War Paradise

Chapter 904 Holy Maiden of Mephistopheles

"So, this is why you need a lot of sacrifices?" Lin Chi stared at the rotting hands on the wooden table.

Now that Mephistopheles has personally confirmed the fact that he is in a weak state, it seems that his previous tragic inference has come true: the "god" in his camp is indeed the most delicious one in Sodom.

"After the last war, my divine power has declined." Mephistopheles readily admitted this fact, and then suddenly changed his words: "The Walking Dead, can you bring me sacrifices? As long as you can get enough A powerful living sacrifice, my divine power can be restored..."

"Are there any rewards?" Lin Chi asked immediately.

The slightly shaking candle light made the lines on his face more profound, and the low-pressure tone made Lin Chi seem like a complete "villain character".

After he asked the question, Devil's whisper sounded again:

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a soul. If you can bring a living sacrifice with powerful power to my altar, while restoring your power, I will also give you a small amount of power to make you the strongest under my command. Great practitioner, how about this? Walking dead."

"Deal." Lin Chi nodded and put the candlestick on the wooden table.

It seems that besides gaining spirits, there are other ways to gain strength. However, it is not an easy task to kidnap people with power here.

After killing the original owner, Lin Chi has become the owner of this ruined house. Although it is not a safe house, there is a small Mephistopheles altar in the house, which undoubtedly provides a lot of advantages for itself.

Moreover, when it comes to "a person with great power," Lin Chi already has almost a goal.

He opened the closet in the bedroom and searched it, and found a set of brown coat and a top hat that was more tightly wrapped inside. After putting on this suit, his face was mostly covered, after all. So conspicuous.

"Go, walking corpse, bring back prey for your gods."

As Devil, Mephistopheles’ words were extremely straightforward. Lin Chi didn’t bother to say "praise my lord" and other polite words. He just got to the point and asked: "Is there anything in the city that can hire killers, or get them? Where is the information?"

"Walking corpse, come to the front of the altar. I will give you my mark. Go west from here and find a chapel with a white spire. Show my mark to the gatekeeper and you will get help."

Hearing this, Lin Chi stood in front of the statue of Mephistopheles, with a burning pain in his left forearm.

He rolled up his sleeves and saw a black circular crest appeared on own arm. There were complicated line patterns in the ring, which looked like random graffiti without any rules.

Unlike the wound on his shoulder that had healed, the coat of arms that Devil Mephistophe had personally bestowed showed no signs of abating. And the pain just now was also the first time that Lin Chi's dead body felt a clear pain.

Lin Chi opened the status bar and took a look, only to see that he had obtained a new status:

Mephistopheles' gifts:Mephistopheles gave you his coat of arms, and now you can ask the secret assembly of Mephistopheles in the city for help.

Seeing the newly acquired BUFF, Lin Chi asked casually: "Is there anyone else who has been given a coat of arms by you?"

"Pay attention to your identity, walking corpse." Mephistopheles laughed lowly: "Of course you are not the only cursed under me. They are also serving me, don't try to interfere with their actions."

——In other words, are there other players who have also obtained this emblem...

Realizing that there are many competitors in his own "same door", Lin Chi smiled, and blocked his bloodless chin with the stand-up collar of his coat, stood next to the corpse in front of the door, and took out this building from the opponent's pocket. The key to the house.

Leaving the "criminal den" piled with corpses, the murderer wrapped in a coat, followed the information provided by Mephistopheles, and walked towards the chapel on the west side.

Cautiously avoiding the soldiers patrolling the street, Lin Chi hurriedly walked to the west. After twenty minutes, he finally saw a white spire building standing at the end of the street.

The walls of that building are holy and pure white, and the gorgeous reliefs in front of the steps are in sharp contrast with the broken houses next to them. It’s a pity that the two Mephistopheles statues on both sides of the door completely destroyed the "Sacred" "atmosphere of.

Lin Chi stood in front of the wooden door of the chapel, raised his hand and knocked on the door twice. The small window on the door was opened. A pair of turbid yellow eyes stared at him alertly, and a hoarse male voice rang:

"The Mephistopheles are only open during the day. You chose the wrong time, believer."

Lin Chi didn't speak, but just raised his left hand and rolled up his own sleeves, and presented the coat of arms given by Mephistopheles to the opponent's eyes.

When seeing the coat of arms, the man's eyes suddenly widened, and the locked wooden door clicked, and immediately opened back:

"Please come in, please come in!" the man said loudly.

Lin Chi walked into the chapel, and the ragged middle-aged man closed the door heavily behind him. The soft candlelight in the house illuminates this not-so-wide space.

In addition to this doorman in the chapel, there are several other men in ragged clothes sitting on creaky broken wooden chairs. When Lin Chi appeared, these people stood up and cast doubtful glances at him. But when they saw the coat of arms on Lin Chi's arm by candlelight, these guys instantly changed into a look of awe, turning their faces faster than turning a book.

"It's the messenger of God Mephistopheles!" An old man with an exploded head raised his arms, acting exaggeratedly like a lame actor, but his excitement was from his heart.

Looking at the group of idiots in the chapel who seemed to be excited to have a heart attack, Lin Chi looked around and asked: "In order to provide a powerful living sacrifice to the God of Mephistopheles, I need some information and help. Can you Help?"

"Please go in, our master is inside!" The exploded head pointed to a small wooden door beside him.

Lin Chi opened the wooden door and entered the area inside the chapel. There was no candlelight or moonlight here, only complete darkness filled his eyes, and nothing could be seen.

"Hello?" He asked tentatively.

Two seconds later, a calm and soft female voice came from directly in front of Lin Chi:

"Welcome, messenger."

As if in response to this sound, a small window on the right suddenly opened, and a beam of moonlight poured down from the window, reflecting the figure in the white skirt standing in the middle of the room.

The silver-haired young woman stepped forward slowly, her slender and white arms seemed transparent in the moonlight, her hair tied into a bundle behind her head, her light brown eyes were extremely clear, and she stared at Lin Chi without blinking.

"Welcome, come to Lord Mephistopheles' chapel."

While speaking, a shallow smile appeared on Holy Maiden's beautiful face.

However, Lin Chi was not confused by this guy's "Sacred aura", he just laughed and asked, "Is this way of going on stage a good rehearsal?"

"Please don't care about irrelevant questions, Courier." Holy Maiden nodded slightly, and continued to look at Lin Chi's face hidden in the shadow of the brim of his hat.

At this time, Lin Chi also saw a red skull logo and a text introducing the name of the NPC:

"Holy Maiden Moriya, a hero-level NPC, recruitable (requires completion of the task)."


Realizing that the woman in front of him is a recruitable entourage, Lin Chi raised an eyebrow, stood in front of the "Holy Maiden" who believes in Mephistopheles, and asked, "Are you the owner of this chapel?"

"The God Mephistopheles gave me the task of Sacred, and I will definitely complete the mission bestowed by that adult." Mo Liya smiled slightly, stretched out her right hand with five rings, and stroked Lin Chi coldly. The face of the deceased: "Now, please make your request."

"Well, I need some information about this city." Lin Chi went straight to the topic.

With the convenience provided by Mephistopheles, he is now a "VIP" in the chapel. In this way, I, who did not check the strategy before entering the game, can finally figure out the background story of this map.

"Well, Sir Courier, please sit down." Moriya pointed to a wooden chair against the wall: "This will be a very long story..."


Hundreds of years ago, the residents of Sodom used to believe in normal gods. But at that time, the city was a notorious "City of Sin".

The people in the city indulged their own desires, completely ignored the teachings of the gods, and all kinds of blasphemy behaviors emerged one after another. But these guys continue their blasphemy behavior that is inexcusable to heaven under the guise of "My existence is a masterpiece of the gods".

In the eyes of the aborigines of Sodom City, the reason why they became like this was the will of the gods. Only by continuing to maintain their own nature can they be considered worthy of this body bestowed by the gods.

The residents here are radical liberals, and their existence makes heaven completely intolerable. Finally, one day, heaven sent several angels of war to try to drop the sky fire and completely erase this blasphemous city from the ground.

Then... the "god" that the city now believes in came suddenly without warning."In other words, this city was saved by them?" Lin Chi asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Master Messenger." Moriya nodded slightly, her face still smiling as usual: "The adults who were once regarded as Devil, saved the city from the evil angels. , To save Sodom from the doom of destruction. With the joint efforts of Lord Samael and Lord Mephistopheles, they successfully repelled the angels and made the evil forces of heaven never dare to take possession of the city. "

"I think your definition of'evil' seems to be wrong." Lin Chi vomited.

"The angels want to destroy all the residents here based on their own judgment. Isn't this evil?" The skull ring on Mooriya's hand flashed a faint cold light in the moonlight: "The gods should protect the people, and It is not to slaughter the people. The adults who protected the people are the patron saint of Sodom."

"Well, I admit that you are right." Lin Chi didn't want to continue this topic.

Now that he is still the cursed under Mephistopheles, it would not be a good thing to annoy the Holy Maiden, a chapel that believes in Mephistopheles.

After understanding the story of Sodom City’s past, Lin Chi asked a new question: "Since Mephistopheles was very strong then, why is it weak now?"

"After several gods protected the city of Sodom, the furious heavenly forces ordered the Holy Light Knights in several nearby cities to attack this place."

Speaking of this, Holy Maiden's facial muscles twitched slightly, as if a little angry: "At that time, Lord Mephistopheles led the soldiers to meet him. Although the Knights were wiped out, Mephistopheles was big. People have also suffered heavy losses. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the few gods who were not powerful began to swallow the territory of Lord Mephistopheles..."

"So, Feng Shui takes turns." Lin Chi nodded.

"My lord messenger, the reason why we are empowered by Lord Mephistopheles is to restore the glory of Mephistopheles. In order to let Mephistopheles shine throughout Sodom, I will do my best to assist you." Mo Liya bent down slightly and bowed slightly to Lin Chi.

"Well, I'm here for this."

Seeing that the other party looked like "you can do anything", Lin Chi finally entered the topic: "I need information about the heretical trial group in Sodom. The more specific the better, and the help of a few'skilled workers'. I carry living sacrifices."

As soon as she said this, Moria blinked suddenly, as if she was a little surprised, then immediately returned to normal, nodded and said: "Yes, I will provide you with a map and manpower. But Messenger, this is not wise. s Choice……"

"Why do you say that?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman in white.

"We have also tried to capture members of the heretical trial team to provide strength to Lord Mephistopheles. But this organization is ruled by that...'God King'. The power of the Divine King is not something we can contend with. , Once found, you will have no bones left." Mooriya explained.

"Who is the God King?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

"I'm sorry I can't say his name." Moriya shook her head in frustration, "The city is replaced by the title of God King, even if it is Lord Mephistopheles and several other gods, it is not. The opponent of the'God King'."

"All right."

Realizing that Moliya really couldn't answer this question, Lin Chi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry so much, just provide a map and manpower."

——He also knows very well that it is a very dangerous move to arrest the white-robed men of the heretical trial team. But if you want a fast Ascension power, this is undoubtedly the fastest way. On the way to the action, you may be able to get some good trophies.

Now that the action goal has been determined, then...just need to execute it.

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