War Paradise

Chapter 869

After rushing all the way into another wood in the park, after getting out of the scope of the royal armor, Lin Chi nodded to the panting girl and smiled: "Good job."

In a life-and-death situation, Darian also played a stronger than usual ability, hacking the other party's radio channel in a short time. Help them escape from the muzzle of the royal armor.

But Lin Chi also knew very well that this method alone could not win the battle.

The reason why the radio used by the enemy can be broken so quickly is also because the royal armor of the army selected in the last pick can only choose the Sri Lankan army with backward equipment. If you encounter powerful special forces, this method will not work at all.

Moreover, the enemy should have sent troops here just now, and it's almost here...

"Ready to fight."

Following Lin Chi's order, the SOG soldiers immediately dispersed, using the trees in the forest as a cover, aimed their guns at the front fan-shaped area, and prepared to shoot any humanoid objects that appeared from the entrance of the park.

SOG without advanced equipment can still not resist those opponents who use thermal imaging lenses. But the army from Sri Lanka should not have thermal imaging equipment. The only threats now are probably the Royal Armor himself and his two entourages.

Lin Chi squinted his eyes and stared at the small forest opposite the clearing. Then he quickly noticed that some moving figures appeared in the forest.

The enemy has chased it over, and did not enter the open space dead, but intends to attack from the side. Now to attack them, using a sniper rifle is undoubtedly the best choice.

The M82A1 "Barrett" in Lin Chi's hands has long since run out of bullets. However, now he is not the only sniper rifle in his hand:

He took out the PSG-1 sniper rifle from his backpack and started aiming at the enemy in the forest.

——Because Eric was injured and unable to fight, the soldier who was resting in the safe house also asked others to hand over this sniper rifle to the commander. And this extremely accurate sniper rifle is actually more suitable for this battlefield than the M82A1.


Lin Chi's fingers flicked the PSG-1's cold gun body, and he started to breathe stably while aiming, pointed the muzzle at the body of an enemy in the forest, tilted it slightly to the right, and then decisively pulled the trigger.


The PSG-1 with its own silencer reverberated in the quiet night sky. A hapless guy was rushing forward. His body happened to hit the bullet shot by Lin Chi, and his body fell to the ground. He was standing. There was a cloud of blood mist floating at the location.

"Confirm kill." There was a cold voice on the radio.

After a shot hit, the enemy in the small wood did not lie down, but speeded up to go around to the right, planning to use the flowerbeds and a few small stalls next to cover to attack Lin Chi and others who were hidden inside the park.

However, when the enemy arrived at that position, the SOG soldiers without a sniper rifle were finally able to attack them.

For a time there was a loud gunshot in the park, and the hot line carried by the bullet was like an arc-shaped laser, reflecting the dark night sky. MACV-SOG from United States engaged in a bloody exchange of fire with Sri Lanka's commando team that specializes in hunting terrorists.

The Sri Lankan soldiers' magazines were filled with a small amount of tracer bullets, and the strong light that they brought out brightened everyone's eyes. The SOG soldiers simply took off the night vision goggles and used their naked eyes to aim at the enemy and open fire.

This park, which has not been tainted by the war, is called a "haven paradise", and finally, like the city, ignited a raging war. When the SOG soldiers met the enemy, Lin Chi did not continue to use the sniper rifle to kill those enemies. Instead, he turned his gaze to the other side, where the Sri Lankan soldiers appeared in the opposite direction.

The royal armor that threatened the most and the two entourages of that guy hadn't appeared yet. Those who are shooting are all Sri Lankan commando soldiers. The real danger is likely to be hidden nearby, waiting for the moment of maneuvering.

——If the enemy intends to come around from the back of the park, the soldiers of Sri Lanka should not reveal their position so quickly. It is the correct way to complete the encirclement slowly. In other words, if the Royal Armor and his entourage want to do something, they will start to act almost immediately in order to take advantage of the Sri Lankan commando that is attracting firepower.

Where is the enemy hiding?

Lin Chi was very calm, temporarily ignoring the bullet rain attacking the SOG soldiers from the right hand side, observing the open space that was not touched by the flames of war, and the woods where he had just hidden.

Then, he keenly noticed that there was a wriggling shadow.

After confirming the enemy’s location, Lin Chi immediately set up his sniper rifle and pointed the muzzle in that direction. Before he could accurately aim, he saw a Daoist shadow rushing out from there, as fast as he was hunting. America Leopard.

"Kill the people in the clearing."

While giving the order, Lin Chi changed into ACR and aimed at the guy who was galloping and fired. Woods also turned his gun to the man who was sprinting, and fired without saying a word.

The man looked like he was not wearing pants, running so fast that it was doubtful whether he was riding an invisible motorcycle. The bullets shot by Lin Chi and Woods were all thrown away by the man, and blasted on the dirt behind each other's body.

"It's a damn military stimulant, kill him!" Lin Chi shouted.

Looking at the speed at which the opponent surpassed the limit of humans, it was obviously the use of military stimulants. If you don't solve the problem immediately and let him get close to the melee range, the soldiers of SOG will be in danger!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of bullets blasted over. After Lin Chi and Woods retreated to the tree embarrassedly, the Sri Lankan soldiers tacitly began to cover the man without pants, and the firepower was much stronger than before.

In order to prevent the enemy from continuing to rush over from the open space, Lin Chi took out Hydra's toxin box, smashed a "test tube" and threw it at the open space in the park. Although according to his experience, the poison gas in the poison box generally takes effect very slowly, but maybe it can delay the enemy's pace.

With a loud noise, the man who was running wild in the clearing burst out with a dazzling fire from the muzzle in his hand, like a huge flash bomb, so that the soldiers of SOG temporarily lost their eyesight and could only continue to fire in the direction they were aimed at. .

——They are getting close!

Perceiving the enemy's tactics, Lin Chi put away the ACR that had just emptied a magazine, replaced it with two sabers, and started to prepare for close combat with his vision blurred.

"Don't think I can't play with a knife..." He laughed.

Even if the physical attributes can't compete with the "monsters" using military stimulants, now they can only fight to the death.

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