War Paradise

Chapter 310


Even the soldier controlled by Yuri made a screaming cry when all his limbs were chopped off and his ribs were pierced by three steel bars.

The pain came like a tide, directly destroying the soldier’s consciousness. At this time, he just wanted to die as quickly as possible, but the three steel bars that passed through the body accurately missed the location that could cause fatal injuries. Only the head and torso were nailed to the concrete wall.

"Stop calling." The Murderer with long black hair stood in front of the door and said impatiently, poking his head out to observe the bloody corridor.

"help me……"

Seeing that the enemy that had been rushing over finally disappeared, Bloodblade finally heaved a sigh of relief, returned to the control room of the nuclear power plant, stood in front of the poor man nailed to the wall, and shouted: "I said stop screaming! "

Seeing the bloody killing god appeared in front of him, even the American soldiers who had been tortured to the point of madness closed their mouths obediently because of extreme fear. The turbid pupils flowed through the light of despair, and the fractured limbs continued. Spurting blood.

"Well, it's almost the same, so you don't want to call anymore."

Seeing the other person's whole body trembling but still enduring the pain, the blood blade nodded in satisfaction. Her next sentence finally made the soldier completely desperate:

"I'm asking you to save some energy, because...the real pain is only about to begin now..."

While speaking, Bloodblade took out a small pair of pliers from the backpack, shook the thing in front of the soldier's eyes, and then slowly said: "Hold it up, I want to take out your eyeballs..."

Before she could finish her words, a harsh howling suddenly sounded outside the window, shattering all the glass in the corridor of the building. The cold air rushed into the control room, causing bloodblade to get goose bumps all over his body.

"What's up?"

She murmured angrily, went back to the corridor and stood in front of the window to spy out.

——The sky above the island was shining like a star. The violent shock wave spread to the surroundings, and a blizzard was set off on the island.

The two Soviet airships that were originally hovering in the air were directly reduced to ashes by the burning air waves, and the weird sounds that had been hanging over the islands finally stopped.

Seeing the incredible picture, Bloodblade shook his head and said with emotion: "What the hell..."

She went back to the control room as she spoke, but found that the soldier she had nailed to the wall had died.



The dull loud noise rang from afar, and passed into Lin Chi's ears underground through the foundation made of concrete and metal.

Under the violent explosion, even Lin Chi, who was deep underground, felt that the ground nearby was shaking slightly.

What followed was Yuri's angry roar:

"You bastard... do you want to die with my collection?"

Although he was yelling, Yuri's voice sounded a little weak, as if he had just performed strenuous exercise.

Obviously, Claudia, who was about to blew himself up, suddenly moved into mid-air, also by his hand.

When Claudia lost control because of absorbing the power of the Ark Reactor, and his body was about to explode, in order to protect own other "collectibles", Yuri also used all his strength and threw the woman out of his own carefully crafted Underground castle!

"So you have kidney deficiency now?" Lin Chi mocked.

Although there were no soldiers brainwashed by Yuri nearby, he knew very well that after the explosion just now, the Kirov airship hovering over the island must have crashed, and Yuri’s mental control of the soldiers on the island should have been lifted. !

"Even though I am an atheist, you will definitely go to Hell..." Yuri cursed furiously and released another piece of own:

A middle-aged man fell into the room through a large hole in the ceiling. This person was wearing a blue overalls, brown hair and blue eyes, and a gentle appearance. He didn't look like a combatant at all.

Seeing this guy, Lin Chi was about to shoot, but his name suddenly appeared in his eyes:

T-1000 "liquid metal", hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

After War Paradise began to sell the T800 Terminator entourage, Lin Chi also checked the data about this robot. I still know something about the T-1000 Terminator made of liquid memory metal.

Unlike the T-800, which can be destroyed by powerful weapons, the body of the T-1000 is made of liquid memory metal. Even if it is destroyed, it will automatically restore to its original appearance, and it can also freely change the form of solid and liquid.

For such a powerful killer sent by Skynet, no matter how powerful a firearm is, it is meaningless!

Realizing this, Lin Chi didn't intend to waste bullets. He just went back to the coach and asked, "Can I still stand up?"

The coach, who had just been squeezed dry by Claudia, was still extremely weak at this time and had no strength to stand up at all. He just used scrawny hands to open the backpack laboriously and took out a flamethrower and placed it on the ground.

"The heat... can kill him." The coach said.

"Ha, thank you." Lin Chi picked up the epic weapon with a silver shell, aimed the nozzle at the approaching T1000, and pressed the only red button on the rudimentary gun.

A torrent of blue and white flames a thousand degrees higher than the ordinary flamethrower covered the area on the other side of the house. The T1000 had not been able to rush over, and it had been melted by the ultra-high temperature flame. Even Lin Chi, who used the flamethrower, The exposed skin was scalded with blisters.

The blue flame burned for a full minute, until the T1000 was completely "evaporated", Lin Chi finally stopped the arson behavior, and asked in a low voice: "What tricks do you have?"

"It's not over yet..."

With Yuri’s low voice, two more blue-skinned monsters were thrown into the enclosed room. The two big spiked men were four meters tall and had tumor-shaped heads. Two yellow "bulbs".

Then what appeared in Lin Chi's line of sight was a text prompt marking the other party's identity:

"Guardian of the Magic Mountain", a hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

"If this goes on forever..." Lin Chi's expression became solemn:

At this time, there were only five minutes left before the power supply time agreed upon with Blood Blade. It now appears that the chances of finding the control room while starting to supply power are undoubtedly getting lower and lower!

His original plan was to launch a nuclear bomb directly at the island, but not to detonate the nuclear warhead. Using a radar with an expanded detection range, he found out the location protected by the iron curtain device to determine Yuri's hiding place.

Now it seems that Yuri's power is stronger than he imagined, and this plan should be impossible to succeed. but……

Facing the two eyes of Devil, Lin Chi, who turned on the limit state, suddenly felt the strong data fluctuations from behind, and the original solemn expression on his face suddenly relaxed, and he changed into a happy smile:

"Trust me, Yuri will be over soon," he said.

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