War Paradise

Chapter 883

——Is there any use for luck?

Since the beginning of the test of "War Paradise", this issue has become the focus of debate among a group of people. To this day, many players are still arguing about this issue.

Since most of the skills and equipment will not affect the lucky attribute, it is very difficult for the player to pile up the luck in a game. With that effort, the physical attributes of Ascension, strength, agility and endurance, are much higher than the benefits of increasing luck.

Most players prioritize the physical attributes of Ascension in the game. After the recruitment of mercenaries and the purchase of safe houses, there is no time to pay attention to the lucky attributes. Even if someone wants to take the route of master and luck, they will basically die in the first middle stage of the game, or even fail to reach the back.

Because of this, most players are still skeptical about the usefulness of the lucky value attribute. After all, they have never experienced the effect of this attribute, and basically ignored the existence of this attribute in the game.

However, after the end of this invitational tournament, the discussion on "whether lucky attributes are useful or not" will definitely come to an end...

"Can it be like this?"

Sitting in a private house watching the live broadcast, the "Terminator" could hardly believe his own eyes. He raised the virtual character's right hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously, staring at the live broadcast of the swimming pool captured by the spherical camera.

Thirty-millimeter-caliber cannonballs poured down like a rainstorm covering the entire swimming pool. The originally well-preserved swimming pool has long been razed to the ground, with dazzling fire and building debris everywhere, and the ground seems to have been ploughed several times and turned into a huge pit.

The spectators who witnessed the whole process of the battle are very clear that the fire demon and the coach who entered the swimming pool did not seize the jammer in the swimming pool. Instead, they took the initiative to shut down the large shielding device here, making the The swimming pool that cannot be attacked by drones, like the park on the north side of the map, has become the target of drone attacks.

After the dozens of "sparrows" in the air found the target, they began to carry out endless attacks, and the two warring parties also began to fire at each other, and the troops under the two were quickly wiped out. The entourage did not know whether he was dead or hiding elsewhere, and did not appear in the swimming pool.

But... ten minutes after the troops were completely destroyed, the commanders on both sides were still alive.

The two Daoist shadows stood in the faintly recognizable swimming pool, staring at each other motionlessly. The shells fired by the drone seemed to miss them deliberately, and none of them hit a place within ten meters of them. Even the shrapnel splashing around seemed to grow eyes and automatically avoided the two people.

"Your sister, is this really good..."

The Terminator who was watching the battle recalled the horror of his countless anger and anger, and he had no thought of complaining about it, and only a wave of nameless anger rose from his chest.

He rarely exceeds 10 points, and he often gives out blood because of various accidents. The Terminator can see that the two currently competing in the swimming pool are two extremes compared to themselves:

Those two damn "European Emperors" have completely evaded all the attacks of drones through super high lucky points!

With the blessing of the lucky value, they don't need to make any evasive actions at all. They are in a completely safe area wherever they go. The bullets fired by both sides also missed the other's body and blasted into the ruins of the swimming pool.

"Friend, you are amazing."

The sound of burning demons was overwhelmed by the roar of the bomb explosion, but it was still clearly transmitted to the coach's ears through the earphones: "I really envy you, such a lucky guy."

"Don't pretend." The coach coldly answered the opponent's question, his voice sounded weak and weak, and his arms were hanging weakly at his sides, as if he might fall down at any time.

Since other methods can't work, in order to fight against the horror existence of burning demons, the coach's choice is to use attribute conversion and allocate most of own attribute points to luck.

As a result, this decisive battle in the swimming pool has become a "lucky value showdown" between the two super European emperors!

The young man with messy hair and the "popular face" with a pointed hat and a moustache stood in the rain of bullets and confronted the enemy.

After discovering that the bullet could not hit the opponent at all, the two who were competing for character in the rain of bullets also decisively gave up and continued firing, becoming a "chat stream" standing in place.

"Those who rely solely on luck have left soon." The coach's deep voice sounded.

"I'm not just relying on luck?" Ran Mo smiled helplessly: "My technology is also very good, but no one teamed up with me."

——As the “Lone Star” in the brain imaging game world, people who have understood the glorious deeds of Burning Demon before, dare not team up with him at all. The Burning Demon who originally wanted to play MMORPG happily, because he couldn't find his teammates, could only come to "War Paradise" and became a lone ranger.

Thanks to his weird ability to absorb the luck of his teammates, two of his followers have also died. As for the elite special forces under his command, they died together with the one under the coach.

However, even if those people did not die by chance, it would be impossible to survive a bombing of this scale...

"Don't attack me?" Ran Mo smiled and stared at the saber in the coach's hand.

The coach did not answer the opponent's question.

——Unlike the damn true European emperor like Burning Demon, his luck is obtained at the expense of other attributes. At this time, the coach is so weak that he cannot attack. Once he starts close combat, he will probably immediately Expose the stuffing.

However, Burning Demon, who has just joined the game for a short time, doesn't know that the coach has the skill of attribute conversion, and he is completely unclear about the principle of that skill. Due to insufficient information, he did not dare to approach the coach rashly.

Moreover, the remaining players in this game are not the only two of them.

Through satellite scanning once every ten minutes, they naturally found that the "countercurrent" was approaching this area. Both of them know very well that in this kind of incredible duel, the third person who breaks into the battlefield is likely to be the key to determining the outcome!

The unharmed Burning Demon reached out and touched his forehead, wiped off a few beads of sweat caused by the high temperature nearby, and squinted at the motionless coach.

——He has a hunch that this game is about to end.

It’s completely impossible for a guy like "reverse" to win with insufficient luck. The next thing to watch is whether he or the opposite "coach" will have the last laugh.

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