War Paradise

Chapter 370

Manic electronic music reverberated continuously in the big ballroom, shaking everyone's eardrums. Except for a few addicts who had already fallen into madness in the corridor, no one noticed the gun battle just now.

Lin Chi looked at his smoking T-shirt and jacket, reached out and patted the sparks on it, picked up a can on the ground, poured the beer in it on his clothes, and overwhelmed the smell of gunpowder with alcohol.

The dead player didn't drop any equipment. It just changed Lin Chi's kill count from 0 to 1. By the way, it also caused him to have a bonus of five thousand dollars in his pocket.

In the spending money of Alvara, five thousand dollars is actually of little use. However, Lin Chi's main purpose this time is to find the marked target, and the player is just an "extra reward".

Leaving the narrow corridor where the bathroom was located, and returning to the first dance floor, Lin Chi opened his throat bar while observing the surroundings and asked loudly, "Are you okay?"

"I still need twenty minutes." Darian's voice came from the headset: "The internet speed here is too slow, damn it."

"Well, try to be as fast as possible."

As Lin Chi cut off the call, he continued to lean on the chair with the "special action for salted fish".

He turned his gaze to the entrance of the dance floor, but heard the DJ's shouts suddenly sounded in the electronic music, almost suppressing the sound of the music:

"Everyone, there is a client who did not want to be named, who just provided a huge amount of sponsorship to the big ballroom. This gentleman specifically asked to say a word to everyone in the ballroom."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Chi suddenly became interested.

After all, there is probably only the idiot "War Observer" who spends a lot of money to pass a word.

"The gentleman said that by searching with your real eyes, you can find surprises!" DJ shouted loudly, and then turned the volume to maximum again.

The men and women on the dance floor began to twist their own bodies enthusiastically. However, when he heard that sentence, Lin Chi entered a "state of concentration" in the noisy ballroom, and began to think quickly:

——It sounds like this sentence should be a reminder provided by war watchers.

So the question is: what does "real eye" actually mean?

Looking up at the dazzling lights in the ballroom, Lin Chi suddenly thought of something and turned to the exit of the ballroom.

Using infrared thermal imaging mirrors and the like, you can indeed see some hidden images that are invisible to the naked eye. If the so-called "real eyes" refer to thermal imaging mirrors...

So now, Lin Chi is also decisively preparing to leave the ballroom to buy a thermal imaging mirror.

As soon as he arrived at the exit, he noticed that a young man with a belly and a little fat was also walking towards the outside of the ballroom.

——The guy has black hair and black eyes just like the character of own, besides that, a black satchel is also hung on the other person's body.

Realizing that the opponent is likely to be a player, after passing through the security gate, Lin Chi put his right hand into the backpack, grasped the handle of the tiger claw hunting knife, and started looking for a chance to do it.

Even though it was already night, the square was still brightly lit, and many well-equipped guards were patrolling back and forth. Now they will obviously enter a wanted state.

However, if you don't do it right away, that guy will probably leave here.

When Lin Chi was thinking, suddenly at a ghostly speed, he hid sideways behind the statue next to him.

The obese man seemed to have noticed something, looked back at the exit at the back, and then slowly walked down the steps.

"Hoo... it's very risky."

Lin Chi, who had escaped the other's observation, sighed slightly, and smiled awkwardly at the surprised-looking security personnel next to him, and then quickly followed up again and began to follow the man in front of him.

Unfortunately, things will obviously not go so smoothly——

The top floor of a glass-walled building in the back block lit up with a dazzling white light.

At the moment that light appeared, Lin Chi had already subconsciously stepped back, followed by deafening gunfire and the screams of other tourists on the square:


A big hole suddenly exploded in the ground in front of Fatty, and he fell to the ground in fright. After a daze, he stood up and turned around and ran.


With the second shot, the head of a female tourist next to her was blown up, and blood spurted ten meters away and splashed on the frightened passers-by.

"There are snipers! Be careful!"

The security guards on the square roared and rushed over, whispering something on the walkie-talkie, looked at the roof of the building, Lin Chi smiled, ignored the sniper, just hurriedly chased Fatty where he was escaping. Past.

This game has just started not long, and the proficiency of the players is not high. To hit the target with a sniper rifle when the proficiency is very low, only a master can do it. The sniper opposite was obviously not in the ranks of this "master".

There was another gunshot, and a big hole was shot in the chest of a security guard. The whole person flew back two meters and fell to the ground and convulsed.


Pedestrians in the square screamed and turned and fled. There was also a riot at the main entrance of the ballroom. Seeing that someone was killed in the square, the guests who were buying tickets rushed into the ballroom.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the square, Lin Chi decisively left the danger zone and chased Fatty's escape route.

"What's going on? It's messy outside." Darian asked.

"It's okay, you continue to work." Lin Chi said, bypassing the scared woman in front, strode into the open space behind the nearby fast food restaurant, and continued to chase Fatty who had just escaped.

But just as he rushed over the corner, a dangerous silver arc suddenly lit up in front of his eyes——


The sharp blade brushed Lin Chi's right shoulder, and while cutting his clothes, it left a blood mark on his shoulder.

Fatty, who clenched two sabers in both hands, moved very flexibly, and slashed Lin Chi's throat sideways again!

——Want to fight a knife?

Lin Chi knew very well that the opponent should choose to use the saber because he didn't want to attract the guards. But this player obviously didn't expect that close combat would be more beneficial to Lin Chi.


Lin Chi took a step back as he said, avoiding the opponent's slash, took the tiger claw hunting knife from the backpack with his right hand, and cut the guy's right wrist with a single knife.

The special skill "Bleeding" that was forcibly activated under the skill bonus of Sabre Specialization caused the opponent's wrist to spurt blood crazily and stained the shell of a white van parked next to it.

"You are great." The obese man said and took a step back. As the tendon was severed, the saber in his right hand fell to the ground, making a crisp jingle.

"I'm still very confident about the sword fight." Lin Chi smiled and continued to confront the opponent three meters away.

Now that the opponent's right hand is abolished, it is obvious that he has the advantage. But even so, Lin Chi didn't act immediately, just stared into the opponent's eyes, holding the knife and circled the guy.

"Are you afraid?" the other party provoked.

"Who knows."

Facing the guy's obvious provocation, Lin Chi snorted, and the whole person sprinted forward, raising his hand to slash the opponent in the eye.

He had just rushed in front of "Fatty" when he saw a strange smile on that guy's face, a silver light ripped off the black T-shirt on his chest, and stab Lin Chi!

What the other party hides under the clothes is not a fat body, but an arm that grows on his chest!

The third hand that suddenly stretched out, clenched the dagger and stab Lin Chi's heart, but Lin Chi seemed to have been prepared before, lightly sideways to avoid this strike, and then cut the opponent's throat with a knife.


The man who had recovered his "normal body shape" fell to his knees and pressed the incision in his throat with his newly extended hand. In the leaky throat, a hoarse voice was heard:


"Because I haven't seen anyone who sets the own game character to Fatty."

Lin Chi kicked the opponent to the ground as he said, watching the cut-throated enemy turned into data fragments and disappeared. Seeing that the guy hadn't lost his equipment, he turned and left without looking back.

As he left, another line of kill prompt popped up:

The player "Eat, Drink and Play" was killed by the player "Countercurrent"!

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