War Paradise

Chapter 832 Wind of Destruction-2

Back in the bloody corridor, Lin Chi bent down and picked up a black firearm in his hand as he passed by a mercenary corpse.

——Although these mercenaries are not SOG opponents, their equipment is much more reliable than SOG soldiers. Unlike SOG, the mercenaries of the last century, the mercenaries of the PMC Federation are genuine modernized troops of the 21st century.

The appearance of the gun was a bit crude. A large round drum was installed under the gun body. It looked a bit like an assault rifle, but Lin Chi recognized that it was not a rifle, but a close-range Killer":

AA-12 automatic shotgun.

Long-range weapons.

Item level: Epic.

Minimum strength required: 16, minimum stamina required: 15.

Players who use this weapon will get a special passive skill: Fully Automatic Butcher. The weapon can be used without proficiency, and it reduces the recoil when firing bursts.

"AA-12 is the best!-United States Marine Corps instructor."

He put the shotgun into the backpack, and by the way, he snatched two drums from the tactical backpack on the corpse. Lin Chi smiled with satisfaction: Even if this mission fails, getting a weapon like AA-12 is worth the price.

Right now, there are a lot of powerful single-shot weapons in his hand. This kind of high-rate automatic shotgun just makes up for the vacancy in the backpack.

Leaving Eric in the main control room to observe the enemy's situation, Lin Chi and Woods sneaked up the stairs and hid in the dark stairwell, waiting for the opportunity to do something.

I wasted four minutes of chatting with that bastard just now, and now there are only nineteen minutes left before the mission is over.

Standing at the corner of the stairs, Woods took out a thing that resembled a miniature periscope, peeked out from the door of the stairwell, observed the movement in the corridor, and drew back abruptly after seeing it for less than two seconds. Shook his head:

"Too many people," he said.

The current situation in the hallway on the fifty-fifth floor was the same as what they had seen on the monitor just now. There were twelve people patrolling in the hallway alone. It is impossible to sneak in.

In the room where the hostages were located, there were also three soldiers guarding them. If they were to enter from the corridor, those cruel mercenaries would probably execute the hostages immediately.

After thinking about it quickly for a while, unable to think of a better way, Lin Chi turned and walked to the forty-ninth floor that was cleared, and said to Woods over the radio:

"Forget it, I'll do it again."

"Commander, is your real name Peter Parker?" Woods looked back at Lin Chi.

"Come on, I'm not as flexible as him."While speaking, Lin Chi had already arrived in the room directly below the meeting room where the hostages were.

It was a large restaurant on the forty-ninth floor. At this time, there was nothing in the restaurant except the polished white plastic dining table.

Going straight to the window and opening the window, Lin Chi leaned his upper body out of the window to observe upstairs, under the hunting wind that swelled up all his clothes. He saw that the window of the conference room was directly above this window, about three meters away.

"How do you say?" Woods's voice finally became serious.

"When I heard the gunshots, I acted immediately and attacked the enemies in the hallway. I broke in directly from the window." Lin Chi swiftly commanded the battle.

Although the risk is great, there is no other way. If you want to rescue the hostages before the time limit is over, you can only choose to be tough.

With his previous "air raid" experience, Lin Chi's climbing the wall was exceptionally smooth this time. Use the gecko gloves to stick to the smooth outer wall of the building, and drive Own's body to move upwards with the strength of Ascension to 17 points.

He soon arrived by the window of the conference room, and vaguely heard a whimper from the room. Before breaking into the room, Lin Chi contacted Eric, who was still in the main control room, and asked, "What's the situation in the conference room?"

"The three people are in the northeast, south and west corners of the house. The weapons used are SG552. From the window, the two people on the south and west sides can be solved immediately, but the person in the northeast corner is blocked by the hostage." Ke speaks quickly.

"Can't these guys stand together and wait to die?" Lin Chi, who was "flying in the wind" hanging in the air over a hundred meters, complained.

"No." Eric's tone was still cold: "They are also soldiers, not pure gangsters."

"I said you are too serious Eric, you won't find a girlfriend like this." Woods also joined the chat enthusiastically.

"Do you want to consider me?" Eric said coldly.

Hearing that these soldiers started to play stubbornly again, Lin Chi looked at the mission countdown, and then whispered: "Don't be nonsense, get ready for battle."

The hostages will be executed in fifteen minutes, and chatting now will only waste more time. Lin Chi put his right foot next to the window frame, put his right hand into the backpack laboriously, and fumbled for the equipment seized from the mercenary corpse just now.

After taking out the AA-12 shotgun, Lin Chi pointed the muzzle at the window on the right side of his body, and then pulled the trigger.


Countless shimmering glass shards scattered in all directions, and the fragment killing shotgun used against people directly blasted the window to a smash. A mercenary standing by the window was directly blasted with blood spurting all over, twitching and falling backward.

Lin Chi jumped into the window awkwardly and rolled on the ground full of glass. I just looked up and saw a group of hostages who were tied up looking at him with tears in their eyes, but now is not the time to save people.

Bang bang bang ——

The loud noise of AA-12 shook everyone in the room began to ring in their ears. Another mercenary standing next to him was blasted and flew out. The mercenary hidden in the corner finally "woke up like a dream." "When I tried to shoot the hostage with a gun, a silver light suddenly lit up in front of my eyes.

The straight-flying eviscer tore the air, and flew over the head of the hostage who was squatting on the ground with his hands in his hands. He nailed the mercenary’s throat. The black mercenary threw away the gun in his hand and reached out his hands in despair. Pulling out the saber stuck in his throat, there was a terrible roar in his throat.

Just after Lin Chi threw the Flying Daggers out, the handle of the dark brown wooden door suddenly made a "clicking" sound, as if someone was planning to open the door outside.

Hearing this sound, he decisively raised the shotgun and fired three rounds of bullets in a row against the wooden door "bang-bang", smashing sawdust everywhere.

The overwhelming firepower of AA-12 easily shredded the upper half of the wooden door. A corpse in black crushed the door and fell in, and his body was limply stuck on the door.

At this time, there was also a burst of gunfire in the aisle.

Woods, who remained in the stairwell, began to attack the patrolmen in the passage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chi replaced the AA-12 with a new drum and was ready to act.

Although the safety of the hostages has been ensured, Woods alone cannot deal with a dozen people in the aisle and other rooms. The key to the success or failure of this operation lies on himself.

Lin Chi shot a few bullets at the door shaft on the right side of the door panel, and then rushed to the door, using all his strength to fly and kick on the door panel!

As he was wearing the interceptor body armor obtained from the Polish Special Forces, Lin Chi's actions at this time were also exceptionally decisive.

As soon as he turned to face the enemy, the ceramic plate in the interceptor’s body armor on his chest was hit by three bullets at the same time. Even if the ceramic plate was not penetrated, the huge impact force still shook him into a seat. To the ground.

Although the action was very embarrassing, the firepower of the shotgun in Lin Chi's hand was not at all ambiguous. The nine shots fired within three seconds blasted a group of enemies standing in the front row in the corridor into blood and blood, and his expression of astonishment froze. Face.

At this time, Woods also caught up behind him and continued to fire on the enemy in front.

In the narrow corridor, the AA-12 is almost like a Death harvester. There is no need to aim carefully at all. As long as the fire is directed at the front, it can cause a lot of damage-the "ricochet" of a shotgun is different from ordinary bullets. The shotgun hits the wall. Then it flies, but it makes the firepower range wider.

Lin Chi, who had such a sharp weapon in his hand, was extremely happy to kill. Using AA-12, he began to slaughter the enemy soldiers in front of him frantically!

The continuous sound of gunfire seemed to be setting off firecrackers, and the enemy who stood in front of Lin Chi couldn't resist this firepower at all. Like a cut leek, they fell one after another.

Seeing the enemy's corpses piled up in the corridor, Lin Chi and Woods slowly put down their guns. Needless to say, there are no more living people here except them and the hostages.

"How about it, am I very fierce?" Lin Chi smiled and turned his head back to "bring a lot of words" to Woods.

"The commander is really a tough guy, I'll take it." Woods nodded, staring down at the tragic sight of "blood flowing against the river" in front of him.

The mercenaries who were caught off guard were not their opponents at all. But Woods could see that the commander was the real main force in the battle just now, and he was just "beating soy sauce"...

As a SOG soldier, he was surpassed in Realm, which he is best at. At this time, there seemed to be a flame in his heart. The "consciousness of competition" that had disappeared for so many years appeared again in Woods.

In any case, as a SOG soldier, he still cannot be left behind in battle. After all... I once boasted to the soldiers that SOG is the strongest special force in the world.

"Contact the Spaniards below and tell them that the task is complete." Lin Chi issued a new order to Woods.

Woods nodded and stood in the bloody corridor and began to inform the mercenaries who remained below.Lin Chi opened the task bar and looked at it. The task of rescuing the hostages has not been completed yet, and even the countdown to the task has not stopped.

He immediately realized that this task should not be judged to be completed until the hostages are evacuated safely.

In order to avoid being bombarded by bombs in the building and causing the mission to fail, Lin Chi and the two SOG soldiers also took the elevator in batches and returned to the first floor with the hostages who were still in shock.

The bald Spaniard who was still pacing anxiously back and forth in the hall, with an expression of joy that could not be restrained, walked over quickly and asked, "Did it all?"

"Of course." Lin Chi glanced at this NPC.

"It's really maozi, the work efficiency is high!" The Spaniard patted Lin Chi's shoulder boldly, a pungent drunk scent floated on him, and it seemed that he had just drunk a lot of alcohol.

The Spaniards commanded several soldiers wearing dragon-scale body armor to protect the hostages, and sent a bomb disposal team upstairs to disarm the bombs.

At the same time, Lin Chi's sight finally showed a reminder of task completion:

"The task of rescuing the members of the Federation is completed, and you have received 30 dominance points and 20 prestige points."

You successfully rescued the hostages and earned some points.

Now that you have reached a friendly relationship with the PMC Federation, some mercenaries will not take the initiative to attack you. By using the radio to contact the members of the PMC Federation, you will get help from mercenaries. Call for assistance can only be used once every twenty-four hours.

Turning off the reward page of the mission at will, recalling the wanted order seen on the wall before, and looking at the mission of "Truthless Absconder", Lin Chi asked the Spaniard who was still standing in the hall: "Do you know? Sam Clark?

"The one who absconded with secrets?" The Spaniard frowned.

"That's right. Is there any information about him?" Lin Chi asked.

"For the sake of solving the hostage crisis, let me tell you some secrets. Don't tell other people." The bald Spaniard leaned into Lin Chi's ear, and the god mysterious whispered secretly: "The man stole away. It is a kind of military stimulant, which is said to allow soldiers to explode all the potential of the body in a short period of time without side effects. If you can find this thing back, we can provide you with a few free copies, how about it?"

"Explosive potential? Sounds good." Lin Chi smiled.

After getting the information, he casually said a few more words, and took Woods and Eric to leave the skyscraper and return to the square in front of the building.

Although the previous "honest person" NPC can be recruited, what Lin Chi is more interested in now is the so-called military stimulant.

He had received similar "Red Bull" stimulants before, but what the Spaniard said should be something more powerful.

What Sam Clark holds is the drug that can make the "physical potential" explode to the next stage. If you can get this thing, the effect will definitely be much more powerful than that of Red Bull!

"Then look for it..." Lin Chi raised his head and looked at the bleak sky of Kayaland.


I’ve been watching Ti these nights, and I’m tired of writing...

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