War Paradise

Chapter 353

Seeing that the last warrior of the dinosaur side fell on the planet ruled by plants, Lin Chi smiled, turned his gaze back to the girl sitting opposite him, and asked:

"Do you have anything else to say?"

With the fall of the "overlord", there is no suspense at all in this war. Pandora's last hope of a comeback finally disappeared completely.

At this time, Pandora's planet was almost completely covered by pitch-black vines, and the red fruits containing the virus made countless dinosaurs go crazy to death. On the other hand, Lin Chi's side was basically unaffected except for a few forests that were burned down.

In the case of large-scale warfare, the natural advantages of the plant side are vividly reflected-a spaceship on the dinosaur side can only carry one soldier, and a "meteorite" on the plant side can hold hundreds of thousands. Seeds.

Among other things, the dinosaur side has been completely crushed just by the number of soldiers on both sides of the war.

"All right……"

The girl shook her head, her long purple hair swaying behind her back, and she whispered in a somewhat frustrated voice: "Count you cruel."

Under the gaze of the two, the war has entered its final stage.

However, the complete extinction of the dinosaurs they imagined did not appear. The pitch-black vines raging on the planet Pandora suddenly stopped spreading. Instead, they gathered together and twisted into a single ball with a diameter of nearly 500 meters. "Giant Tree".

Many clusters of vines appeared in all corners of Pandora's planet. Then, a gentle voice using the lingua franca of dinosaurs came out of these "big trees", which was exactly the same as the voice that the main brain used to speak to the overlord.

"Everyone, why can't we live in peace?"

The sound resounded throughout the sky, not only silenced the herbivorous dragon whose living environment was being squeezed, but even Lin Chi also complained: "You just beat the opponent and said that you want to live in peace. It's really interesting..."

Lin Chi realized that the peaceful route he had chosen in the previous game seemed to be still working.

If this is the case, maybe the plants didn't take the initiative to attack just now, but instead deployed biological weapons for self-defense?

While he was thinking, the will composed of the forests of the entire planet once again sent a friendly signal to the desperate dinosaur:

"I learned everything from your soldiers' bodies and learned your language. I have seen the great history of your struggle to this day, and the infinite potential in your body."

"Since the war is over and we are about to leave, please don't worry, the weapons we put in are all equipped with self-destructive measures. Now, they are about to wither and die, and nourish the land you own."

"Then now...bye bye."

As that sound disappeared, the black vines covering a large area of ​​land seemed to have been triggered by the switch of a genetic weapon hidden in the cell, and began to die in large areas.

The two planets that "passed by" from a dangerous distance finally left the inner orbit and moved away in different directions.

Although most ethnic groups are at risk, the dinosaurs survived tenaciously with their strong vitality.

At the same time, on the plant side, relying on genes drawn from dinosaur corpses, it has entered a new stage of evolution.

The dawn of civilization... has arrived.


"Congratulations to this gentleman, for winning the blackjack in this game!"

The host's voice interrupted Lin Chi's thoughts. Looking at the girl sitting across from him, Lin Chi stretched out his right hand at the guy and smiled: "Good fight."

"Next time I won't lose." There seemed to be a gleam of light in the girl's golden pupils, and she grabbed Lin Chi's hand and shook it.

With a burst of bright light, Pandora's body, which was originally a translucent body, disappeared completely. Lin Chi's kill count has also changed from 1 to 2, and there is a new chip in his pocket.

Player "Pandora" was killed by player "Reverse"!

After the kill prompt appeared, his eyes went dark, and the glass table and chairs disappeared without a trace. With a subtle dizziness, he returned to the cabin of the Creator's Ark.

Although Lin Chi had just won a game, Lin Chi did not show a slight smile. He just lowered his head and stared at the outside of the transparent hemispherical protective cover, the boundless deep darkness.

Is this so-called "Ark" really a place of entertainment for the Creator?

Recalling what the host had said before, Lin Chi couldn't help but feel a little confused. However, now does not seem to be a good time to think.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the back of the corridor, Lin Chi decisively stood in the shadow on the inside of the bulkhead, trying to hide his figure. He was a little tired after just a game of cards, and he didn't want to accept the next challenge immediately.

Although he only has two chips in his hand, according to the rules of this game, as long as the players get chips, they should not be able to discard them before Death. When they are defeated, their chips will fall into the kill own. in the hands of the player.

In this way, I don’t need to challenge other players everywhere now. I just need to wait for a winner among those guys, and then go out and beat that guy, then I can get all the chips in other people’s hands and complete the winning conditions by the way. The request of the three.

So the question is, where is the so-called BOSS?

According to the rules of the small death competition, a player can only win the game by killing at least three players and one BOSS and surviving to the end. But the BOSS in this game seems not so easy to encounter.

The player who was killed by a bye in the first round of the game was probably killed by the BOSS. However, according to the current rules of the game, it is impossible to have a bye.

So, how can I challenge that BOSS and complete the mission objectives in the winning conditions?

Standing in the shadow, Lin Chi fell into contemplation, and finally heaved a sigh of relief until the sound of footsteps in the corridor faded away.

Lin Chi was about to turn around and leave, a ray of red in the corner of his eye, but once again attracted his attention.

He turned his head and saw a line of inconspicuous red characters appeared on the metal wall beside him. When he hid in the shadows just now, he didn't notice this line of text.

As for the content of that line of text, it was also very straightforward, but it surprised Lin Chi:

——SOS, help, help me.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing the line that was clearly asking for help, Lin Chi frowned, and quickly checked the cabin, but found no other prompts.

It stands to reason that there should be no distress signal in the Creator's Ark. Players who are catching each other should have no time to engrave on the wall. Now that this line of help messages appeared, that is to say...

"Puzzle solving game? Interesting now."

Lin Chi blinked enthusiastically, turned and left the cabin behind the ark, and started looking for new clues.

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