War Paradise

Chapter 795: The Dining Room Leading To The Abyss

Boom, boom, boom.

The chaotic footsteps echoed continuously in Vault 137. Lin Chi, his special forces and two entourages followed the cylindrical robot "Mr. Bang" and passed through the long tunnel.

At this moment, everyone was watching around vigilantly, and the engineer's heart was almost raised in his throat. He, who had participated in the construction of the refuge before, naturally knows that the scale of this refuge now is totally different from the situation when he built it...

"How is this possible..." the engineer muttered to himself, his voice full of incredible meaning.

Even if Lin Chi had never studied architecture, he could still tell that such a huge underground shelter could not be built without anyone knowing it!

Even if this is the outskirts of Kayaland, if a shelter is to be built two hundred meters underground, many people should notice it.

So, how did the refuge technology company do it?

Lin Chi frowned and stared at the metal wall beside him, only to see that part of the wall seemed to be a little greasy. He reached out and touched the wall, a cold and sticky touch came from his fingertips.


Others also noticed the weird liquid on the wall. Although the thing was colorless and tasteless, it was a bit like saliva and looked uncomfortable.

"In order to prevent the walls from rusting, we used lubricating oil." As if noticing everyone's doubts, Mr. Bang Bang explained.

"This thing doesn't feel like oil very much." Lin Chi whispered.

Take a closer look, the liquid of unknown composition is not evenly spread on the metal wall, but like an irregular spider web, which looks like a mark left by something crawling over it.

——If you really paint the wall with oil, it should not look like this. What is going on here?


The spherical camera hidden by the wall made a faint sound. It seemed that even though I was in an underground shelter, the footage here was still broadcasting live to the audience. In this way, the inside of this refuge is also judged as part of the "adventure" by the game.

Is it really a boss fight?

Just as Lin Chi increased his vigilance, Mr. Bang Bang had already turned the corner in front of him, and the people who had passed by suddenly saw his eyes suddenly, and then he appeared in sight, unexpectedly-it was a luxurious restaurant.

"Huh?" Woods's voice was a bit stunned, and everyone else looked dumbfounded.

Completely different from the cold steel passages, this restaurant is shrouded in warm dark yellow lights. The interior decoration is standard European style, the wallpaper is painted with exquisite carved patterns, and the mirror-like stone floor is shining.

In the center of the room is a white oak dining table with a few chairs on display. An ebony wine cabinet is leaning against the wall on the right hand side. Through the glass, you can see that many very delicate wine bottles, wine glasses and various utensils are displayed in the cabinet.

"No vodka." Crazy Ivan shook his head.

"Am I dreaming..." Darian rubbed her eyes vigorously.Not only this girl, Lin Chi also felt that the picture before him was a little unrealistic. I was still wandering in the bloody The Underworld of Kayaland before, and suddenly came to this place, the strong contrast even reached the point of uncomfortable.

The style of the restaurant in the refuge is in sharp contrast with the city of Kayaland, where the ground was bombed into ruins and corpses were everywhere. However, even though Lin Chi and the SOG soldiers were still alert, the engineers who had been nervous all the time seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief and directly pulled a chair and sat on it.

"Praise the refuge technology company, I can finally take a break!" The engineer lay on the table, wrapping his arms around his head.

"Be careful." Lin Chi reminded.

"I know, don't worry..." The engineer's tone was very perfunctory.

For ordinary people like him, the series of tragedies that he has witnessed before has already exceeded his limit of endurance. Even if he knew that this place was not safe, the engineer who was about to collapse was still "paralyzed" at the table in relief and never wanted to move.

The three SOG soldiers walked into the restaurant with their guns and pointed their guns at the wooden door on the other side of the restaurant. Under the gaze of Lin Chi and others, the wooden door opened slowly, and then...


The passionate female voice floated over, and a slim figure appeared in the sight of everyone, making Lin Chi, who had been "looking at" the corpse most of the time, couldn't help but shine.

The woman who came into view was not at all like a resident in a refuge from war, but more like a waiter in a high-end restaurant. She was dressed in a white shirt with a black long skirt. She had short white hair tied into a bunch behind her head. She was bright and white. There was a slight smile on his face.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the restaurant of Vault 137, sit down and eat something!"

Even though the SOG soldier's muzzle was still pointed at her, the woman didn't have any fear at all. She was still smiling sweetly, looking dedicated.

Hearing this, everyone present did not speak, and finally the engineer lying on the table broke the silence:

"Ah, I want to drink some water."

"No problem, I'll prepare it for you!" The woman said, turning and walking into the wooden door behind her, as if she was going to prepare dinner.


If this happens on a normal map, Lin Chi should sit down and have a drink, but now... in a place like Kayaland, such a restaurant and waiter are too weird.

Lin Chi nodded to Woods and Mason beside him. The three raised their guns to the wooden door. Before reaching the door, the woman walked out again with a black tray in her hand and a transparent glass on it. .

"Give it to me, I'm almost dying of thirst..." The engineer's eyes seemed to light up with excitement.

Unfortunately, the soldiers present would not let this woman pass so easily.

"Please don't get in my way!" The woman's face was still smiling and her tone of voice was still gentle, but the words she said were a little bit hostile.

"Wait a minute, we still have some questions." Lin Chi smiled, pointed at the slightly bulging part of the woman's right cheek, and asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

"Toothache." The woman with a single ponytail said concisely.

"It's impossible for a person with a toothache to swell up his face and smile." Lin Chi took a meaningful step forward and looked directly into the gray eyes of the white-haired woman: "I am also a person who has experienced severe toothache. Pass me."

"Ah, I too... I used to eat too much chocolate when I was at home, and it really hurts to death at the time." Darian raised her right hand to express that she had also experienced it.

As the saying goes, "Toothache is not a disease, it hurts to kill people." If this woman has a toothache to the point that her face is swollen, she is afraid that her words will be unsuccessful, and it will definitely not be so easy.

"In addition, are you dressing too tightly?" Lin Chi fixed his gaze on the black glove on the woman's hand.

"Guests want water." The woman tried to pass, but was blocked by Woods and Mason.

"Don't move, I suspect there is a problem with the water." Mason pointed the gun of the G11 at the woman's left chest, and issued a message in a low voice:

"Hold your head in your hands and squat down, put the water on the ground, hurry up."

The woman was very spine and didn't mean to be obedient at all. She just continued to hold the tray with one hand and tried to bypass the blockade of the three men in front of her, but it was in vain.

"What are you doing?" The engineer said impatiently: "Don't make things difficult for others, it's not easy to do this business..."

"You dare to drink the water in this kind of place. You are afraid that you are insane." said Weaver standing next to the engineer.

Except for the excessively irritated and delirious engineers, everyone present could see that there was a problem with the water. The guy who can dine in such a weird restaurant can probably only be described as "mentally retarded."

"Can we go into the kitchen and have a look?" Lin Chi pointed to the wooden door behind the woman.

The restaurant was filled with an unspeakable and weird atmosphere. At this moment, Mr. Bang Bang, who had been silent before, suddenly started to move, blocking the steel-cast body in front of the wooden door.

"The chef doesn't want to see people, please don't make him embarrassed." The robot made a cold voice.

Seeing this scene, Weaver immediately stood in the passage and began to observe whether there were ambushes in the rear passage. A red "gum bomb" appeared in Crazy Evan's hand, and even Darian pulled out her MP7 submachine gun.

Noting that the atmosphere on the scene began to become tense, the engineer who was still a little confused finally woke up and muttered in a low voice: "Don't be so serious, right?"

Lin Chi, holding a dark vulture pistol and an eviscer, focused his gaze on the woman's face and asked, "Are you a local? Or have you always lived in a refuge?"

"I don't need to answer your question." The woman shook her head.

Although it was not obvious just now, through this trial, Lin Chi had noticed that when the woman was speaking, she basically did not open her mouth. The voice was basically squeezed out of her mouth, but the tone was nothing like ordinary people's open mouth. The difference is totally indistinguishable.

——Is there anything in her mouth that cannot be seen?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi stared at the "lump" on the woman's right cheek, and suddenly noticed that the location of the bump had changed slightly.

Although it is not obvious, this small change can't escape his eyes even with concentration.

Noting this detail, he looked at the woman's seemingly healthy complexion and somewhat dull eyes. A terrifying possibility suddenly appeared in Lin Chi's mind:

This shouldn't be...

Looking back on the transparent viscous liquid on the wall, Lin slammed back and shot the woman in the face without hesitation, and shouted at the others around him: "Go!"

boom!The firelight and gunpowder that erupted at close range caused some blind spots in the eyes of everyone. The woman who was shot headshot directly did not bleed from the wound, but sprayed out a transparent viscous liquid.


Witnessing the following horror scene, Dalien screamed loudly, and the engineer also fell directly from the seat and fled backwards.

"Soviet mother, I may be completely crazy!" Crazy Ivan rubbed his only remaining eye vigorously:

A few oval-shaped bugs with a black shell crawled out of the wound on the woman’s cheek and quickly occupied her face, but this was only the beginning, and then a large number of bugs came from her ears, mouth, and nostrils. Climbed out, even a few black claws protruded under the eye sockets.

The appearance of those bugs is a bit like a large version of the mouse wives, also known as "watermelon bugs". Under the oval shell, dozens of tiny legs are constantly twisting.

"Holy-shit...Is this a biochemical weapon?" Even Woods, who had experienced many battles, was shocked back and forth.

The glove on the woman's right hand fell off, and countless bugs began to crawl out of it. This guy is not a human at all, but an empty shell occupied by bugs after death!

——So, I was talking to bugs just now?

Thinking that this bug could make a human voice, Lin Chi also showed a stunned expression on his face. He withdrew directly to the front of the restaurant, took out the SPAS-12 shotgun with Dragon's Breath bullets from his backpack, and fired it at the woman. Up the fire.

When it comes to insecticidal efficiency, it is undoubtedly the highest among flames. The hot tongue of fire instantly covered the white oak dining table in the restaurant, as well as the woman's body, and the black bug that was crawling over quickly was temporarily contained.

I haven't seen what is going on in the restaurant yet, Mr. Bang Bang's cold voice has already rang from inside:

"You are launching an attack on the residents of Vault 137 and the expulsion begins."

Before the words fell, the glass of the wine cabinet next to it suddenly shattered, and a large number of bugs crawled out of the opaque cup and outflanked the front of the restaurant. The black side looked like an oppressive shadow.

"Run." Lin Chi said and turned and ran, and the others retreated immediately.

Faced with this disgusting picture, they didn't mean to stay at all. Only Crazy Ivan threw a fire bomb into the restaurant with great interest, and then turned around and hugged his head.

"I have never seen such a picture in the Siberian labor camp! This is really scary!" Crazy Yiwen shouted.

"Which labor camp are you from? Do you know Victor Reznov? I stayed in a labor camp called "Vorkuta"." Mason did not forget to look for "prisoners" at this time.

"I haven't heard of this name!" Crazy Ivan threw a Molotov cocktail into the rear passage while talking, trying to stop the bugs from chasing.

"Stop chatting, run!" Woods shouted: "You don't want to be occupied by that stuff!"

After witnessing the incredible horror scenes, they were jumping faster than the rabbits one by one at this time. The engineers who had a kidney deficiency before, seemed to have triggered the hidden "potential" in the body, and the sprint speed was even faster than the SOG soldiers. To be more swift and violent.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The engineer's screams reverberated continuously in the metal channel. Seeing the worm wave coming up with breakthrough smoke behind him, a question suddenly appeared in Lin Chi's mind:

"Is this kind of live broadcast really okay?"

He whispered secretly in his heart, while speeding up the icy corridor.

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