside the cloak.

It seems that the blood blade should have quickly improved the proficiency of melee weapons through self-harm. Lin Chi couldn't confirm the other person's face because he couldn't see his face, but he now has a question that he cares more about:

"Listening to your tone, it seems to know me?"

Lin Chi said, winking at the leader Mu next to him, and beckoning him to be ready. Before the start of the battle, the tense parties entered a short-term standoff.

"I do know you." On the scarred chin under the bloodblade hood, he raised his mouth and revealed a strange smile: "Friend, you hindered my hunting plan."

"how do I say this?"

Hearing that, Blood Blade sneered and laughed: "It's not interesting to always abuse food, I want to find a good guy to play with, such as those on the leaderboard..."

Hearing this guy’s incomprehensible words, the fierce mercenaries behind him all looked dumbfounded, and the bloodblade didn’t pay attention to the reaction of his subordinates, and continued: “The first goal I saw was the one who remained undefeated. 'Frankenstein'. But before he could be ranked as an opponent, I got news from the forum that Frankenstein had been defeated by a bastard called Countercurrent..."

"So you changed the target to me?" Lin Chi asked.

"Of course! You can defeat that Frankenstein, you should be very strong?" Bloodblade licked his lips happily, and glanced at the soldiers behind Lin Chi: "You don't seem to have many people left. They are all dead in the BOSS. In the war? Don’t worry, I’m very kind. How about we play one-on-one here? It’s fair to you..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Chi was silent for a moment, and suddenly clutched his stomach and laughed. He finally stopped his smile, and cast a "caring for the mentally retarded" look at the bewildering blood blade on the other side of the street:

"When did you happen, my people don't have much illusion?"

Before he finished his words, Commander Mu beside him already shouted loudly: "Do it!"

With the voice of Commander Mu, thousands of murderous fighters walked out of the rear block and soon filled the empty streets.

On their scarred bodies, there seemed to be an invisible flame rising up, as if it had a bloodthirsty effect, revealing an indescribable enthusiasm!

Seeing this scene, the bloodblade and the mercenary group behind him fell into a mysterious silence. It took a few seconds before they slowly spoke: "Fuck..."

Then, the bloody mercenary group that had just killed the lord of the Greek-controlled area was overwhelmed by a more brutal army.

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