War Paradise

Chapter 781 of the kidnapped diplomat

Pale smoke slowly dispersed, exposing the back of the armor-piercing boom was riddled with dilapidated bunkers, and two Land Rover Defender jeeps burning.

Group dressed in green camouflage uniforms, helmets head Daikaifula soldiers appear behind the smoke, in addition to the two snipers still aimed across the other soldiers had put away the weapon, the shaded gray face mask, exposing cold eyes.

The soldiers belonging to the Polish motor reaction combat units (GROM), there is a way to make them afraid of criminals and terrorists name: thunder Special Forces. Although inferior to the United States in the popularity of those "Star Force", but only low-key team is not weak.

Even in the face of United States people, they still can not strive. However, the force of "Commander" and now obviously satisfied with the look.

"It's that you put the enemy to run?"

Wearing sunglasses man came forward, full two meters body special forces soldiers stand in front of a curved long knife in hand, hanging stained with blood on the blade.

This guy is able to keep the flat head, arms thicker than next to the soldiers back, look at the appearance of simply bodybuilder can go to the world competition.

In fact, the choice in the game muscular image of this, nor have any impact on the property, because the body is too large, but increased the risk of physical attack. In addition to the special interests of a few guys there, no one would choose such a form factor.

And the name of player, it is clear that have "special interests" of a minority.

"The enemy is also very strong, but next time we will not be missed." MP5K submachine gun of a soldier holding open road.

"You lost a few people?" Player that were big burly, their sights were destroyed M134 six machine guns wreckage.

"Three people died in the task." Soldier reported immediately.

"Active counter-attack also killed three, is really a shame ah." That name player contemptuous laugh, sleeves muster under the camouflage of thick muscles, the body seems to suddenly become big circle, the hands of the long knives also become like children's toys.

"I hope you are wrong, next time I will personally, I took the two men together."

voice hardly ever player, he has appeared behind the same two brawny muscular, inverted triangle exposed upper body, chest and abdominal muscles to expose the blocks, two bandolier hung on the shoulders, on a square face without any expression.

"Commander, it is recommended that you put on body armor ......" a soldier warned.

"You are wrong, than bullets, muscle is the strongest weapon, especially on this battlefield."

Special Forces that were apparently proposal player dismissive, turned to see the armored vehicles of the distant wreckage, the angular face, slowly emerging out of a cruel smile:

"The next meet again, I'll let you take a look at the importance of muscle ......"


After losing the means of transport of armored vehicles, Lin Chi and his command of the team, once again walking back to the state.

Just after a bloody battle, Da Lian seems to have adapted to this brutal ruins, not so weak as before. Now, however, the problem is not the focus of this.

"I'll chop off their heads whole, on the front of Bowman's tombstone." Beneath Woods metal mask, an abnormal cold voice."Calm down." Lin Chi reminded: "The enemy may catch up at any time."

"I'm calm now." Woods whispered.

Even though he was saying this, Lin Chi could still tell that the SOG captain was still burning with fiery anger.

——When a comrade-in-arms who was born and died before his eyes, anyone's mood will fluctuate, but some people are more obvious, and some people are less obvious.

Lin Chi knew that even if he persuaded Woods now, it would have no effect at all. Because of this, he didn't continue this topic either, but looked back, and there was no sign of human activity in the ruins behind him.

When I swept wildly with my machine gun just now, it seemed to explode the enemy's vehicle, but the troop hiding behind the smoke did not catch up.

But even if you get rid of those enemies, there are still various dangers hidden in the ruins, and it is not time to relax.

Walking slowly through the bombed city, watching the surroundings vigilantly, passing by the ruins of a house, Lin Chi noticed a strange picture.

——An intact wooden chair, placed in the center of the house that was almost razed to the ground, with a white cloth hanging on the back of the chair, with the letters "HELP" written in blood on it, and placed on the chair With a black walkie-talkie.

Following Lin Chi's gaze, the SOG soldier following also noticed this scene. Mason squeezed the G11 caseless rifle in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Be careful."

"I know." Lin Chi nodded.

He knows very well that such places are likely to hide traps. If the enemy installs remote-controlled bombs and the like, he will be directly reimbursed as soon as he passes.

However, this may not be the case...

Recall the important scoring method in this map-saving the hostages. Lin Chi suddenly thought of something. In the worried eyes of others, he walked over lightly, stood in front of the dark brown wooden chair, and picked up the intercom on the chair.

He pressed the talk button of the walkie-talkie, and suddenly a rough male voice rang from the receiver:

"Hey, is anyone here! Can you hear me?"

"I heard." Lin Chi said coldly.

"Is it a government soldier? Or a mercenary?" The other party asked immediately.

Naturally, Lin Chi would not report his identity so easily, and replied casually: "I just passed by."

"Fart, there are still people in this city visiting? Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

The other party cursed loudly, and then went straight to the subject without hesitation: "You are a government army, right? No matter who you are... There is a diplomat under our control now, and if you want to see him come back in full, just put Put the half-million dollar ransom on the map! The map is pressed under the stone next to the chair. Pick it up and have a look!"

Hearing this, Lin Chi kicked the stone beside the chair, and a crumpled map appeared underneath. After opening the map, what appeared in front of him was a map of the suspected area, one of the crossroads west. The position on the side is drawn with a big red circle.

"I can put the money here?" Lin Chi asked.

"Yes, hurry up, we don't have much patience anymore!" The kidnapper on the other end of the receiver urged him to directly cut off the call.

Lin Chi stared at the map in his hand, and suddenly a taskbar popped up in front of him:

Start mission: rescue the hostages

A diplomat was abducted by mercenaries, but was unable to obtain an exact location. Find the location of the hostage, rescue him, and then escort him to the evacuation area.

Task reward: 1 point.

"Have you started..."

Realizing that he had received a task to earn points, Lin Chi let out a long sigh.

According to the rules of this game, if the hostage is killed by mistake, two points will be directly deducted. Once the hostage is killed by a miss, the own points will be deducted to a negative number, and then directly exit.

In addition, the more important issue now is that I don't even know where Daoist is hidden.

The mercenaries who kidnapped the diplomat only provided the location for the payment of the ransom, not the location of the hostage. But even so, there are still other clues.

"This thing... isn't it for military use?"

Looking at the black walkie-talkie in his hand, Lin Chi shook the machine thoughtfully.

Generally speaking, the communication range of this kind of civilian walkie-talkie is not far. Once it exceeds three kilometers, it is difficult to receive the signal. Moreover, long-distance calls can only be conducted when the venue is sufficiently open.

In other words, the guy who was talking to him just now should be hiding somewhere within a three-kilometer radius. Although this range is still large, it is still more reliable than searching within the city.

"Do you want to save the hostages..." Woods whispered.

The voice in the receiver of the walkie-talkie was not small. The SOG soldiers who had leaned into the vicinity just now naturally heard what the kidnapper said.

"Yes, the hostages and gangsters should be nearby." Lin Chi casually crumpled the map into a ball and threw it into the fire not far away.

In this game, the player can be said to be penniless. The option of using a ransom to redeem the hostage from the kidnapper was rejected from the very beginning.

What we need to do now is to find the place where the diplomat is being held before he is executed, and then rescue the guy.

Lin Chi picked up the walkie-talkie, handed it to Dalian next to him, and asked, "Can I use this thing to track the location of the caller just now?"

"I'm a hacker, not a clerk of a communications company." Darian shook her head, her face with wheat complexion showed a helpless expression: "Even if you want to track, you need professional equipment. A computer alone is not enough..."

"Well, let's search nearby. The person I was talking to should be nearby and probably with the hostages." Lin Chi said solemnly.

——If this happens one day after the start of the game, he will doubt whether it is a trap set by other players. But now the game has just begun, and the players are still looking for tasks in this ruined city, and no one should create such a trap yet.

What's more, now that he has received the task, he has completely ruled out the possibility of a trap.

However, setting a trap here seems to be possible...

Looking at the chair covered with white cloth and the text on the white cloth, Lin Chi put the walkie-talkie back in its original position. Then he made a gesture to Crazy Evan and motioned for him to come over."What's the matter!" Crazy Yiwen walked over with a bomb backpack, his face was covered with black, gray and blood stains, and his original skin color was no longer visible.

"Bury a landmine under the rock. The one that needs to be suppressed will explode as soon as the enemy removes the rock." Lin Chi pointed his finger at the rock that he had just kicked away.

——If other players also noticed this walkie-talkie, they might do the same thing as himself. At that time, he will taste the "love bomb" made by Soviet blasting experts himself!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. Noting his expression, the SOG soldiers around him were slightly retreated.

"Commander, you are quite sinister," Mason said.

"This method is necessary on the battlefield, have you definitely used it?" Lin Chi smiled.

"We had a more insidious operation." Woods nodded. At this time, the soldier seemed to have walked out of the shadow of his comrades being killed, and finally calmed down.

"The enemy is not a fool, and he may not be fooled. But as long as he can delay time, it is enough." Lin Chi folded his arms and stared at the crazy Evan who was laying mine quickly.

If the own unit was still chasing after ambushing, now they should almost be nearby. They are likely to be attracted by this place and trigger that deadly landmine.

After Crazy Evan completed the minelaying, everyone hurriedly left the ruins of the building with their waists down, and continued to move toward the city center along the street torn apart by the bomb.

While looking for the location of the hostages, Lin Chi casually asked, "Have you ever saved the hostages before?"

"I was rescued by them." Weaver said suddenly.

"Yeah, this kid was blinded by the Soviets." Woods sighed, "Damn the Soviets..."

"Do you have any opinion on the Soviets? Capitalist lackeys." Crazy Ivan's voice carried an unabashed threat.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot..."

After a few previous battles, I saw Woods, who had the fighting capacity of Crazy Ivan. At this time, he was not so hostile to the Soviet bomb expert. He pointed to Weaver beside him and said to Crazy Ivan:

"This kid is also from the Soviet Union, you can talk to each other."

"I am no longer a Soviet citizen." Weaver shook his head, and the eye exposed on the iron mask blinked: "Now I serve the U.S. military."

"You abandoned your own motherland?" Crazy Ivan stretched out his hand and wiped the black gray on his face, his eyes fixed on the SOG soldier beside him.

Facing the aggressive bomb expert, Weaver did not back down, but continued to explain the cold facts in a plain tone:

"It was the Soviet who deserted me first. The Soviet officer executed my father. If we continue to stay there, our whole family will be in danger. What do you think I should do?"

Hearing this, even Crazy Yiwen was speechless for a while. Obviously, even this fanatical patriot knows exactly what happened in the history of the Soviet Union.

"Forget it...It has nothing to do with me anyway." Crazy Evan patted Own's cheek vigorously, and a light of excitement appeared in the once confused one eye:

"No matter what you think, I will always be loyal to the Soviets!"

"Okay, don't show your loyalty, the political commissar is not here." Lin Chi interrupted Crazy Yiwen and cast his vigilant gaze on the ruins of the building ahead.

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