War Paradise

Chapter 779 Nobody Wants To Get Off The Car Today

It wasn't until he entered the city that Lin Chi finally realized that the fighting situation in the suburbs was actually relatively mild...

"Can this kind of place really build a safe house?" he said with emotion.

——What you see is the complete ruins. All the buildings have been blown up, and there are ruins of varying heights everywhere, and there is not even an intact place to stay.

The scorched corpses that were blown up were scattered among the ruins. The corpses in the suburbs could at least see their original appearance. Even the people who died here could not see what they were like.

The skull under the foot made a crisp click. The soldiers wearing iron masks looked down at the nearby scorched corpses, as if they were also a little uncomfortable:

"It's too miserable..." Mason whispered.

Even SOG soldiers who have experienced many battles have never seen this level of battlefield. The severity of the Kayaland siege has completely exceeded their expectations.

Fortunately, all the mercenaries here seemed to have died in the siege, and the US special forces did not chase them.

This bloody ruin turned into a natural bunker, providing them with an excellent cover, but not everyone can withstand this "stimulation."


Dalien squatted on the ground, her hands tightly covering her mouth, as if she was about to vomit.

"Are you okay?" Lin Chi patted the girl on the back.

"Here...it really is..." Dalien said slurredly, with a loud retching sound in her throat.

"I understand." Lin Chi nodded, "No one will feel comfortable seeing this ghost place."

Having said that, there seemed to be a certain murderer in front of him, so he added: "Maybe some people will like it."

"There won't be any transportation here." Woods held the submachine gun and guarded his surroundings.

——This kind of area that has obviously experienced carpet bombing, let alone a car, not even a bicycle will be left. However, if the entire city of Kayaland is like this ghost, the other player teams should not be able to find transportation...

The sound of the diesel engine sounded from a distance, Lin Chi and others immediately fell to the ground.

A BTR-90 wheeled armored vehicle rolled through the ruins, and the automatic turret on the top of the car slowly moved, as if looking for the enemy.

"Do you need me to blow it up!" Crazy Ivan rubbed his hands.

"No, I was wondering if I could grab that thing." Lin Chi cast a meaningful look at the infantry chariot.

This tank originally produced in the Soviet Union, he has encountered many times in the capital of The Underworld. BTR-90 is not only powerful in firepower, but also can be used to transport a squad of soldiers, if they can capture that armored vehicle, they will definitely be much easier in the early stage.

The question now is how to grab that chariot from the mercenary.

"Do you have any solution?" Lin Chi cast his expectant eyes on the SOG soldier lying in the ruins."It will blow up faster." Woods shook his head.

As an infantry fighting vehicle developed by the Soviet Union, the BTR-90 inherits the strong and durable tradition of the seniors. It is basically impossible for a few soldiers to grab the vehicle. To die.

The soldiers of SOG obviously encountered this situation for the first time. They had always killed enemy vehicles directly, and they couldn't think of any ideas for a while.

The only way they can grab an armored vehicle is to force the soldiers and drivers out of the vehicle, but those mercenaries are not fools. When encountering an enemy, it is naturally impossible to get out of the vehicle and die.

So now, how to grab that armored vehicle has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

"Would you like to try to release poison gas in the vent?" The SOG soldier Weaver, who has been silent, spoke for the first time. His accent is different from that of other SOG members, but it has a subtle similarity to Crazy Yiwen. It seemed to have a little Russian accent.

"In that case, we won't be able to ride in a car." Woods shook his head: "Besides, where do we have gas bombs?"

Lin Chi’s backpack contains biochemical weapons such as Hydra’s toxin box, but the poison gas release range in it is too small. If it is placed near an armored vehicle, the armored vehicle will have driven out a few times when the poison gas diffuses. Kilometers away.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also decisively rejected the proposal. He looked at the crazy Yiwen who was lying on the ground with his backpack and asked, "Do you have any idea?"

"Yes, there are, but I need someone to help me attract firepower!" Crazy Yiwen said loudly, and the bodies of Lin Chi and others couldn't help but tremble.

"Speak down, the Soviets, the enemy will hear you!" Woods snapped.

"How long does it take to attract?" Lin Chi asked.

"Just let me get close to the armored car!" Crazy Evan blinked the only remaining eye.

Even this blasting expert can't rush to the side of the BTR tank alone. The automatic turrets and machine guns on that car are not vegetarian. If a soldier dared to show up directly, he would be blasted into pieces almost immediately!

Therefore, to attract firepower, other means are needed.

Seeing that the chariot was still hovering in the ruins, as if looking for survivors nearby, Lin Chi lowered his voice and said, "I'll lay out the battle plan."

Two minutes later...

When the tank was about to leave, the four SOG soldiers suddenly stood up from four positions, and their assault rifles began to shoot short and accurate bursts against the armor plate of the infantry tank.

The rifle bullets blasted on the armor plates on both sides of the tank, leaving only small white spots, which did not cause any harm at all. When the BTR fort turned towards one of the soldiers, it was still lying in the rubble. Lin Chi suddenly stood up and rushed towards the armored car, throwing a smoke bomb.

The thick white smoke soon covered the body of the infantry fighting vehicle, but it took less than five seconds for the fighting vehicle to drive out of the smoke, and the turret was turned and aimed at the position of the SOG soldier.

The 30mm caliber turret of the infantry fighting vehicle began to fire. The rhythmic sound of the gun sounded like a working tractor engine. The dark red "spots" blasted in the direction of Woods, knocking him down in embarrassment. On the ground, it rolled to the side to avoid the coverage of the shells.

"Hurry up, soviet!" Woods roared.

Then, everyone witnessed an incredible scene:

Usually looks thin and weak, like a crazy Yiwen who can be strangled with one hand, but at this time, it is like a chicken blood, and he suddenly jumped out toward the BTR, holding a glass bottle in each hand, and dragging out the bottle mouth. Long flares.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter of the bomb expert suddenly overwhelmed the sound of the BTR firing. Crazy Evan ran a hundred meters in nine seconds and rushed to the back of the tank at a speed that broke the Olympic record. The two Molotov cocktails in his hand were heavy. It hit the armor plate on the back of the car.


When the Molotov cocktail shattered, it made a clear and loud noise, and a group of white flames rose into the sky, burning on the armor attached to the car body, beating like life, but it did not spread to other places.

"Does the incendiary really work?" Woods, who had just escaped from death, murmured.

In fact, apart from SOG soldiers, even Lin Chi deeply doubted the effect of the incendiary bomb. After all, the two bottles thrown by Crazy Evan look like ordinary earthen Molotov cocktails-Molotov cocktails.

With this weapon alone, it should be impossible to stop BTR. But everyone soon realized that things didn't seem to be that simple...

Originally, it was still moving forward and was about to directly crush Mason's infantry fighting vehicle. The exhaust pipe at the rear of the vehicle suddenly emitted heavy black smoke, and the body stopped suddenly.

"This is... the tank exploded?" Lin Chi opened his eyes slightly.

"No one knows Soviet equipment better than I do!" Crazy Ivan exclaimed happily: "The Soviet engine will not stop here, but it will temporarily fail!"

"So, is the engine overheating..."

Hearing Crazy Yiwen's words, Lin Chi also immediately understood the guy's tactics.

Unlike traditional infantry fighting vehicles, the BTR-90 does not adopt a front-engine layout, but instead installs the engine on the rear side of the body.

Because on the battlefield, the front end of the infantry fighting vehicle is more vulnerable to attack, as long as the engine is placed on the rear side, Ascension safety can be achieved. Although it will cause some inconvenience for the soldiers when getting off the car, the Soviet designers obviously solved this problem before they came up with a mature plan.

But even so, the body layout using the rear engine also has its own weaknesses:

With the rear-engined personnel carrier, the soldiers cannot leave through the hatch behind the body. They can only set up the hatch on the side of the body. The soldiers who get off the vehicle will be exposed to the enemy's muzzle without cover.

In addition, the temperature of the rear engine naturally needs to be strictly limited. Although ordinary combustion flasks will not have any impact, the things thrown by Crazy Evan seem to be specially modified "high-temperature combustion flasks".

——The method that this blasting expert thought of was to increase the engine temperature from the outside to overheat the engine of the BTR-90, which would turn off the engine in a short time!

Now that this goal has been achieved, what to do now is clear at a glance:

Without saying anything, Lin Chi rushed to the parked infantry fighting vehicle, and several SOG soldiers also got up immediately, taking advantage of the opportunity that the fighting vehicle could not move, rushed to the dead corner of the vehicle turret and machine gun.

As long as they get close to within ten meters, the attack of that tank will not be able to cause damage to them. The drivers and soldiers still in the vehicle have also become fish for slaughter!

Bang bang bang!

The turret of the infantry fighting vehicle continued to fire, perhaps because the gunner in the vehicle was a little flustered, and the rain of bullets hit no one. At this time, Lin Chi and the four SOG soldiers had already rushed to the side of the chariot.


Before they could gain a foothold, the hatch in the middle of the tank opened, and several mercenaries in black combat uniforms rushed out. The shell of the HK-416 in their hands reflected a dangerous light in the sun.

Then-these soldiers didn't even let out a fart, they were shot and killed by SOG soldiers like hungry wolves.

This small-scale close combat is one of the projects that special forces are best at.

The soldiers of SOG were not born for a large-scale frontal firefight, but now, they are standing on the most suitable stage for own!Realizing that the soldiers in the tank were all killed, the driver in the cockpit was silent for a few seconds before suddenly shouting: "Don't kill me, I surrender!"

"You come out first." Lin Chi tapped the armor plate of the body with the handle of the gun.


The soldier sitting in the cab was somewhat reluctant. When I saw the crazy Ivan with a bomb coming in through the window, he finally yelled in panic:

"I will come out! Don't kill me..."

With his voice, the cockpit door at the front of the car body began to slowly open outwards. Before the door opened, Woods had already stepped forward and raised the MP5. It shot into the cabin, and then opened the door to stop the driver. The corpse full of bullet holes was pulled out.

"That's not what you said when the gun was fired." Woods reached out and touched the metal mask on his face.

"I still want to catch a prisoner... forget it."

Lin Chi sighed and sat in the bloody cockpit to observe the situation inside the armored vehicle.

Like other vehicles in "War Paradise", the driving operation of this armored vehicle has also been greatly simplified. Compared with the real tank in the real world, the design is very considerate.

Lin Chi, who once drove this tank in the capital of The Underworld, is very familiar with the operation of this infantry tank. He looked back at the back of the car body, saw that the flame created by the Molotov cocktail had been extinguished, and asked Crazy Ivan:

"When will this car return to normal?"

"About five minutes! Soviet technology is invincible!" Crazy Ivan raised his chest proudly.

——If it is really invincible, it will not be discarded by the two bottles... Lin Chi secretly complained in his heart.

At this time, a puff of white smoke was still emitting from the infantry cockpit of the armored vehicle. Mason tentatively reached out and touched the door of the cabin, and then retracted his hand like an electric shock. The temperature inside was obviously still very high.

"Wait a second..." he said.

After the battle, Darian, who had been watching the battle among the ruins in the distance, stood up, slowly came to the side of the car, turned her head away from the corpses on the ground, and asked in a low voice: "We can go. Yet?"

"When the engine resumes work, you can get in the car." Lin Chi smiled.

He tried to start the BTR engine, but there was still no response. The tank has not returned to normal.

A solitary infantry fighting vehicle is very conspicuous in the ruins. Although the vehicle is robbed, it is better to leave now, otherwise it will be troublesome if it encounters other special forces.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also kept trying to start the engine until seven minutes later, the engine of the tank finally made a sound again. The temperature in the soldier's cockpit was not as hot as before.

"Get in the car." Lin Chi stretched out his right hand from the cockpit and pointed to the back of the car.

The people who had been standing "onlookers" around the infantry tank entered the tank through the hatch in the middle of the tank, and sat in the fairly wide infantry cockpit. Just after they were firmly seated, the cockpit door was closed under Lin Chi's operation. , And then made a "click" and was locked.

"Wait a minute, do you have a driver's license?" Mason asked.

Two seconds later, a calm voice came from the cockpit:

"The door of the car has been locked by me. No one wants to get out of the car today."

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