War Paradise

Chapter 879 Wheelchair God of War-1

Use the elevator of the refuge to carry the wheelchair to the ground, and the two "warriors" in electric wheelchairs returned to the desolate street.

"That's the drone you are talking about?" Mason's eyes widened.

He has been staying in the safe house because of his injuries. Although he learned about the drone from radio communications, it was the first time he saw the real thing.

More than a dozen "sparrows" were hovering in the air, and the wolf that was scared away by projection and sound did not return here. Since Lin Chi's jammer was still in effect, the Sparrow drones also automatically ignored the existence of the two, and did not fire on the two who were moving.

"Keep within ten meters of mine, otherwise they will attack you." Lin Chi reminded.

"Understood." Mason nodded.

The two drove silver electric wheelchairs and drove across the burning battlefield. The streets were full of flames. There was no need to use night vision to see the surrounding conditions.

"Go to the park and come with me." Lin Chi gave instructions over the radio.

——Now, other players don't know that the jammer has been taken away, and the battle over the park should continue. Although the location of the jammer to the south is also the battlefield, there is probably a "fairy fight" scene of coach VS Burning demon being staged there, and Lin Chi has absolutely no intention to join in the fun.

At this point, he has already obtained six points, as long as he kills two more players, he can get eight points and the war is over!

The engine behind the electric wheelchair continued to make a low buzzing sound, and two experienced drivers galloped on the battlefield in their wheelchairs.

At the same time, the audience who witnessed this scene were basically in a state of surprise...

Since the footage from the safe house will not be broadcast live, the audience naturally cannot see what Lin Chi found in the underground warehouse. They thought that the injured player would play again after finding a way to heal the injury. Thinking of this guy, he chose to drive a wheelchair...

Soon, the game’s official forum was flooded with a lot of discussions about this matter, and the style of discussion quickly turned from joking to serious:

"I'm going, is this the legendary wheelchair God of War? 》

"Shocked, there is a player driving a wheelchair on the battlefield..."

"Is it too ironic if you win the championship?" 》


All kinds of discussions were endless, and many players who had not given any hope of "backflow" in the early stage of the game, finally began to pay attention to this player.

Now, including the women Martial Sage and Carol known as the "Twin Kings", the top shooting game player Royal Armor, the terrifying murderer "Blood Blade"... a large number of favorites have been eliminated. Among the remaining players, in addition to the coach and Burning Demon, it seems that the little-known "countercurrent" is the most promising to win the championship.

Now the coach and Burning Demon are still facing each other, neither of them dared to approach the jammer. If you take advantage of this opportunity to score two points against the current, this game will be over!

At this time, many spectators who didn't know the player at first began to speculate about his origins-most of the players who can make their mark in brain imaging games are old players who have been tried and tested. However, none of the famous players in the past used this ID.

——Who is this guy? Could it be that the gangster changed his name to abuse the account of the dish?

Looking at the smiling young man sitting on the wheelchair, many viewers were deeply confused.

However, Lin Chi naturally doesn't care about the audience's opinion. He is driving a wheelchair, keenly avoiding obstacles on the street.

The tires rubbed against the ground and made a hissing noise. The electric wheelchair driven by Lin Chi passed by the wreckage of an armored vehicle. Mason also immediately followed. The two wheelchairs started a "chase war" on the street one after the other.

"I feel like a NASCAR (National Sports Car Race) professional driver." Mason laughed.

He had been holding back in the safe room and couldn't fight. He finally got the chance to fight again, and he was naturally excited at this time. Although the driving vehicle is a bit weird, there is no need to care about such trivial matters until now.


Under the camera of the Sparrow drone, two silver "chariots" brought out a long silver light, swept across the street, and rushed to the suburban park.


Lin Chi drove his wheelchair to a stop on the street 500 meters away from the park, picked up the sniper scope, and began to observe the scene in the park.

As the nearby buildings have been razed to the ground by bombs, you can see the pictures of the outside of the park from here. What enters the line of sight is a large amount of smoke and flames, more than a dozen evil wolf drones that are constantly pounced on, and the evil wolves. The human-like shadow that the wolf bites.

"what is that……"

Picking up an M14 combat rifle, using a scope to observe Mason in the park, and seeing a strange picture inside the park. Even if you don't know what happened, just looking at the scene is already exciting enough.

——Is it a boss fight?

Looking at the hand-to-hand combat that was still going on outside the park, Lin Chi always felt that something was amiss.

If the guy fighting with the wolf is really a boss, it would be too foul to dissolve nearby humans. And when I was in the park just now, I didn't receive a prompt to trigger a boss fight.

In any case, breaking into that battlefield now is definitely an act of death from beginning to end. There was a raging fire on the east side of the park again. If you want to sneak into this park, entering from the southwest corner should be the best choice.

——Not only myself, but the enemy should think so too...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi turned his head and looked at the southwest side of the park that was illuminated by the fire, and then said to Mason, "Come here and be more vigilant."

"Received." Mason responded immediately.

The two drove electric wheelchairs and drove into a green space from the steps at the southeast corner of the park. With the powerful shock absorption system of the wheelchair, they did not feel the violent bumps. Even if they climbed the steps, the driving feel was as smooth as silk.

"This wheelchair is really good." Mason said with emotion: "If I can't use my legs when I retire, I must buy one."

"At that time, maybe even the exoskeleton will come out." Lin Chi smiled.

"What is an exoskeleton?" Mason turned his head to look at him in confusion.

"It's okay, you will know later."

Lin Chi said mysteriously as he drove his wheelchair to search on the southwest side of the park, and under the premise that he was as low-key as possible, he began to look for possible traces left by other players.

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