War Paradise

Chapter 496

In the air of the Doomsday Hotel, the pungent bloody smell slowly spread.

Unlike the cool-toned apartments, this place is like the bloody The Underworld. Whether it is the dim red light thrown out of the window or the blood stains everywhere on the wall, it shows the fact that there have been massacres here.


Recalling the brutal butcher who nearly stabbed Own to death, Lin Chi sat up from the bed and looked down at Own's chest. The previous wound had long since disappeared.

This time, he didn't have handcuffs on his hands, but the equipment he had previously obtained in this space remained on him.

Lin Chi pulled out the Alaska Whaling Fork Survival Knife and tiptoed towards the door, beware of the butcher that might appear at any time. The broken ring in his pocket rubbed his skin through a thin cloth.

The wedding ring of the painter's wife is still in Lin Chi's pocket. According to the instructions in the game, the unremovable picture frame in the study of Room 302 needs to be taken off only by "getting her heart."

The problem was that, let alone getting a heart, Lin Chi didn't even know who the "she" was written in the prompt. Under the situation of insufficient intelligence, it is undoubtedly difficult to solve the mystery of the doomsday hotel.

So now, Lin Chi also decisively left Room 302 and began to collect information in this bloody apartment.

There was deathly silence in the corridor, and the butcher's heavy footsteps disappeared. Even so, Lin Chi did not take it lightly, holding his breath and walking down the stairs lightly.

Before leaving the Doomsday Hotel last time, he had almost collected the information on the third floor, but he only saw Room 207 on the second floor.

At that time, before he had time to search other rooms, he was chased by the butcher. He could only run up to the third floor and hid in the closet. In the end, he was found miserably by the butcher...

Thinking of this, Lin slowly walked to the top of the stairs, and when he was about to go downstairs, a kill prompt popped up in his sight:

The player "Bald Man" was killed by the player "Inferior Character"!


Seeing the new kill prompt, Lin Chi stopped and looked up at the blood-stained ceiling thoughtfully.

The players on the second and third floors were all dead except for himself. This time the kill obviously happened on the first floor. That is to say-those players who are not in the same "space" as themselves, finally begin to fight.

"It looks like it's going to speed up."

Realizing that those guys who were likely to be in the "upper world" had already started fighting, Lin Chi didn't have the time to continue to watch out for the butcher. He just rushed down the stairs in three steps and two steps.

He knew very well that now he was in the "dream state", he couldn't fight against other players in the "reality" at all, and if he continued to procrastinate, he would probably die in this space.

Lin Chi came to the second floor as quickly as possible, rushed into Room 201, and used a saber to cut off the peeling wallpaper on the bedroom wall. After tearing off the yellow wallpaper, a line of pitch-black text appeared on the cement wall:

"There is an elderly couple living in room 201. They often quarrel and occasionally fight. Because of this, other residents have long been accustomed to the strange noise in this room."

--What does it mean?

Facing the puzzle on the wall, Lin Chi fell into deep thought, then looked back at the living room.

Although the layout of the living room is as rudimentary as other rooms, the blood stains in the corner of the living room of Room 201 seem to be heavier than other rooms. Lin Chi walked into the shadow of the corner and looked down at the black wall, using his nails. Scraped the dirt on the wall.

Those black stains are actually blood stains that have been solidified for a long time. Unlike the fresh blood stains in other rooms, the blood stains in this room seem to have appeared a long time ago. In other words...

Thinking of some bad possibilities, Lin Chi stood up and walked quickly to another bedroom, kicked open the closed wooden door, and then he saw an incredible picture:

The rancid breath rushed forward, and Lin Chi coughed. There were several shelves neatly arranged in the room, piled with human stumps and severed arms.

——The old couple living in room 201 are not often fighting, but the perverted murderers hiding in the apartment!

Seeing that his own guess was confirmed, Lin Chi was not too surprised, but walked forward quickly, stood in front of the shelves full of rotting limbs and organs of the dead, and began to observe whether there were any props available.

All the "collectibles" here are labeled with the date they were added to the collection. Most of the limbs are from 1970-1985, which seems to be inconsistent with the age of this map. but……

Lin Chi walked quickly to the innermost shelf and found a "fresh" right hand in the corner that hadn't rotted. His fair skin didn't seem to be completely dehydrated. The label on the back of his hand said "1991".

"This is……"

Seeing the slender and white right hand, Lin Chi immediately recalled the photo hanging on the wall of Room 302. Although the picture was not clear, he always felt that the appearance of this severed hand had a subtle similarity with the hand of the woman in the picture.

--Could it be that……

Lin Chi took out the worn-out silver ring from his pocket, picked up the cold and soft severed hand, and gently put the ring on the ring finger.

Then, he heard a harsh noise from the floor above.


It sounded like the loud noise of a heavy object, shaking Lin Chi's eardrums. Lin Chi put down his cold severed hand and rushed up the stairs to return to Room 302, only to see that the photo on the study wall had fallen, revealing the dark brown metal cabinet door below and the electronic code lock on the door.

Isn't it that simple...

Looking at the metal number buttons on the cipher plate, Lin Chi lowered his head and cast his gaze to the back of the photo frame that fell on the ground. As expected, he saw the prompt text behind the photo frame:

"He likes to listen to the radio."

Reading this line of prompts, Lin Chi immediately realized that the digital password of the cipher disk should be hidden in the radio channel.

So, what I have to do now is to find a radio that works in the Doomsday Hotel——

Boom, boom, boom.

When Lin Chi was thinking about it, heavy footsteps sounded from the corridor again, like a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

Hearing the butcher's footsteps, Lin Chi, who had just put his right hand on the doorknob, immediately held his breath and leaned against the wall, waiting for the terrifying killer to pass through the corridor.

Only relying on the Alaskan whaling fork in his hand cannot compete with the terrifying butcher. Now as long as the butcher finds out, he will immediately end in Death!

A minute later, until the death knell-like footsteps finally disappeared, Lin Chi breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand.

"All right……"

He murmured a word, opened the door of the study cautiously, and looked out furtively.

After confirming that the "butcher" was gone, Lin Chicai finally left Room 302 and began to search for a radio that could be used in this bloody hotel.

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