War Paradise

Chapter 317

"Sure enough..."

Seeing the content of the new DLC, Lin Chi was not surprised. If he is a game planner for Pulse Entertainment, he would also choose to sell a minion that can be used in any map and start selling those that can only be used in specific types of maps. The entourage used in.

However, in his view, this commercial law of package price reduction is obviously very problematic.

Unsurprisingly, Lin Chi soon saw that in the following reply, those players who purchased the Terminator expansion pack before were all screaming, forcing the official to quickly modify the price reduction rules, indicating that they had purchased the Terminator expansion before. Players in the package can also enjoy a 10% discount when they purchase "Battlefield Ghost" separately.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi smiled, decisively used his mobile phone to pay, and bought two hero-level NPCs that were offering a 10% discount.

In this era, the cost of less than two hundred yuan is just a few meals for ordinary people, not to mention the bonus he won last time in the single-player duel contest of "Blade" has not been spent yet. It just can be used in the game.

But for him, adding these two followers is basically better than nothing. After all, the followers he has now, whether in quantity or quality, should be among the best, and there is no need to buy these two "big-spot goods."

"Your strawberry sundae is ready."

Accompanied by the sweet female voice, the little chef put the glass in his hand in front of Lin Chi. Seeing that there were no other customers in the shop, he handed over a chair and sat down beside Lin Chi, staring at his face with interest. .

"Are you looking at the experimental mouse?" Lin Chi glanced at the girl.

"No." The girl waved her hand in a panic, and said, "I am very grateful to you. I have always taken care of my business!"

Hearing this, Lin Chi thought for a while, but decided not to tell the sad fact that "this store should have closed long ago", but just picked up a plastic spoon, dug a piece of ice cream and put it in his mouth, feeling the sweet smell Spread from the mouth.

After eating the generous amount of strawberry sundae, Lin Chi was about to leave the restaurant. He was placed on the table above the screen of his mobile phone, and a holographic projection of Frankenstein once again appeared.

"What is this?" The little chef cast a curious look: "Is it your pet?"

"It's the avatar of my friend."

Lin Chi casually said a perfunctory sentence, then turned off the projection device, typed out a message and sent it over: "Is there anything wrong? It's not very convenient for me now."

"I found a stable entrance to the data channel." Frankenstein's answer was surprisingly fast: "And modified the nearby program so that the entrance can last forever, and Pulse Entertainment's defense AI cannot find the location."

"So?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes.

"You can enter the data channel and explore the world by yourself." Frankenstein said an exciting proposal.

Although it sounds attractive, Lin Chi still thought about it in the face of this risky situation.

Thinking back to some news headlines he had seen, his expression suddenly became serious:

Today, the brain-computer interface has already had a set of strict safety monitoring programs. Players normally connect to brain imaging games, own brain and consciousness, and it is impossible to suffer any harm at all. A tragedy similar to the "Sword Art Online Incident" a long time ago is completely impossible to happen again.

However, if you use illegal data channels to "sneak into" the game, the situation is different...

Although he has never tried to log in illegally, Lin Chi has also heard about hackers who open backdoors in the game. These guys often show off their cheating results in forums triumphantly, and they use the secret channel inside the game to log in. of.

Whether in the game warehouse or in the player announcements of various games, the article "Prohibit any player from using illegal data interface login" is clearly written, and after this message, there is another sentence:

"Our company is not responsible for accidents caused by players logging in using illegal data interfaces."

According to Lin Chi's understanding, many hackers who use brain-computer interface technology have become mentally ill, and some of them even died of brain death and left the world forever.

Obviously, hackers who log in using illegal data channels will face great risks.

Because of this, Lin Chi did not rush in to death, but just asked, "Is the data channel stable enough?"

"Extremely stable." Frankenstein gave a positive response: "This passage allows humans to enter, please don't worry."

Although this guy was very reliable, Lin Chi didn't completely trust Frankenstein. After all, he still couldn't be sure whether this robot living in his own home really obeyed himself completely.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi smiled and sent a message back:

"I won't go there for the time being, you will continue to investigate first."

"Okay." Frankenstein replied.

Seeing that the screen of the phone went dark, Lin Chi casually put the phone in his pocket, only to see the little chef staring at him suspiciously. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty and asked, "What's the matter?"

——He didn’t care about this girl just now, but now think about it, even if she doesn’t know much about this, there is a Big Brother who is also a player. If she understands the message she just sent...

Under Lin Chi's gaze, the girl hesitated for a while, and finally spoke slowly:

"Is that man Lin Chi's girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Lin Chi was finally relieved and said with a smile: "Of course not, I don't have a girlfriend."

"Really? Great...No, you are not too young anymore, it's time to fall in love." The little chef said solemnly, and at the same time straightened his chest subconsciously.

"Ha, maybe."

Lin Chi stood up again and took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code to check out, then turned around and left the restaurant and returned to the garden downstairs.

The sky is as gray as usual, as if shrouded in a layer of fog. In this era, as the pollution caused by humans has become more and more serious, the legendary blue sky and white clouds have long disappeared.

Fortunately, most office workers nowadays don't need to breathe in the haze to go to work, as long as they turn on the electronic equipment at home, they can complete their own work.

Today, the proportion of mental labor is increasing. As for those purely manual labor positions, most of them have been replaced by robots with hard work and low maintenance costs.

Seeing that the lawn in the garden became gray, Lin Chi had no intention of "walking" outside at all, but walked quickly into the corridor entrance and took the high-speed elevator parked on the first floor.

After completing today's training in "Blade", he will return to "War Paradise" again.

——I don’t know what map I will be on this time?

Thinking that he is about to return to that weird virtual world and start a war with other players, Lin Chi, who has always been interested in AI, is already looking forward to the new game tonight.

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