War Paradise

Chapter 910 Blood Territory

Unusually dull laughter sounded from the chapel.

The walking corpse standing inside the chapel, like an evil villain character, stood still and laughed after killing the player.

Lin Chi, who entered the game originally just to relax, didn't think much about it in this game. He just wanted to kill all the other players as soon as possible, and then recruit the leader-level entourage in the map.

At this time, he has entered the role of the "cursed". There seemed to be an evil aura between the gestures, and compared with the "Holy Maiden" around him, it seemed to be two extremes.

"Don't let me down, walking dead..." Mephistopheles whispered to Lin Chi.

While talking, Mephistopheles, who had recovered his soul, added a little attribute value to Lin Chi again.

In order to reproduce the glory of the past, this "god" put most of own's bet on Lin Chi. After all, Mephistopheles now has no other subordinates except a bunch of weak believers.

"The walking dead, you have to be careful of Faust." Mephistopheles reminded.

"I know..." Lin Chi nodded and pretended to ask casually: "I heard that there is a sealed god south of Sodom, do you know anything?"

"There are no sealed gods here." Mephistopheles said.

Lin Chi knew that Mephistopheles was probably lying. However, if this guy really didn't intend to say it, it would be impossible for him to ask any information from the "God". Information about the entourage recorded in the observer contract can only be collected from other places.

After chatting with Moria for a few more words, Lin Chi did not receive any quests, realizing that this entourage could not be recruited so easily, Lin Chi took a rest for a while, and then left Mephistopheles' chapel.

——While the sun has not yet risen, he has other things to do.

The first problem to be solved is the stench that emanates from his body.

"There should be a spice shop in the city, right?"

Lin Chi knew very well that in Mephistopheles' poverty-stricken territory, there could be no shops selling spices. If you want to find this kind of storefront, head to the site of the greedy demon Mamen, you should get a little reward.

According to Mammon, his territory is south of Sodom, where information about the sealed gods may be obtained, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi avoided the soldiers searching in the street and moved towards the south of the city.

After the commotion just now, the number of soldiers on the street has obviously increased a lot. The soldiers who were still yawning and yawning all became serious, drawing out their weapons and interrogating all the pedestrians passing by on the street.

But these soldiers didn't notice at all. A fast moving figure passed quietly through the shadow of the house on the roadside.

At this time, Lin Chi's strength reached 15 points, and the other three attribute values ​​were all 16. Compared with the sad situation when he first entered the game, it can be said that a "salted fish stand up" and completed a gorgeous counterattack.

With the ascending of the physical attributes, his movement speed is also much faster. After all, I don’t have to stop and rest every few steps.

Lin Chi bypassed the realm of the King of Gods and entered the area on the west side of Sodom City. Unlike other realms, there are no statues and murals of "gods" here. Instead, there are a large number of sharp sharp points standing on the street. prick.

The sharpened blood-stained wooden stakes stood on both sides of the road. Just looking at it revealed a strong sense of oppression, making Lin Chi couldn't help clenching his fists.

——What architectural style is this?

Looking over the fairly normal rocky house on the street, and seeing a few guards approaching in front of him, Lin Chi immediately slid into the nearby yard and leaned against the corner to avoid the guards.

In this territory, he did not see any murals or slogans, except for the stakes on the street higher than the houses, there is no clue to explain the faith in this place.

Listening to the footsteps of the soldiers from far to near, Lin Chi quickly analyzed the situation here, and then immediately thought of a possibility:

"Could it be'Princess Man'?"

——It is said that Vlad III of ancient Romania once pierced a large number of enemy prisoners of war with wooden stakes, which made Turkish soldiers frightened by the wind, and thus obtained the title of piercing man. The grand prince also suffered from the strange disease of seeing blood and became crazy, and became the prototype of the famous vampire "Dracula" in later generations.

However, in a place like Sodom City, facing the various Devils occupying the entire city, the vampire Dracula may not be ranked at all. Even if he wants to develop his faith in the city, he will only end up being caught by other "gods". The ending of the execution.

If it is not Dracula who rules here, but other stronger existences, what monsters do the residents in this area believe in?

Waiting patiently until the footsteps of the soldiers faded away, Lin Chi walked out of the dark courtyard, preparing to find an unmanned residential house to intrude in, looking for clues about the faith here.

Observing the houses on both sides of the road along the street, Lin Chi immediately noticed another strange phenomenon:

The curtains of the houses here are extraordinarily heavy, blocking all the light. Just above the door of each house, a black cloth roof is installed, which seems to be used to block the sun.

"Is it really a vampire..."

Although it is still unclear what the residents here believe in, judging from these details, the possibility that Dracula is ruling this area seems to be getting higher and higher.

In this way, the personable earl of vampire may have obtained the power to contend with the demon god, and he has obtained the qualification to settle down in this city. However, the focus now is not this...

——If the residents here are all vampires, they must cover their bodies with clothing when they go out during the day to avoid being burned into coke by the deadly sunlight.

As long as you can pretend to be a local resident during the day, you don't have to worry about the appearance of the walking dead being recognized by the guards. Although it seems dangerous to steal something from a vampire, even if exposed, you should still be able to escape with your own combat power...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also decisively walked to the nearest house, preparing to pry open the window to get in and steal a piece of clothing.

However, before his hand touched the window, he heard a mournful wailing from the west side of the street:

"do not do that!"

The immature voice seemed to be from a little boy, and then there was a whirring cry. At the same time that sound sounded, a new task suddenly appeared in Lin Chi's task bar:

Start the mission: Blood of the Night.

Find help seekers and investigate the legends about "blood" in this area.

Task reward: unknown.

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