War Paradise

Chapter 340 Bloody Battle on the Grassland

Accompanied by a terribly shocking, frantic wailing and screams, bloody battles broke out on the grasslands.

The muscular Tyrannosaurus rex, the spinosaurus with its own "sail" on its back, the agile and deadly army of small velociraptors, and even several ten-meter-long crocodiles that crawled out of a puddle next to it... in the history of the earth The hunters, who were not in the same age, began to attack the herbivorous dragons on the other side of the grassland!

And the "warriors" sent by the herbivorous dragons are full of oppression in their appearance:

Ankylosaurus with a spiked giant hammer on its tail, a long-necked dragon with a body length of 20 meters, and a triceratops with sharp horns on its head rushed out in an attempt to save the queen who was bitten in the neck.

After years of fighting with carnivorous dragons, the bodies of these herbivorous dragons have also undergone special evolution. Even in the face of wild beasts like Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus, it is not without power to fight back!

"Oh oh oh!"

A triceratops roared and rushed forward, the sharp horns on the top of the head easily tore the skin of the Tyrannosaurus rex's neck and nailed it through its neck. Before the triceratops had time to end the fierce beast, the spinosaurus that slew from the side bit its body, tearing off a large piece of flesh.

Even after a long period of evolution, they are already much more advanced than the dinosaurs on earth. The battle between these beasts is still a rough "hand-tear enemy" without any tactics at all. but……

"There seems to be an ambush?"

Noting a few dark shadows faintly appearing in the rain forests on both sides, Lin Chi smiled and continued to "sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight" with his arms folded.

Although with the vision of the creator, as long as you want to see it, you can immediately figure out what is hidden in the woods. But for Lin Chi, this kind of scene, which is a hundred times more brutal than the "Jurassic Park" series, would be boring if it was spoiled.

Because of this, he continued to watch the play comfortably, but noticed Pandora, the ambusher in the forest, his eyes widened in surprise:

"That is……"

"Shhh, don't be spoiled." Lin Chi reminded.

Before the words were over, the ambushers hidden in the woodland on the side of the carnivorous dragon finally couldn't help it, and suddenly rushed out of the dense forest and joined the chaotic battlefield on the grassland:

It is a weird creature that humans have never seen before. There is nothing like that in any dinosaur fossil found in archaeology. The skin of those dinosaurs is ruthless iron gray, and the four long muscular legs carry a piece of skin. A huge, thick body.

Unlike normal predators such as Tyrannosaurus, this giant dinosaur has a long tail with spikes and a head resembling a crocodile. For some reason, the corners of the mouth are still dripping blood.

One of the dinosaurs leaned forward with their neck and opened the mouth of the blood basin. The mouth opened at an angle close to 180 degrees, revealing the fine fangs full of mouth, and it was facing not far away at a speed comparable to that of an off-road vehicle. A stegosaurus rushed away.


When the blood basin of the giant dragon bite, it made a loud noise similar to a metal impact, like a giant iron tongs, and instantly ripped the stegosaurus body, almost "breaking" the stegosaurus in two!

"I'm going, are there such creatures?" Lin Chi was also slightly surprised when he witnessed the scene of the beast hunting.

Those new carnivorous dragons used as ambushes have terrifying mouth bite force. Lin Chi can see that the power of that thing is used to slaughter dinosaurs, and it can bite even if it encounters a human main battle tank. In two pieces!


The fierce beasts who had just entered the battlefield uttered a tyrannical roar, and shouted at several Tyrannosauruses nearby: "Stay back!"


With a loud noise, a triceratops was swept by the tail of the fierce beast, and a blood mark was drawn from its body.

As the new carnivorous dragon joins the battle, the current situation has changed again, from the original evenly matched to the hunter's dominance. However, looking at the giant shadow hidden in the dense forest on the herbivorous dragon, both players knew very well that things were obviously not that simple...

Despite the fact that our camp is at a disadvantage, the "secret weapon" of the herbivorous dragon has not yet appeared. It just continues to make some noises in the dense forest, not knowing what it is doing.

"what the hell?"

Lin Chi, whose curiosity had almost reached its peak, was about to see what was hidden in the dense forest when he saw a sudden billowing smoke erupting from the forest.

"Kill them!"

The terrifying roar kept reverberating, causing the carnivorous dragons who were slaughtering opponents on the battlefield to pause for a while, and then they appeared in their sight, a group of logs tied with vines on their backs as armor. Ankylosaurus with pointed stakes hung on both sides of the body!

"I'm going, they have developed'weapons' and'armor'?" Lin Chi raised his eyebrows.

——The ability to make and use tools is one of the important differences between humans and other animals. Now that these dinosaurs have also learned practical tools, it means that they have entered a new stage of evolution!

Under the gaze of the two creators, an ankylosaurus draped in a battle armor and a "spear" rushed, like an unstoppable chariot, directly piercing the bodies of the two spinosaurus blocking the front, and its strength was so powerful. The carnivorous dragon, more than ten meters in length, picked it up.

When these warriors with their own weapons and armor entered the battlefield, the one-sided battle finally became balanced again. Although the armor on their bodies cannot withstand the attack of the newly introduced carnivorous dragon, the lethality of the two giant spears hung on their bodies is still not to be underestimated.

As the battle became fierce, flesh and blood flew across the grassland for a while, and the "new weapons" of the Carnivorous Dragon camp also appeared in a timely manner:

In the distant blue sky, dense black spots appeared. Dozens of large pterosaurs flew at extremely fast speed, spreading their dark wings, like a black-robed death god flying across the sky.

Different from the pterosaurs that humans know, these pterosaurs have evolved strong arms, holding the angular boulders in their arms, and when they approach the battlefield, they began to dive, and cast an extremely strong force against the herbivorous warriors below. "bomb".


An armour-clad ankylosaurus was smashed by a stone and its brain burst, and its body lay on the ground convulsively. Seeing that the situation was not good, several ankylosaurus retreated immediately, trying to avoid the falling rocks from the air.

"They... actually have an air force?"

Seeing that the battle of these dinosaurs was close to primitive people, Pandora's small face suddenly showed a happy smile. After learning to use tools, the abilities of these dinosaurs will definitely make a leap forward.

As for the opportunity for evolution, this bloody battle is now breaking out!

War is a catalyst for the development of science and technology, and modern technology of mankind has also made rapid progress during the world war. From radars, computers to microwave ovens, a large number of technological products enjoyed by modern humans were all developed during the war.

In the war that broke out on the grassland, the dinosaurs also evolved the ability to make and use simple tools. Thus……

"You are going to lose." The girl clenched her fists confidently.

"That's not necessarily." Lin Chi cast his gaze on his planet, and saw that the immobile forests were still developing biological weapons belonging to his own.

"I have a lifespan advantage here," he said.

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