War Paradise

Chapter 387 Royal Armor

In order not to be discovered at the beginning, most of the top players in "War Paradise" are very low-key guys. At least he won't be recognized as a player when he walks on the street.

However, that man is obviously different.

He has long flowing black hair, a pair of silver-like eyes are exposed under his neat bangs, and an unruly expression has always been hung on his handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

The neckline of the long black trench coat was wide open, revealing a brown T-shirt with hip-hop graffiti painted underneath. Wearing the same HIP-HOP style watch on his wrist, the man is wearing a pair of long leather boots, his jeans are full of holes, and he walks crookedly. It looks like a rapper.

The nearby Silver Shield guards also noticed the gunshots inside the building. The two guards ran up the stairs. The MP5 submachine guns in their hands were pointed directly at the guy’s head. Before firing the shots, they used the usual way to deal with them. Criminals are deterred:

"Stand there, don't move, raise your hands behind your head!"

"Stop, or I will shoot!"

Faced with the threat of the guards, the man didn't mean to raise his hand to surrender, but suddenly reached out and waved the hem of the windbreaker, making a move similar to a bullfighter mocking a bull, and a deadly flame lit up the holster on his waist— —

Bang bang bang!

After three gunshots, the two guards rolled down the stairs, and the corpse that fell in the corner quickly turned into a cold gray.

"It's so boring."

The man snorted contemptuously, and walked down the stairs with his hands in his pockets.

Because he shot and killed two guards, his wanted index at this time also reached three stars, but for the shooting game god-tier "Royal Armor", this level of wanted is not worth mentioning. After all, with his marksmanship, as long as he is not surrounded, it is a piece of cake to deal with the guards of the Silver Shield. and……

The entourage brought into the map by the "Royal Armor" was another reason for his peace of mind.

A tall man in a windbreaker walked down the stairs to the main entrance of the apartment building. He immediately saw the bodies of three guards lying down in front of the door. A certain maid standing next to him was using a white handkerchief to wipe the hands on his hands. Blood stains.

It was a woman with the same "black long and straight" hairstyle like the royal armor. She wore a black and white maid outfit, and even carried something like cat ears on her head, but this decoration was not purely cute. , As for why she said that, just look at the grenades and sabers hidden under her skirt, as well as the wireless headphones built into the cat ears.

Seeing the arrival of Master Own, the black-haired and purple-eyed maid blinked slowly, her delicate eyebrows frowned, as if she was planning to say something.

"All resolved?" The royal armor strode past the maid with his pockets in his pockets, without even looking at her.

"Yes, they are all dead."

Staring sideways at the passing master, the black-haired maid frowned tighter, sighed and whispered: "As your servant, there is something I must say: Can you stop Pretend? We are not here for a picnic."

As soon as these words came out, the originally elegant figure of the royal armor suddenly crooked, and almost tripped over the threshold in front of him. After finally holding his weight, he coughed embarrassingly: "Don't be so blunt, don't forget you are me. Subordinates..."

"It is as your servant that I will make this opinion."

The maid said solemnly, bending down from a guard corpse leaning against the wall, pulling out the "Silver Trident" saber, and then dexterously leaped to the side. Fountain-like plasma suddenly poured out from the wound on the corpse's shoulder, leaving a postmodernist painting on the opposite wall.

"I have reminded you many times. You can easily be ambushed by the enemy like this." The maid continued to attack the owner relentlessly: "To be honest, according to my experience, you still have to be cited on the battlefield like you. People who are noticeable are all dead in the end."

"Okay, I've said that I'm fine." Royal Armor walked towards the Ford pickup parked behind the building a little depressed. After starting the engine, while waiting for the maid to enter the car, he did not forget to obey the traffic rules and fasten the seat belt. .

At this time, the location of the "Upstream" that triggered the reward task because of reaching the highest wanted index is still displayed on his minimap. The remaining time for the reward is about four minutes.

Although it sounds urgent, from the perspective of Royal Armor, four minutes is enough to kill the opponent ten times.

Top shooting game players, without exception, have unimaginable reaction speeds. Needless to say, the Royal Armor, which is one of the best even among professional players, has an incredible reaction speed.

——As one of the most demanding game types for player reaction ability, in the peak matchup of shooting games, the victory or defeat is determined within 0.3 seconds after the two sides meet. As long as the players react slowly, they will end in Death!

The royal armor that once led the team to win the world championship of the "Half-Life 9" team competition is known as the "humanoid automatic sighting device" because of its terrifying reaction speed and super tactical awareness.

As for why Royal Armor pays so much attention to image, it is actually related to his career:

"As a public figure, you must pay attention to the image of own anytime and anywhere. After all, I am a star..." While stepping on the accelerator, the royal armor warned the maid who had just gotten into the car earnestly: "You won't understand. "

"I know what you are worried about, but there is no cameraman here to take pictures of you. Your actions will only appear in the camera on the street and the eightfold scope of the sniper rifle." The maid said coldly.

Even the royal armor that could speak well was temporarily blocked by own followers. While continuing to drive towards the location of the red dot on the map, he directly ignored the topic just now and issued new instructions to the maid beside him:

"That bastard seems to be hiding in the sewer. I really don't want to fight in that kind of place...so leave it to you, kill him, Camilla, don't let me down!"


Before the royal armor stopped the car, the maid had already violently kicked the car door and jumped out, sticking the plastic explosive in her hand to the nearest manhole cover.

There was a loud noise, and a plume of white smoke rose from the manhole cover. The maid's figure quickly disappeared inside the smoke screen. While falling into the gas pipe, she put on a night vision goggles and infrared thermal imaging glasses. Binocular eyepieces.


Taking advantage of the chance that the bastard using the gas bomb was killed, Lin Chi had already rushed into the intricate old pipeline network ahead and got rid of the chase of the guards and special police.


There was a loud explosion from the pipe behind him, and Lin Chi, who was running, turned his head abruptly and looked at the circular pipe behind him.

Except for a few mice escaping along the pipe, no animals existed there.

Although he couldn't see any enemies, for some reason, Lin Chi suddenly had an ominous premonition.

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