War Paradise

Chapter 336 Crazy Evolver

In the Mesozoic period of the ancient times, when human beings were not on the stage of history, the earth was once ruled by the "king of reptiles" dinosaurs.

This rule lasted until 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs retreated in a mass extinction.

And now, after Pandora has chosen the evolution direction of "gimmization", the large lizards on her planet have also begun to evolve at a terrifying speed:

The original stubby limbs have become muscular and agile "long legs". Although the two forelimbs still look thin and weak, some of the lizards that can only lie on the ground are now supported by the hind legs. Stood up next.

After changing from walking on four legs to walking on two legs, the speed of these animals suddenly became much faster, and they turned into ferocious carnivorous dragons. Those lizards that have not evolved to this stage and still use four legs have evolved sharp horns, or have grown thick bone armor on their bodies.

Herbivorous dragons tend to be defensive, carnivorous dragons tend to attack, and some of the "giant birds" with double wings have become pterosaurs flying in the air. Pandora's planet has entered the era of dinosaurs at an astonishing speed!

While the reptiles are evolving rapidly, although the plants on that planet are also evolving, their speed is obviously much slower than that of animals, and they are still in the primitive fern period.

In contrast, the plants on Lin Chi's side have evolved more than one grade faster than those on Pandora's side.

——In fact, plants that can survive through photosynthesis and absorption of inorganic substances are, to some extent, more vital than animals.

Trees have a long lifespan. Even ordinary willows on the roadside can live for about 150 years. Some trees can live for thousands of years. Among them, there are even "immortal bodies" that can survive for tens of thousands of years. !

It is conceivable that this kind of extremely long-lived plants will undoubtedly become very scary if they obtain a "brain" that can think.

The reason why plants on the earth cannot evolve complex consciousness is because the energy they get is not enough to support them to grow organs that can carry out complex thinking.

After all, to maintain thinking, but it will consume a lot of energy.

But on this planet, things are obviously different...

Lin Chi could see that the nutrients in the soil of this planet are obviously much richer than that of the earth's land, and the high-intensity light brought by the nearby Star also makes the photosynthesis of plants more intense.

In addition, the groundwater resources here are nowhere higher than the earth. When plants receive enough light, they don’t have to worry about withering due to loss of water.

As for those who like dark and humid plants, you can also choose a humid canyon as a "hiding place." In such a unique environment, these growing plants have really evolved thinking organs while changing their generations at a high speed!


With a soft sound, an abnormal change occurred in the trunk of a cedar tree.

In the original solid tree trunk, a hard-shelled object that resembled a walnut grew out of it, and then it began to expand rapidly. It seemed to store some kind of semi-liquid milky white gel inside, and the inside was covered with nerve-like filaments.

These tentacle-shaped nerves spread out from the small holes in the shell of the "walnut", spreading in all directions along the trunk, and quickly connected to the roots, bark and branches of the tree, and even spread to every leaf. superior."Is this the'brain' of plants?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes.

——In order to protect their own "thinking", some trees hide the organ of thinking in the center of the trunk, while low shrubs hide it under the soil and are entangled with the roots. That hemisphere with a hard shell, just like the human brain, creates a complex consciousness through internal "chemical reactions"!

Noting that the plants on Lin Chi's side had evolved something similar to a "brain", the purple-haired girl shook her short legs and whispered, "This is too unscientific."

"What science are you looking for in the game?" Lin Chi said solemnly, continuing to observe the green plants on his planet.

Despite the evolution of organs that can think, plants still cannot move or make sounds. Therefore, they soon began to communicate with other nearby plants by releasing pheromone from their leaves. These plants spread over the entire planet, and even soon created more than a dozen different "languages" in the air. Communicate quietly in the middle.

As for the content of these plant conversations, Lin Chi, as the creator, can naturally hear it clearly. If translated into human language, the content of these plants’ conversations is actually the same as the chat content of the aunts of the neighborhood committee downstairs in the community. Trivial:

"The Sequoia over there, your roots are entangled with mine, can you grow to the side?"

"Why do you absorb all the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What about daddy's nourishment? My son is malnourished, okay?"

"There is plenty of water here, everyone find a way to move here! Don't wait for death over there..."

"That little white poplar is pretty...it's a pity that it's a little far away, why are there a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates around me?"

"Who do you think is crooked melon split date, believe it or not, I ripped off your roots?"


——Can these plants "see" the surrounding pictures?

Realizing this, Lin Chi observed the trees by himself, but did not find any parts that resemble eyes. Presumably, they should have established a three-dimensional dynamic vision similar to radar by releasing a certain substance in a large area.

With the further expansion of the vegetation area, the roots of many trees are connected together.

Then, under the gaze of the two creators, several large forests actually realized "communism" and began to absorb water and nutrients together...

As these trees are connected as a whole, they have entered a state of "everything is prosperous, and nothing is lost". Their thinking organs are also connected together, just like a CPU with multiple cores installed, and they begin to operate at a nearly crazy speed. .

"this is okay too?"

After witnessing this scene, Lin Chi was also eye-opening. The two were still observing the evolution of plants, and the host’s featureless voice rang again in due course:

"Two creators, a new round has begun!"

In the face of the incredible evolutionary process, the two players were also extraordinarily perfunctory on blackjack, and this round ended with a draw of 17 points to 17 points.

However, Lin Chi and Pandora didn't care about the game at all, they just watched the distant planet intently, observing the evolution of the two planets.

In this round, the purple-haired girl chose "wisdom", while Lin Chi chose "body".

As Pandora made a choice, the dinosaurs on her planet improved their intelligence almost immediately, and the size of the originally small and poor brain began to increase.

In order to support the large amount of energy needed for brain thinking, the dinosaurs used part of the energy used for running and hunting in the brain, and the originally powerful body became slightly weaker than before.

Under the joint operation of hundreds of billions of brain neurons, the thinking mode and thinking ability of the dinosaurs also improved by leaps and bounds. They soon developed a language for communication like trees, and even designed some handshake and nodding. And shaking his head is used to express own opinion.

Afterwards, there were many roars on Pandora's planet. But this time, the howling of the dinosaurs is not as meaningless as before, but has become a new language for communication between them.

The two creators who are playing cards can naturally translate the language of the dinosaurs into a form that humans can understand. But compared with the chats of plants, the content of the dinosaurs is much more crude:

"Son, go with me and get that herbivorous dragon. Your mother is still waiting for dinner at home!"

"The Tyrannosaurus is here, run away!"

"There is a stegosaurus over there. The odds of winning seem to be a little lower, so let's withdraw quickly."

"Fuck the raptor, I want to fight you to the death!"

As the dinosaurs developed a language, they began to try to inscribe the words belonging to own with sharp claws on smooth stone slabs. These reptiles also realized that in order to better thrive, it is best to find a way to record certain information.

However, with the same evolution of consciousness, the dinosaurs on Pandora's side were obviously not as reliable as the trees on Lin Chi's side.

——Although the lifespan of dinosaurs is not short, it is still far behind the trees that can live for thousands of years. Most of the trees on Lin Chi's side are still the same, but the dinosaurs on Pandora's side have been changed several batches, directly reaching the generations of great-grandchildren.

Because newborns need to relearn knowledge, the civilization of the dinosaurs has just started, and their civilization has developed extremely slowly. Except for the inheritance of language and a few characters, there is basically no difference from the previous round in other aspects.

In this situation, the longevity advantage of trees is reflected.

Those big forests that connect the roots together have become supercomputers running at high speeds, thinking at a terrifying speed.

As a large number of trees in the forest are almost as a whole, their survivability has once again Ascensioned a level. Even in the face of super strong winds, at most dozens of trees will be lost, which does not have much impact on the whole.

Not long after the first connected forest appeared, the forests in each area began to connect together. Hundreds of "supercomputers" that can carry out photosynthesis have been created everywhere on this planet.

As the trees' consciousness began to unify, different forests began to communicate with each other. What is even more peculiar is that they even selected a specific "spokesperson" to convey information to other nearby forests.

Under the observation of the two creators, a coniferous forest mainly composed of spruce began to transmit a message to the broad-leaved forest a few kilometers away:

"Hello are you there?"

"Hello are you there?"

"Hello……"The "spokesperson" at the edge of the coniferous forest continuously emits pheromone, and uses the wind to transmit information. Afterwards, it quickly received a response from the broad-leaved forest:

"No, get out."

"Are these guys all joking..." Pandora's golden eyes widened in surprise.

The slender branches of the spruce swayed in the wind, and ignored the ridicule of the broad-leaved forest nearby, but sent another message in the past:

"Our territories are about to collide together. How about leaving a boundary in the middle so that we don't plant seeds here?"

"It seems that they have not only learned to joke, but also learned to draw a borderline." Lin Chi smiled.

The speed of evolution of these trees even exceeded his expectations. Pandora, who was still skeptical that plants could not win, was shocked.

There is no doubt that if plants continue to evolve, they will certainly establish their own civilization faster than dinosaurs!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi raised his eyebrows proudly, and continued to concentrate on observing the communication between the two forests:

"It's okay to draw a boundary line, but can you retreat a bit?" The broad-leaved forest responded via a pheromone message: "Our land is not nutrient enough, so it's not fair."

"Friends, you chose to take root over there. What does it matter to us?" The taiga was obviously opposed to it, and even started to mock directly: "Your child is stunted, do you blame my child for eating? Great?"

Even if it is ridiculed, the evergreen broad-leaved forest still refuses to give up this condition: "Okay, we are almost out of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and we will die if this continues..."

"What are you doing to me when you die?" The taiga still didn't care: "Speaking of business, do you accept the conditions of the boundary line?"

For trees that cannot be moved, there is no equivalent of currency. In addition to survival, these trees do not have spiritual life needs like human beings.

For these plants, it is no good to help other ethnic groups, so the coniferous forest will so decisively reject the other party's proposal.

However, the broad-leaved forest, which will die sooner or later, will not give up fighting for the resources in the soil.

"Since you refuse to give in, then we can only grab it..." The broad-leaved forest issued a dangerous signal, and the green leaves rustled in the breeze.

"Ha, have the ability to come here? Do you think you can beat us?" Taiga mocked.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi also suddenly realized something, and muttered to himself: "Is this about to break out of war?"

Pandora did not speak, but quietly stared at the two forests on Lin Chi's planet.

Under the observation of the "sky eyes" of the two creators, the first ever war between plants... finally began.


I highly recommend the domestic GAL "Three Colors of Love", I can't stop playing it, and even want to write a game of GAL. Now there is a discount on STEAM for only 6 yuan. If you are interested, don’t miss it~

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