War Paradise

Chapter 325 The Priestess and the Pope

At night when there is no Star light shining on, the sand is ascending and the icy wind blows up, and the residents are shivering while hiding in the rock-cast houses. The soldiers standing guard in front of the city gate were also wrapped in rough metal armor like walking cans.

There is still a gap between Lin Chi's city and the big city on the opposite side that was entered into the feudal era. It has just entered the age of slavery. Although the level of science and technology has developed rapidly, it has just reached the point where it can smelt metals on a small scale. Only a few elite soldiers are qualified to equip metal armor.

At this time, two tall soldiers were leaning against the simple city wall made of rocks, and their godless eyes under the gray heavy helmets were staring at the sand in front of them.

After a moment of silence, one of them opened his mouth and complained in a language that has never appeared in human history in the real world: "It's so cold, I'm almost freezing to death..."

——Of course, for creator-level players, it’s not a problem to understand the unknown language.

In addition to the two soldiers standing on both sides of the wooden gate and responsible for opening the gate, there are two other soldiers standing on the observation platform above the city wall. Once the enemy is found, they will immediately light the pyre at the top of the observation tower. Use the fire to inform the barracks in the city.

As usual, there was still no sign of an enemy attack this night. Even so, the two soldiers in front of the city gate still fulfilled their duties, staring at the dimly lit sand in front of them.

Soldiers of this era do not even have the concept of "be lazy" in later generations. They will always perform their duties due diligence to the tasks assigned by the king and commanders.

"what is that?"

Keenly noticed the white shadows in the sand in the distance, a soldier lifted a heavy hammer, raised his head and shouted at the watchtower: "Did you see it?"

"Not an enemy attack!" A rough male voice from the watchtower: "There is only one person."

Although there was only one person on the other side, the two soldiers in front of the door did not take it lightly, and immediately strode forward, clanging with the rough metal armor on their bodies.

"Stop!" a soldier shouted, "Who are you?"

Under the watchful gaze of the two soldiers, a thin woman walked slowly across the sand, holding a long flagpole in her hand, and the holy silver flag swayed in the cold wind.

The woman was wearing a snow-white robe, and her smooth blonde hair poured down, almost touching the ground. Strangely, even though she walked all the way through the dirty sand, she didn't get a trace of dust on her body.

"You are……"

Seeing the woman who seemed to have her own "Sacred halo", the two soldiers in front of the door couldn't help being stunned. But on the woman's smooth face, there was still a serious expression.

She came forward carrying the holy flag, stopped and stood in front of the wooden door. Her azure blue eyes stared at the soldier on the left without blinking. She opened her thin lips and made an unusually serious voice without a trace of evil thoughts. :

"Open the door."

The two soldiers who originally wanted to question, seemed to be shocked by her coercion, or infected by their charisma, and did not say much, so they opened the side door obediently.

The priestess walked slowly into the city, crossed a dark street, and walked straight to the tall palace in the distance.


With the arrival of the priestess, the development speed of Lin Chi's city has also been further improved. Ascension, the cultural level of the residents has also been improved, and the crude pictures of slaves as livestock have disappeared.

Although the slaves were still forced to serve their masters, their treatment was much better, at least they looked like humans. In this case, the work efficiency of the slaves has also been further Ascension.

At the same moment, the city where the Crispy Chicken Drumsticks is located has entered a state of extraordinary enthusiasm.

——Under the call of the "chariot", the people in that city have begun to become warlike. The strong effect that the previous "Reaper" made them has made these people more determined.

In this situation, the arrival of the Pope became a catalyst for war.

Unlike priestesses who did not bring religious beliefs, the Pope’s beliefs have spread rapidly throughout the city, and the number of followers has also begun to increase rapidly. so now……

"Kill all those heretics!"

"Let the glory of God shine on the whole world!"

Warlike fanatics, chanting various slogans, appeared in front of the queen's palace.

As some of the original compatriots fled to another city, these people still suffered from "being unknown" and could not find an excuse to start the war.

But now, their fanatical beliefs have naturally become the reason for the war!

Seeing the chaos in this city, Lin Chi didn't say anything, but Crispy Chicken Drumsticks excitedly waved his fist and smiled: "Wait for death..."

While talking, he threw the card that Lin Chi played in the first round. After more than three rounds of "buffer period", this card can finally be used again:

NO.4-the emperor.


The steady emperor descended on your city-state, inspiring all the people, and increasing the development speed of your city-state by one hundred percent. When the emperor died or disappeared, your city-state will have a new emperor ascend to the throne, and be in your city-state. The effect will last forever until it is completely destroyed.

Obviously, the Crispy Chicken Drumstick Fortress intends to increase the city-state's development speed again through the emperor, but it is a pity that what happened next was obviously beyond his expectation.

When the wooden four-wheeled vehicle that the emperor rode arrived at the city's main gate, it was not directly greeted into the city like the "pope", but was stopped by the soldiers.

"Who?" The soldiers in front of the door raised their warhammers and stepped forward, looking at the knights beside the wooden cart: "Prove your identity!"

"Kneel, the emperor is here." A low voice wafted from under the helmet of a silver-armored knight, pulling out a luxurious metal sword and shield, and blocking it in front of him: "Are you planning to betray the emperor? This is a disrespectful behavior. ."

Hearing this, the already belligerent soldiers suddenly rushed over as if they were beaten with blood, waving their warhammers, and the top of the city wall also lit up with wolf smoke that symbolized the arrival of the enemy:

"What emperor? Where is the emperor? This city-state is under the rule of the Queen! Kill them for the sake of the Queen and the Pope!"

The knights who were in charge of escorting the emperor were suddenly overwhelmed by the influx of people. Seeing that the situation is not good, the king who was about to enter the city, leaving behind a few knights, he turned around under the escort of a few others and ran away in a hurry...


After witnessing this scene, Lin Chi flicked his hand and almost threw his hand card on the ground, before finally suppressing his smile. Crispy Chicken Drumsticks was silent for a while, and it took a while before finally speaking slowly:

"What's the matter with you? Isn't this a card game?"

This player obviously did not expect that the creator's card game is very different from the ordinary card game. In this kind of card game, the effect written on the hand may not even work normally!

"A city can't accommodate two emperors. You don't even understand this truth?" Lin Chi's facial muscles twitched slightly as he spoke, and finally couldn't help laughing.

In fact, if he hadn't seen the tragic situation of the emperor, he would have planned to play the "Queen" in the next round.

With the lessons learned from the opponent, it seems that other cards will need to be played next.

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