War Paradise

Chapter 348 The Death in the Rainforest


Loud dull noises reverberated in the sky, and when the spacecraft hit the ground, it stirred up yellow sand that covered the sky and the sun.

The metal spaceship with a pitch-black shell fell on the uneven wasteland. A spinosaurus with a gray "sail" on its back smashed through the cold metal shell and stood on the barren yellow ground.

This top predator, who belonged to the top of the food chain in the dinosaur camp, protruded forward, covered with heavy gray scales, which looked a bit like the long head of a crocodile, with small eyes rolling around, quickly observing the situation nearby.

The nearby area seems to have experienced natural disasters as well. The land is so dry that there will be a crisp crackling sound as soon as it is stepped on, and there is no sign of any biological existence.

Spinosaurus looked around alertly, and the silver metal armor draped on his back flashed a pale white light under the shining of Star.

As a scout sent to this planet, this fierce beast is not only equipped with metal armor, but also has metal "gloves" hung on the sharp claws of its hands and feet. The sturdy cable is held in place.

Covering the entire body with steel armor did not affect the speed of this predator, but only strengthened its attack power and defense power, turning it into a powerful slaughter machine.

Just after leaving the spacecraft, the Spinosaurus, who was still a little dizzy, finally returned to its normal state. Turning and striding out of the deserted land, he walked towards a rain forest next to him.

When he first arrived, he still didn't know what enemies were on the land, so now, he also decisively chose to observe the situation.

Spinosaurus rushed into the rainforest next to the wasteland, and saw a big river flowing through the forest. The vegetation in this area was extremely dense, and the green everywhere it went. Compared with the nearby wilderness, it was almost two extremes.

What makes Spinosaurus feel strange is that, except for some small insects, almost no animals exist here. According to its knowledge, it should be the habitat of herbivorous dragons in the forest...


Spinosaurus raised his head, let out a hoarse roar, and continued to walk through the humid and sultry rainforest, looking for possible enemies inside.

The hunter quickly discovered that the growth trend of plants here is much better than that of the continent where he lives, and many species that he has never seen before are also mixed in the trees to thrive.

The only thing that caught the eye was a large area of ​​emerald green. Spinosaurus, who was a little irritable because it couldn't find its prey, roughly knocked down a few fruit trees next to it with its body, and stepped over the broken trunk.

It thought it would be able to kill immediately after arriving, but it didn't expect that it would encounter such a situation. Those herbivorous dragon warriors who came together might regard this place as a "treasure place", but for the carnivorous dragon, this place without animals is completely unattractive.

The body that has become huge during the evolution process requires a lot of food to maintain normal operation. If there is no prey before it gets dark, its own combat power may be greatly reduced!

——I need prey, otherwise I will starve to death.

Realizing this, the sturdy Spinosaurus also felt a trace of fear, and continued to rush forward quickly, trying to find what he could eat.

In this huge rainforest, it seems that you can't see the edge. According to its own hunting experience, Spinosaurus looked for possible animals along the river, but it still found nothing.

Just when Spinosaurus began to become irritable, the darkness in the dense forest on the right attracted its attention.

A pitch-black giant tree that didn't match the nearby trees, stood alone in the middle of a clearing. The nearby circular moist ground seemed to be infected, without any other plants.

--what is that?

Spinosaurus walked over vigilantly and took a close look at the pitch-black giant tree.

The trunk of that tree is extraordinarily thick, nearly ten meters in diameter, but the height is similar to that of other nearby trees, making it very "fat".

This tree has no crown, only the thick trunk stays in place. The pitch-black bark covering the trunk seems to be undulating with the breeze, like a breathing animal.

"This is……"

Realizing that the thing in front of him may be the enemy, Spinosaurus opened its big mouth full of waxy fangs, issued a warning roar, circled the tree trunk, and began to look for the opportunity to attack.

Although the tree seemed impossible to resist, Spinosaurus still had a strong ominous premonition in his heart, wanting to drive its body to escape from here.

However, the pride of being a top predator made Spinosaurus decisively choose to attack-it once hunted countless herbivorous dragons, if it lost to a tree, it would be ashamed to think about it.


After a rough howl, Spinosaurus rushed forward, the steel claws ruthlessly tore a piece of bark, opened his mouth and bit down the trunk without saying a word.

With a crisp sound, the two rows of Spinosaurus teeth snapped together, but they didn't bite anything.

An inexplicable and terrifying force, at the last moment before it attacked the tree, it slammed its fifteen-meter-long body backwards, and even lifted the body of Spinosaurus together with the heavy armor. !

The trapped Spinosaurus made a harsh roar, turned his head and looked behind him, but witnessed an incredible scene.

Countless black vines grew out of the underground soil at no time, and bound its body tightly. No matter how hard it was, it couldn't break free!

"Let go of me!" Spinosaurus roared in the language commonly used by dinosaurs, trying to bite off the vines with his teeth in anger, but the moment the teeth touched the vines, an indescribable smell burst out of his mouth. It was like a dragon egg that had been rotten for two years and exploded in the mouth.


Spinosaurus screamed and opened his mouth to spit out the disgusting juice, but when it just turned its head back, it was stunned again:

The giant black tree in front of him began to move slowly.

On the undulating pitch-black bark, scarlet "blood" suddenly flowed out, emitting a disgusting smell like the sap from the vine. Immediately afterwards, several pieces of bark on the trunk began to split, exposing countless round eyeballs underneath.

Those bloodshot eyeballs kept spinning, their pupils were black circles, and they stared at Spinosaurus without blinking. The sense of horror revealed that even the powerful predator who was as famous as Tyrannosaurus began to faint. trembling.


Facing the terrifying giant tree, Spinosaurus twisted its own body in despair, trying to get rid of the shackles of the vines, but was completely unable to move. Under its horrified gaze, the trunk of the tree began to rotate slowly, turning the "back "Aim at its head. Then……

Spinosaurus saw a big mouth in a blood basin, with countless brown spikes growing in its mouth.


The giant dinosaur suddenly stopped struggling, and the neat cut on its neck began to spray a lot of blood.

The black vine moved the headless corpse of Spinosaurus forward, allowing the terrifying giant tree to enjoy its prey.

While feasting, the pitch-black giant tree began to emit a large amount of pheromone to nearby plants:

"Father, did you see it? I made it!"

Soon, the mastermind of the forest got the news of "invigorating the heart":

It used the upgraded Death Realm and the upgraded species it cultivated and successfully hunted down the enemy.

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