War Paradise

Chapter 339-Peaceful Negotiations

Time on the planet passed quickly, but for the two "creators", it was actually only a minute later.

Twenty years later, on the planet ruled by the dinosaurs, the two sides exhausted by years of battle finally determined the time and place for peace talks.

Then, the representatives sent by the carnivorous dragon and the herbivorous dragon met on the grasslands of the southern hemisphere continent.

A brown-skinned Tyrannosaurus rex stepped forward slowly, and its two big feet stepped heavily on the ground, pressing the poor grass below it into the soil. It opened a big mouth full of nail-shaped fangs and a pair of scarlet eyes. Staring at the representative of the herbivorous dragon coming from the other side of the grassland.

From the other side, it was a huge monster with a length of fifteen meters.

The giant dinosaur was completely dark, and its scales resembled ancient chain mail. It has a sturdy fan-shaped shield armor on its head, two long horns on its forehead are particularly eye-catching, plus a dagger-sharp short horn above the nose, directly indicating the identity of this head's "representative".

——That is a triceratops larger than normal.

Under the gaze of the Tyrannosaurus rex, the pitch-black beast, which was more oppressive than the carnivorous dragon, slowly stepped forward and stood less than ten meters away from the Tyrannosaurus rex.

At this moment, a deep, mature, magnetic-sounding male voice suddenly sounded. For the scene where these two mortal enemies meet each other, a voice-over commentary of teacher Zhao Zhongxiang in the "Animal World" program was added:

"Spring is blooming, everything is revived, and it's the mating season of animals..."

Hearing this voice, the girl with purple hair who was originally indifferent, her cheeks suddenly bulged, trying to try her best to hold her smile, but she laughed out loud and whispered: "Don't make trouble..."

Seeing that guy was about to laugh, Lin Chi stopped the "off-court commentary" in a timely manner, and said casually: "I just think this is very emotional."

During the talk, the two dinosaurs selected as representatives of the peace talks have begun to talk in the "common language" circulating on this planet:

"Who are you?" A fierce light flashed in the turbid red eyes of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and he opened his blood basin and roared: "I want to see your boss, not this kind of little guy, go call Alamoron."

The so-called Alamosaurus is one of the largest dinosaurs in human records. The behemoth with a body length of 30 meters and a weight of 80 tons can be described as the overlord of the herbivorous dragon, even the Tyrannosaurus rex. Not their opponents.

However, the triceratops did not retreat even in the face of the threat of Tyrannosaurus, but slowly spoke and reported the title of own:

"In front of you are the queen of triceratops, the destroyer of raptors, the herbivorous death, the blood of darkness, the messenger of the dragon god, and the ruler of horned dragons, Grol! What are you?"

As soon as the words came out, the Tyrannosaurus rex opened his big mouth for a while, and a trace of saliva slowly slipped from the corner of his mouth. It took a few minutes before he recovered and said, "Okay..."

Although the rapid evolution has made up for many physical deficiencies, the thinking mode of Tyrannosaurus rex is still very different from that of human beings.

In terms of predation and survival, their abilities can be described as extremely powerful, more than a grade higher than humans. But in other aspects of understanding, the brains of these fierce beasts are relatively weak.

Realizing that the other party seems to be difficult to deal with, and originally intended to kill the Tyrannosaurus rex that the other party dragged back to eat with a disagreement, he could only give up the idea of ​​attacking and demanded in a hoarse voice:

"Our leader studied the peace treaty, and most of the content is acceptable, but one must be added-we will hunt freely on a regular basis. We just eat other animals and we can't fill our stomachs."

Regarding the comments made by Tyrannosaurus, the triceratops who claimed to be the "Queen of Triceratops" immediately responded:

"Fat your mother, is this the reason you slaughtered our race?"

"If you don't do this, we will starve to death." Tyrannosaurus rex is quite reasonable, and shook his head in order to express apology: "We also want to survive."

Although still the position of predator and hunted, with the growth of intelligence, these dinosaurs also have the concept of "species". They are not as before, they just bite without saying anything.

——No matter how ruthless hunters slaughter those "prey" who speak the same language as themselves for a long time, they will still instinctively feel a little guilt.

And this seemingly weak emotion is the essence of the evolution of dinosaurs.

Seeing the depressed look of Tyrannosaurus, the Queen Triceratops stepped forward slowly and said her proposal here:

"Well, let's vacate a part of the area and let other guys multiply. Just go hunting them. We can prepare hunting grounds for you, how about?"

"Are you talking about those bulls?" Speaking of food, Tyrannosaurus rex quickly reacted.

"Yes, they have been driven to a piece of woodland by us. We can give up a large piece of woodland for them to survive. You can go hunting at that time, how about it?" Triceratops explained: "In this way, you There should be more food, right?"

"Yes, it seems pretty good..." Tyrannosaurus rex made a hoarse voice, and walked slowly to the side of the Triceratops, looking at the rough dark skin of the opponent.

Just when Pandora thought the two sides were about to reach a peace agreement, an unexpected scene happened:


The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its big mouth full of fangs, and suddenly bit the triceratops’ neck with one bite. The triceratops suddenly screamed and twisted its heavy body frantically, trying to shake off the torn skin and bite into the flesh. Fangs.

"This is..." The purple-haired girl widened her eyes in astonishment.

"It may be an instinctive reaction." Lin Chi smiled.

As the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly launched an attack, a large number of carnivorous dragons that had been hiding behind suddenly rushed out, bringing billowing dust, and rushing to the battlefield in the middle of the grassland.

At the same time, in the woodland on the other side of the grassland, a huge herbivorous dragon also rushed out, trying to save the bitten "Triceratops Queen".

"Damn." Pandora cursed when the peace talks failed.

The protracted fighting of these giant beasts seriously hindered the progress of their civilization. She thought that the dinosaurs could successfully sign a peace treaty, but now it seems that the opportunity for peace has undoubtedly disappeared again.

However, this situation is clearly what Lin Chi wants to see. After all, the speed of tree evolution is too slow. If the speed of the dinosaurs is too fast, you may not be able to handle it.

So the question is: when will the two planets, which are far apart, begin to fight?

——Even if the two sides are evolving extremely fast, but they don't have the ability to master the interstellar navigation technology at all. Unless something happens in the middle, the creatures on the two planets don't even have the opportunity to fight each other.

So, when will that opportunity arise?

While thinking, Lin Chi cast his gaze on Pandora's white face.

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