War Paradise

Chapter 314 Destroying the vortex (reward plus more)

When the battle inside the iron curtain device came to an end, the duel that took place in an unknown location was still in progress.

Absolute darkness fills the entire space, except for a Daoist shadow, nothing else can be seen here:

——The old man in a gray suit paced forward, making a dull roar every time he took his feet, his boots seemed to be directly stepping on the void space, causing a wave of dark space under his feet." ripple".

"Don't hide, I saw you." The designer said impatiently, raising his hand lightly to tear away the darkness in front of him, and walked into a snowy area surrounded by coniferous forest.

The person he was looking for was standing in the middle of the clearing.

The man was wearing a brown Soviet military uniform, with a bright bald head with a beard almost standard for Soviet soldiers, and a weird black symbol painted on his forehead.

At this moment, his dark blue eyes seemed to flash with an angry light, and his slightly trembling beard also explained the fact that this person is currently very annoyed.

"You ruined my collection..."

The bald-headed man code-named "Yuri" stepped forward, his gestures filled with suppressed anger: "Damn old man, don't you want to leave here alive..."

Although the other party was threatening him, the old man in the suit and shoes laughed out loud and mocked: "Do you think you can fight the'designer'?"

In fact, under normal circumstances, he sent his executive officers to solve the troubled NPC. The reason why he went out in person this time was also because Yuri did not know how to kill the two executive officers.

But now it seems that this NPC with mind control ability is just an ordinary BOSS-level character.

The designer can tell that Yuri is not an own opponent at all. Despite this, he did not kill the bald man directly like a Soviet soldier nearby, but slowly said:

"We gave you strength, not for you to do this."


Hearing this, Yuri burst into laughter, and the already weird voice became even more weird: "Old man, do you know who you are giving your power to? Am I not a villain? This is me. work!"

"But you violated the rules." The designer said.

"Rules?" Yuri laughed harder: "Don't you think it's ridiculous? My power can obviously rule the world! Just because of your so-called rules, I must hide in this ghost place, waiting to be killed by outsiders Lose?"

"That is your mission, and we exist because of the mission." The designer's tone was decisive.

As the old man said, he strode forward, and a strange purple light lit up around him, fixing the body of the man on the snow.

"You will be deleted." The designer whispered.

Even though his body was bound by the chain of light, Yuri still tried his last strength to open his arms, laughing wildly and shouting:

"Before that, feel the nuclear weapons you created!"

——The nuclear warhead inside the strategic missile brought out a fiery red light, and it smashed down like a meteorite.


"Because there are only two teams left in this team Death competition. The full band scan has been turned on, and now all player positions will be displayed on the map until the final winner is determined. Good luck to everyone."

When a system prompt appeared in front of him, Lin Chi saw three scattered red dots appearing in the own map. The farthest one flashed and then went dark, and then a line of kill prompts appeared:

Player "Eat Chicken Tonight" was killed by player "Blood Blade"!

As the red dot three kilometers away went out, the remaining two red dots moved toward the direction of the iron curtain device. The light spot on the map that marked the location of the blood blade was chasing after them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi, who was being treated by the coach, turned on the microphone and asked, "Can you get rid of them quickly?"

"The two trash can't fight, but they ran very fast." Bloodblade said angrily: "I only have one arm left, I can't catch up with them!"

"Better hurry up, we don't have time. If there is no other way, we will rush them here. I will solve them." Lin Chi said very fast.

After that, Lin Chi, who had just recovered from the coach's treatment, rushed into the room in the middle of the corridor on the third floor. What greeted you was a dazzling control room.

The projector by the door casts a complete map of the island on the screen. The flashing red circle on the map should be the range that the iron curtain device can affect.

Lin Chi looked around, looking for a console that could manipulate this Soviet super weapon at the fastest speed, but he didn't know which console could control this weird device.

There are hundreds of keyboards, joysticks and instruments in this room, and there is no explanation at all. Compared with the radar stations they captured before, the complexity is more than one level higher!

"Damn, didn't this thing explain it?" Lin Chi cursed.

"They probably didn't expect that there will be players who can take over here." The coach leaning on the wall made a hoarse voice.

"Okay." Lin Chi shook his head somewhat depressed, and began to try to control the operating equipment in the room one by one at the fastest speed, looking for a way to control the iron curtain device.

As nuclear power plants began to supply power to Soviet facilities, this super weapon was indeed activated. But the problem now is that they have run out of time...

The howling cold wind poured into the house from the broken glass window. Before Lin Chi found a way to manipulate the iron curtain device, he saw the dazzling red light in the sky.

"That's bad." He frowned.

At this speed, the nuclear warhead should land in 20 seconds. It is obviously too late to operate the iron curtain device. Even if the blood blade drives people over, they will not be able to kill two players in such a short time!

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi dragged the coach out of the control room, returned to the back corridor, leaned against the wall and turned on the radio again, and connected to the channel of Bloodblade:

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Huh?" Bloodblade's voice came from the headset, with a little confusion: "What's the matter?"

"This game should only be won by two people." Lin Chi said and nodded to the coach beside him.

Then, two professional players who have experienced many battles are very tacit...At the same time, they lie on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Until then, the Blood Blade, who was hunting down the last two players, finally understood what Lin Chi meant, and couldn't help cursing: "You two are mixed..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by a devastating explosion.

The nuclear warhead landed in the center of the island, and the first thing that lit up was a super-strong light like a supernova explosion. The sweeping shock wave instantly shattered all obstacles within a kilometer of a radius, and swept all the way along the ground!

The blood blade didn't even have time to lie down, and the whole person was turned into pieces of flesh and blood in the twisted air wave. The two players who fled in front were witty and decisively lying down, and then—they were burned to their bones by the 5,000-degree heat wave. Nothing.

With this degree of explosion, even if Lin Chi and the coach were hiding in the building, they could only live for less than two seconds, but the outcome of the game was when the last two players of the other team died. It's already revealed!

The player "Blood Blade" has died.

The player "makes a big news" has died.

The player has died.

The team "Chicken Box King" has been annihilated.

Congratulations to the team "Female Martial Sage's Harem" for completing the victory condition "Conqueror" and winning this game!

Lin Chi didn't have time to finish reading this large string of words, and the scene before him had turned into a hazy haze.

At the moment when the nuclear explosion shock wave destroyed the iron curtain device, the sudden death system suddenly activated, and he was forcibly kicked out of the game, bathed in the "nuclear light".

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