War Paradise

Chapter 916

"The cursed... is the cursed!"

The human guards who had been supported from nearby blocks stood on both sides of the fort and did not dare to take a step closer.


The dull loud noise was like a death knell that shook the scalp of nearby soldiers. The giant in "scaly armor" stretched out a big hand to tear open a wall and began to rudely demolish the entire fortress.

Seeing that the giant was doing whatever he wanted, the guards had nothing to do. It was beyond their ability to deal with the cursed person who had gained divine power.

Now, we can only wait for reinforcements sent by Samael.

——The messenger sent out has almost arrived at the nearby Samael altar now, right?

Just as the guards were guessing, the air around them suddenly became cold, and the airflow was sucked behind them, creating an angry cold wind.

"This is……"

Perceiving the abnormal situation nearby, the guards who were waiting on the west side of the fortress suddenly turned their heads, but it was not the reinforcements of Samael who were waiting, but the god of death who came suddenly!


The voice in a soldier's throat was cut off sharply and cleanly. The gray mist rose from the soldiers' bodies, floated through the armor, and was sucked into the short knife in the opponent's hand and turned into a blade. A glimmer of light on.

At the moment when the soul disappeared, the armors on the soldiers were like toppled building blocks, falling to the ground with a crisp clinking sound, and ashes flowed out of the armor, raising a gray mist.

"Hey, has it already started?"

The man who extracted the soldier's soul raised his head and stared at the giant who was "demolition", and then laughed in a low voice.

For the player, the appearance of this virtual character is quite weird. He is neither a handsome beauty model common to ordinary players, nor a "realistic" type similar to a coach. But similar to Frankenstein, he chose to follow the route of monster player.

Just looking at the flowing hair and pale golden eyes, this man can be called a beautiful man. But-half of the skin on his face disappeared directly.

The upper half of his face looked normal, but the face from the middle of the nose was directly exposed with facial muscles, and his gums and neat teeth were also exposed, which looked particularly horrible.

The man put on his black hood again, hiding the upper half of his face in the shadows, only showing his scarlet chin, he threw a handle of Flying Daggers back without looking back, and a man who was about to attack him behind him, covered it. He fell down with his nailed neck.

As the assailant fell, a ray of green spirit floated from the corpse into the hands of the man in the hood. The assailant's body turned into fragments and disappeared without a trace, and a line of kill prompts popped out:

The player "Eat Eggplant" was killed by the player "Bone Saw"!

Looking down at the spirit in his hand, the player named "Bone Saw" grunted his teeth, stuffed the spirit drawn from the player into his backpack, turned around, and walked towards the giant who was destroying the fortress. There was a little song that I didn't know where I learned from.


The ceiling of the fortress was roughly lifted by the large hands covered with scales, and the dim moonlight cast down and hit the silver floor.

Lin Chi, holding a dark sword, sprinted through the fortress directly in front of the enemy.

At this moment, the Dark Sword's own "touching" skill was still in a state where it could not be activated. Obviously, the huge giant hadn't been able to spot him yet. But to go down at this speed and be exposed to the enemy's sight is just a matter of time.

"Mephistopheles is too useless..." Lin Chi murmured inwardly.

Seeing the combat power of the players under Samael and Leviathan, and looking at the attribute value on his body that was bestowed by Mephistopheles, Lin Chi didn’t even have the feeling of complaining anymore, just relying on the effect of Titan's Grip. Run forward, avoiding the giant's sight.

Boom, boom, boom.

The heavy footsteps of the giant shook the entire fortress, and a broken ceiling collapsed, smashing the two bookshelves displayed inside the fortress.

There are many bookshelves on both sides of the winding passage inside the fortress. Due to time constraints, Lin has no time to look up the contents of the classics here. But judging from the spine of those old books, the books stored here should be very old.

This building, which looks like a war fortress, looks like a library inside. The player who turned into a giant has turned the closed library into a semi-outdoor building at this time.

——However, did this guy come to grab the book, or did he simply want to destroy the building?

Realizing that the player's actions seemed a bit too rough, Lin Chi frowned slightly, and clenched the hilt of the Dark Sword.

He thought that the other party was here to snatch the Scarlet Book, but this giant's move was more like an attempt to destroy the entire fortress. In this way, the player may have received the instruction to "destroy this building" from Leviathan's altar.

Moreover, if you want to snatch a book, it is too inconvenient to use the body of a giant.

Could it be said that the reason why this player turned into a giant through divine power was to completely destroy the fortress?

If this is the case, in order to prevent the "Crimson Book" from being destroyed, he must kill the indestructible giant.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also turned around decisively, preparing to use the Dark Sword to cut through the scale armor on the giant's body.

But at this moment, the giant's footsteps suddenly stopped.


The noise in the fortress disappeared and was replaced by a dangerous silence. Under Lin Chi's gaze, the huge body that was destroying the fortress fell to his knees heavily, raising a large amount of dust.

Immediately afterwards, the player's body turned into shining fragments and scattered around, disappearing without a trace, a ray of blue light floated down from where he was originally, and fell into the ruins of the fortress.

——The player "CYS" was killed by the player "Bone Saw"!

Seeing this killing prompt, Lin Chi suddenly backed away, escaping into the shadow between the two bookshelves, standing in place, avoiding the position that could be seen from the outside of the ruins.

The player who can kill that giant in seconds is definitely not a waiter, and it should be much more powerful than the two who were singled out on the street just now. With his current weak body, the odds of winning against the "Bone Saw" are definitely very slim!

——In order to avoid being directly killed by the opponent, at this time, I can only avoid it temporarily.

"Why am I assigned to this god..."

Lin Chi was secretly complaining, while waiting for the enemy to make the next move.

Then, he heard "Bone Saw" humming a little tune that was not in the tune, and the sound of footsteps and singing floated towards the inside of the fortress:

"Excuse me, is there any living person?" The bone saw asked in a gentle voice.

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