War Paradise

Chapter 801

As the elevator started ascending, Mr. Bang Bang stood in place as if weighing the priority, and then stepped forward again to the residential area, deciding to deal with the uninvited guests who invaded the area below the refuge first.

"Please don't resist, it will be quick and painless."

Mr. Bang Bang seems to still want to "convince" Lin Chi and the others who are hiding in the residential area, but it is a pity that his cold voice from the mechanical head is not convincing at all, and can only strengthen everyone's determination to resist.

Lin Chi looked at the three people hiding in the other room, and compared them with a thumbs up. Woods also brushed his left hand from his throat, making a gesture of cutting his throat.

At this point, everyone present has determined what to do next:

——Kill that machine.

Mr. Bang Bang’s footsteps approached quickly, Lin Chi pulled out the Tyrannosaurus rex shotgun, stood up abruptly and aimed at the corridor, a silver light suddenly lit up in front of him, and saw that the robot accelerated without warning and had already rushed to the door. .

That's too late!

Realizing that shooting at this distance would cause him to be bombarded with stray bullets reflected by the robot's shell, Lin Chi directly threw the shotgun aside and slammed back into the room.

Mr. Bang Bang stretched out his slender mechanical arm, and his big silver metal hand grabbed Lin Chi's neck. At this moment, Woods and Weaver, who had been hiding on the other side, started to move.


Woods used a crowbar that seemed to be picked up from a residential area and slammed it heavily on the joints of the robotic arm. Mr. Bang Bang's originally smooth movements suddenly stopped.

At this moment, Lin Chi, who was leaning against the wall, had already pulled out the taser that he had prepared long ago, and shot the second power dart against Mr. Bang Bang.

The dangerous electric current crackling sound was fleeting, and Mr. Bang Bang's red light appeared on the head camera. The light seemed to be dimmed, but the circuit in the body was not affected by the electric shock, and he resumed his movement again.

It seems that the quality of this robot made by Refuge Technology Company is better than the machinery produced by Mars scientists. A simple electric shock does not seem to cause any damage to its body. but……

If this robot really has human consciousness, as long as it can find a way to destroy its consciousness. Can stop it completely, that is to say--

Blast his dog head!

As if hearing Lin Chi's silent call, the metal chair in Weaver's hand had already hit Mr. Pang Pang's head, which was protected by the circular metal shell, with a bang.

What followed was the muffled grunt that Weaver made when his body was beaten into the air.


Under the gaze of Woods’ surprised gaze, Weaver’s body flew out like a cannonball and slammed into the rear wall. A large amount of blood spurted out from under the mask. The only remaining eye turned white and fell directly on the back. Fainted by the wall.


While Woods yelled at him, he squatted at a terrifying speed. Like a passerby who suddenly fell into a well, his body was "short", and the silver arm of the robot brushed his scalp and swept it away.

With another loud noise, Woods blocked a blow from the robot's head with the crowbar that he had just retracted, and the crowbar in his hand suddenly bends.

Although Mr. Pang Pang's attack was still vigorous and heavy, Lin Chi also saw some clues immediately.

Unlike robots that can handle "multi-threading" at the same time, Mr. Bang Bang was somewhat relaxed in his attacks when attacking Woods. It seems that this guy may really be using human thinking to manipulate the machine, and the combat mode is similar to that of humans.

That being the case, there is no need to say more about what to do next:

Taking advantage of the chance that the robot was attacking Woods, Lin Chi and Mason rushed forward, trying to contain this extremely powerful steel monster in close combat!

Mason stretched out his arms and hugged the slender robotic arm of the robot, while Lin Chi walked around directly behind Mr. Bang Bang, trying to find the weakness of the robot.

But before their actions were "in place", Mr. Bang Bang started an astonishing counterattack.

Just as he rushed behind the robot, Lin Chi's abdomen suddenly burst into intense pain, like a hot cannonball buried in his stomach, and his whole body flew back several meters and fell on the floor full of bullet shells.

If it weren't for the player's pain sensation to be reduced to one-third, I'm afraid it would directly hurt to death. But even if the pain is weakened, this kick is enough...

A blood stain dripped from the corner of Lin Chi's mouth, and he stretched out his weak arms to support the ground and tried to stand up, but his body fell to the ground again. Through the red eyes, he saw that Mason, who was hugging the robot arm, was lifted directly by the robot and hit the ground forcefully.


A crisp fracture sounded, followed by Mason's howling. The SOG soldier's right calf was bent into an arc that ordinary people could not reach, from a jointless position, directly bent to the outside of the thigh.

"Please don't resist." Mr. Bang Bang repeated.

At this time, Crazy Ivan who was about to take the bomb was also knocked out by the robot, and Dalian, who was not capable of fighting, did not appear in Lin Chi's line of sight, as if she was still hiding in the corner.

——Because the area of ​​the residential area is too small, shooting or using bombs in it is likely to injure teammates. Lin Chi and the others could only try to kill the machine in close combat. but……

Due to the large difference in physical function between the two warring parties, it seems impossible to defeat Mr. Bang Bang in close combat!

At this time, the only one who could resist was Woods, but the crowbar in Woods's hand had also been broken, and it looked like it took less than five seconds.

"Is it over?"

A somewhat depressed thought flashed in Lin Chi's mind. When the "life" was about to end, I stared at Mr. Own Bang Bang with wide eyes, and then suddenly noticed something:

Behind the head of this robot, there are several "wires" protected by a heavy shell and connected to the armor of the body's torso.

Although there were few exposed parts, those connecting wires did not escape Lin Chi's eyes.

The connecting line at the back of the neck seems to be the weakness of this BOSS. If you can find a way to break the line, maybe you can stop Mr. Bang Bang's movements!

Although he can't hold the gun firmly because of the pain, this is probably the last hope!

Lin Chi opened his backpack, took out his most proficient gun, the Colt "Dark Vulture" pistol, and tremblingly raised his right hand, trying to aim at the back of Mr. Bang Bang's neck.

Then, he decisively activated the special skill of this pistol: high-speed continuous shooting.

Accompanied by rapid gunshots, the muzzle of the Dark Vulture spewed a large number of bullets at the rate of fire of the MAC-11 submachine gun, creating flashing sparks on the armor behind Mr. Bang.

——Did you hit it?

The duration of the "high-speed burst" regardless of the number of ammunition loaded quickly ended. Before Lin Chi could see if the wires behind the robot had been hit, he noticed that the robot suddenly turned its head and aimed the scarlet lens at him.

"It looks like it's missed."

Realizing this, Lin Chi put down the gun in his hand, and... suddenly smiled.

As if confused by Lin Chi's expression, Mr. Bang Bang's red "gaze" stayed on Lin Chi's face for about a second. With only a click, Woods' crowbar, which was interrupted with his hand, pierced the back of the robot's neck directly!

After a fierce fight, the SOG captain, who was already a bit irritable, let out a violent roar:

"Go to The Underworld, tin can!"

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