War Paradise

Chapter 793-Doomsday Refuge-3

"Commander, wake up!"

I don't know how long he slept, Lin Chi was awakened by Mason's low and hasty voice.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, and when he saw the dilapidated scene in the room, he instantly became tense, and every muscle in his body seemed to be full of strength.

——I am not resting comfortably at home, but making temporary repairs on the bloody battlefield. Realizing this, Lin Chi, who was still a little unconscious when he woke up, immediately became sober.

"What's the matter?" He asked immediately, and then noticed that the others were also called by SOG soldiers.

Before the words fell, the explosion sounded from the right hand side, which answered Lin Chi's question.

"The block next to us is exchanging fire." Woods sneaked up, the face covered by the iron mask, reflecting the ghostly cold light in the moonlight: "Put it on, we got the extra night vision from the supply box. instrument."

After receiving the binocular night vision device from Woods, and turning on the switch in front of him, his vision suddenly turned into a green, and the small beating light spots hovered around the vision, forming a composition similar to a lower-resolution video.

After putting on the night vision goggles, the crowd sneaked out of the house and returned to the bloody street. Before the war spread to this side, they continued to move towards the shelter.

"I haven't slept enough..." The engineer covered his mouth and yawned.

"Don't you want to settle down quickly and look for family members?" Lin Chi reminded.

"In order to find them, it's necessary to have a good rest." The engineer's righteousness was completely irrefutable.

"Hurry up." Woods's voice was a little irritable: "The enemy is coming..."

At this time, the sound of gunfire on another street next to it was continuous, and the fire light reflected the night sky. Accompanied by deafening explosions and howls, the house on the right hand side of Woods suddenly exploded. The bloody corpse flew out of the ruins and fell heavily in front of him.


The quick-acting Woods reached out to catch a small metal card that flew out with the corpse, and then said to the shocked engineer behind him: "Go!"

"Good, good..."

The engineer said, speeding up his pace, covering his face and rushing past the smoking corpse. When passing by the corpse, Lin Chi looked at the other party's clothes and felt that something was wrong.

——Unlike the heavily armed Special Forces, this guy did not wear military uniforms, but a shirt and ordinary trousers. Although his clothes had been exploded along with his skin, Lin Chi could see that this guy was wearing It's definitely not a military uniform.

It stands to reason that the special forces dispatched to Kayaland would not adopt this attire. Therefore, the origin of this corpse is open to question.

However, stopping now is obviously a complete act of death. Lin Chi and the others did not stop, but accelerated their speed and left the area where the fighting was breaking out.

The time now is midnight and midnight, and the first day of this game has passed. Lin Chi opened the standings, and saw that nearly half of the players had gained a few points. At the same time, two other players were defeated and retired.

Of the 30 players participating in the Invitational Tournament, four have already left the game, and there are still 26 dangerous "high-end players" left to face off in this equally dangerous city!"Huh...huh..."

The engineer clutched his chest and gasped, and said intermittently: "Let me take a break..."

"This gentleman, why are you not as strong as the little girl!" Crazy Evan pointed at Dalian who was not a problem next to him.

"Stop talking... I'm just... a little nervous..." The engineer reached out and wiped the sweat from his head.

At this moment, they had temporarily left the war zone. Mason and Weaver raised their guns to alert the vicinity, while Woods picked up the metal card he had just picked up and looked at it, with a little suspiciousness in his voice:

"Are they "they"..."

"Who are they referring to?" Lin Chi asked.

Woods threw the metal sign to Lin Chi. After catching the thing, Lin Chi, who was wearing a night vision device, observed the words on the sign from a close distance. What caught his eye was a small circular sign with the words "Overseas Work" engraved on it. "Personnel".

"This is……"

Even though he had made up his knowledge about special forces from all over the world before participating in the competition, Lin Chi couldn't see what soldiers the brand was wearing, but when he saw the nameplate, Mason immediately reacted:

"It's the CIA's overseas operations team."

"Are you a soldier sent by the CIA?" Lin Chi shook the metal card in his hand thoughtfully.

"They are not soldiers, they are just special agents." Mason shook his head: "We have worked with the CIA, and their combat effectiveness is very strong, but the group size is smaller than SOG, and the tasks performed are very small-scale operations. "

"Agents and special forces are no different, right!" Crazy Yiwen asked.

"It doesn't matter what you think, Soviet guy." Woods obviously didn't continue to talk about this topic. He just looked back at the street shrouded in darkness, and squeezed the submachine gun in his hand:

"Come on, the agent is best at tracking. Those guys are like hounds. If they are spotted, we really won't be able to leave."

While talking, the fighter jets passing by at high speed in the sky caused everyone to lie down again, until the roar of the jet engine disappeared into the distance, and the lingering engineer finally stood up and ran away without a word.

It seemed that the engineers didn't want to stay in the war zone for a long time. Lin Chi and the others also immediately followed and moved forward in the gloomy night.

Woods once again rushed to the front and played the role of pioneers. Mason and Weaver guarded the two wings of the team from left to right. Lin Chi, who was in charge of the back of the palace at the back, did not forget to observe the situation behind him when he ran. .

The sound of guns in the distance continued, and the street here was extremely quiet, except for the sound of everyone's footsteps and gasping, no other sound could be heard.

The city under the night is like a dead city where you lost your life. None of the buildings on the street are lit, only the blazing flames and the explosive fireballs that rise from time to time, bringing a ray of "light" to the city.

After a quick march, they were less than five kilometers away from the location of the refuge. On the street in front, there was also an abnormal situation:

A large number of bombed car wrecks and the corpses of mercenaries were piled up on the street and built into a cruel "wall of flesh and blood", completely blocking their way.

"Where do you go?" Woods turned around and asked the engineer who was familiar with the road.

"Let me see……"

The engineer bent over breathlessly, and pointed his finger at the street corner on his right: "Go here, and... let me rest again, I really can't stand it..."

Seeing that Dalían was also in collapse, Lin Chi nodded to the SOG soldiers beside him, and everyone entered the ruins of a nearby house and hid in it for a short period of time to make repairs.

On the whole, except for the nervousness at the beginning of the escape, this night march was fairly smooth. However, everyone present will not relax their vigilance because of the "easy journey" just now.

During the renovation, Lin Chi asked the engineer who was sitting in the corner coughing constantly: "You really completed the construction of the shelter with a team alone?"

——Even if you are a graduate of the School of Architecture, it seems unlikely that a few students will build a shelter that can withstand the bombing. As Lin Chi had expected, the engineer really shook his head:

"We did get the sponsorship and some workers' help... At that time, we posted the drawings to the construction forum, and then a company expressed interest and they said they would help us complete this shelter."

"What's the company's name?" Hearing this, Mason next to him was also interested, and Woods and the others also leaned in.

"The company's name is'Refuge Technology'." The engineer replied: "They were very efficient and sent people over immediately. They also helped us to level the real estate agent and obtain a larger area than originally planned. "

——Why do you always feel that this name is a bit familiar?

Lin Chi frowned slightly and thought for a moment. He always felt that he had heard the name somewhere else, maybe it was an old game or something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Refuge? It doesn't sound like a good person..." Darian muttered softly.

"Regardless of whether they are good people or not, at least they helped our team complete the graduation project." The engineer's dirty face showed a nostalgic expression, and his eyes seemed to have become enlightened.

The refuge built by technology sounds like a little dangerous. But even if there is a real problem with the shelter, it cannot be more dangerous than the downtown area of ​​Kayaland.

After listening to the engineer's explanation of the origin of the shelter, Lin Chi did not change his original strategy. Still ready to go to the available safe house. After resting for a few minutes, they also set off again, bypassing the road blocked by the bunker of flesh and blood, and proceeded from another road on the east side.

As soon as he entered this street, the engineer suddenly froze, and Darian was also stunned.

"This is..." Lin Chi's voice was a little low.

It was not the corpses of soldiers who had died in the war that entered the sight of everyone, but a large number of people who fell on the street, men, women, and children. Looking at the various costumes on these people, they knew that they could not be any soldiers. Is a local resident.

"How are they...?" Darian's voice kept trembling.

In fact, this question is unnecessary, because everyone present had already reached a conclusion when they saw this picture:

——These civilians must have died on the street.

So the question is, how did they die?

Lin Chi squinted his eyes and stared at a young woman lying at his feet. Although her face was gray, she didn't seem to have an expression of pain on her face. She was lying there with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep. The other corpses in the vicinity basically looked like this.

This way of death, can it be said that...Thinking of some bad possibility, Lin Chi suddenly realized that the situation was not good, and at this time, SOG soldiers had already reacted:

"Go back and get out of here!" Woods said as he turned and left.

"Wait a minute, what happened to them?" The engineer was still a little confused at this time.

This time, the one who answered his question was the rare Crazy Ivan who calmed down:

"It's gas bombs, these people were poisoned to death." Crazy Yiwen said.

"Yes, if you don't want to die here, run quickly. God knows if there is any poisonous gas left here." Lin Chi took Dalian and ran back.

By now, he finally understood the reason why there were no mercenaries in this area-in the Death area that had been baptized by poison gas, no one would want to stay!

It seemed that these civilians who wanted to flee were all poisoned to death on the street. Such a cruel murder must have been made by mercenaries.

"Wait, my family...maybe over there!" The engineer who was dragged away by Woods wanted to go back madly.

"If you don't have chemical defense equipment, you are looking for death when you go in." Lin Chi slapped the engineer and helped him wake up in a rough way: "There should be a gas mask in the refuge? Let's go to the refuge first, and then come here. calm down."

Having said that, the engineer was still a little excited, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the restraints of the SOG soldiers.

"Calm down, otherwise I can only knock you out." Lin Chi shook his fist.


Looking at the "iron fist" stained with coagulated blood, the engineer lowered his head, sighed long, and whispered: "I understand, I will take you to the refuge."

In fact, he knew very well that he was just rushing into that street to see people off. Even if the family is really there, they must be dead long ago. Now the only thing I can do is to silently pray that the family will not flee with the crowd...

The abandoned city of Kayaland has long been transformed from a comfortable tourist city to the cruelest of The Underworld.

What happened here can only be described as doomsday, even worse than the "zombie siege" often described in old movies and games. Regardless of the situation in the next battle, the city has been completely destroyed!

And now, what they are looking for is a refuge that can survive this catastrophe safely.

According to Lin Chi’s game experience in "War Paradise", players are encouraged to kill each other for the strength of Ascension. Start tomorrow morning. If no shelter can be found before then, the own safe house plan may be temporarily shelved.

Just as Lin Chi and the soldiers bypassed the poisonous gas area and continued to move towards the refuge, a line of text prompts popped up again in his sight:

The player "Blood Blade" successfully rescued the hostages and gained 1 point.

——Will this product still save people...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi chuckles and laughs. Dalian next to him looks at his profile with some curiosity, and asks, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay," he said.

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