War Paradise

Chapter 785 Battle in the GYM-4

While the intense wrestling duel was going on in the basement, Crazy Ivan, who had just used a bomb to blast through the ruins of the stairs, had already rushed into the gym with several other SOG soldiers.

At this time, the battle on the ground of the shopping center is still going on, SOG is still fighting with the unidentified special forces. Although some people are now separated into the basement, it will make the battle above more uncertain, but for the soldiers of SOG. That said, rescuing the commander is undoubtedly the first priority.

Wearing urban camouflage uniforms and wearing iron masks, three soldiers rushed into the gym and aimed their guns at a position where the enemy might be hidden. The three of them were in charge of one direction with a tacit understanding, and were ready to fire at any time. .

Seeing the scene in the gym, Mason was aiming at the area directly in front, making a slightly confused voice:


——He thought that the commander should be fighting the enemy here, but there was no sign of any fighting in the gym. Only a blood stain extended along the ground, like an obvious signpost.

"Watch out," Mason whispered.

The three soldiers walked forward lightly and searched in the gym. Even the crazy Yiwen, who was always talkative, was very acquainted and stopped talking.

Because I don’t know if there are enemies lurking inside the gym, and to avoid accidentally injuring the commander, SOG’s soldiers who came down to rescue the commander are also very careful. They walked slowly and followed the bloodstains from the gym. A scream and scuffle sounded suddenly inside.

——This voice...Is it fighting unarmed?

The three SOG soldiers looked at each other, walked suspiciously to the location of the sound, and aimed their guns at the light blue door of the dressing room. Crazy Evan also took out a dangerous-looking red metal bottle from his backpack and licked his lips excitedly.

"We broke in, you stay behind, don't accidentally hurt the commander." Mason gave instructions to Crazy Ivan.

"Don't worry! That comrade's body is very tough!" Crazy Evan nodded vigorously.

Facing this inconsistent guy, Mason didn't know what to say for a while, just shook his head and continued to walk to the locker room.

Then, the shouts of Woods, who remained above, sounded from the earphones of the three soldiers at the same time:

"An enemy is going down, look for cover!"

Before the words fell, a flash bomb flew into the gym from the door of the basement. Three SOG soldiers immediately fell to the ground, while Crazy Yiwen stood in place, covering the remaining eye with his right hand.


The loud burst of flash bombs echoed continuously in the gym, and the dazzling light had not disappeared. Mason had already raised his head suddenly, raised the G11 caseless rifle in his hand, and directly exploded the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling of the gym.

As the lights in the room disappeared, the three SOG soldiers immediately put on binocular night vision goggles, switched from the normal state to the "night combat mode", and fired a short burst at the entrance of the basement stairs.

"I'm blind!" Crazy Ivan shouted.

"Shut up and get down! The Soviets!" Mason roared and fired at the entrance of the basement: "Brooks, you go and rescue the commander. Leave it to us!"

"Received." The soldier named Brooks turned and left, holding the Steyr AUG rifle and rushed to the front door of the dressing room.

Because the entrance was too narrow, the enemy special forces soldiers were suppressed by the firepower of Mason and another soldier for a while. They didn't even have the chance to show their heads. They just threw a few grenades into the gym from a dead corner.

Hiding behind the fitness equipment, avoiding the fragments and shock waves when the grenade exploded, Mason put down the G11 in his hand, took out a dark mechanical crossbow from behind, took a thick arrow and placed it on the crossbow, and pressed the arrow on it. The small switch, a red dot at the arrow position begins to flash.

Hearing the sound of rapid footsteps at the door, Mason stood up suddenly, squeezed the trigger of the crossbow gun, and the flashing red arrow flew forward, hitting something made of metal and making a "clang" sound.

Several soldiers in black appeared from behind the smoke of the grenade. The interceptor's body armor on the chest was obviously equipped with ceramic inserts. With the flying speed of a mechanical crossbow, it was impossible to shoot through this degree of armor!


One of the soldiers laughed, holding the M249 machine gun and starting to shoot at the location where Mason and the others were hiding, but he just started firing, suddenly a dazzling light burst out from under his feet——


The arrow of that arrow exploded suddenly, and the flames and air waves swallowed the three enemy soldiers who were too late to disperse. A burning broken arm flew more than ten meters away and landed in front of Mason. The unbroken middle finger was erected. Get up and make a gesture of contempt.

"Rookie." Mason said, kicking the severed hand aside, winking at the soldiers beside him, and moving towards the explosion.

This mechanical crossbow that can use explosive arrows is also one of the standard weapons of SOG soldiers. Although they did not carry this weapon when they arrived at Kayaland, Mason still got this familiar "old friend" in the supply box.

Although the power of explosive arrows is not great, it is still easy to blast a person's body at close range. The soldier in the center of the explosion had been bombed to the point that there was no slag left. The other two people next to him were rolling on the ground in pain, with dozens of extra wounds on their backs. He opened his mouth and made a harsh howl.

Two SOG soldiers resolutely refilled their guns and sent the miserable enemy into The Underworld. Just when they were about to check whether there were other enemies in front of the door, they heard Brooks' screams behind them.

What followed was a dull loud noise.


Mason turned his head back sharply, and what he saw was the corpse of his comrades spurting blood and two muscular men holding "Batterer" shotguns. The large drums installed on the burst shotguns were particularly conspicuous.

——There is an ambush!

Too late to feel sad for the dead comrades in arms, Mason and another soldier slumped down suddenly, Crazy Evan also ran over with a bomb backpack and rolled over, lying next to a treadmill.

"The master is in a duel, you must not hinder him."

While the brawny was talking, the blower shotguns in their hands had begun to spew out glaring tongues of fire, beating the two of SOG and Crazy Ivan so that they could not lift their heads. They could only hide behind the fitness equipment, listening to the steel around them. He was hit by a shotgun and made a dangerous snapping sound.

"What a duel, there are still people playing this set in this age..." Mason gritted his teeth tightly and clenched own fist.

"Look at me!" Crazy Evan said as he opened his backpack.

"Don't move, your bomb will accidentally injure the commander!" Mason immediately stopped the "Bomberman" behavior.

Listening to the gunshots above, the comrades who stayed on the ground should still be fighting.

Although it was very difficult, now we can only solve the two brawny men immediately.

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